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bonfire [★] drown out your mind - Printable Version

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bonfire [★] drown out your mind - summer. - 05-18-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HE[color=#637ca9]RE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
Truthfully, the petite kodkod preferred her books to... Most anything.  Especially talking.  While she had said hello a few times, even greeted a face at the border, Summer slipped into the background on instinct.  Perfectly fine with keeping to herself and catching the news from the marketplace every once and a while.  Better than getting too involved.

As her namesake season approached, the paleblood grew more and more at ease with the new home she and Westley had chosen.  Sitting out along the edge of the jungle, letting the sun sink into her fur before it dipped below the horizon, bleeding the sky red.  She had no idea how Jack ended up here, but she... Well, she was bound to eventually.

Craving a bit more heat the small wildcat began gathering wood.  Tugging fallen branches and twigs.  Until she felt she had enough kindling.  Huffing out smoke through her nose in restless energy.  Meticulously examining the pile before truly letting go.  A soft but hot breath of flame.

Sea-colored hues gleamed as the wood caught and the fire grew.  Crackling and popping and dancing in the cool air of the night.  Summer smiled and sat back a safe distance before pulling her copy of the Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe out of her satchel.

Re: bonfire [★] drown out your mind - gael - 05-19-2021

The sight of smoke carried mixed feelings to the vulpine -- with so many relatively recent painful associations with fire, it was difficult not to be concerned.  However although bonfires had the potential to grow out of control, the Ardent doubted there was danger with the flames he found Summer sitting beside.  She was comfortable enough to grab a book after all.

Gael padded over in silence, curiously peering over the title before taking a seat.  His head inclined in approval, "that's a good read."  He would leave it at that however; there was little reason to disrupt her any further.  Instead, the faerie sat back and observed the flames.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: bonfire [★] drown out your mind - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-19-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Smoke was obviously something Dante was comfortable and familiar with, but that was to be expected, with the hybrid hardly ever seen without a cigarette with him. He didn't know of Aine or Gael's fear though, but it wasn't hard to notice the lack of bonfires that The Pitt had. Not that the group ever really did bonfires very often, but it was something Dante noticed didn't happen hardly at all. Suffice to say, he was curious when he saw smoke coming from town, walking to the find source.

"Well shit, did no one bring marshmellows?" Dante's voice was light and playful as he joined Gael and Summer, though distanced himself from the two of them (namely Gael, considering how he felt about the Ardent) and settled down to relax. He was going to enjoy this flame whether they wanted him here or not.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: bonfire [★] drown out your mind - aine. - 05-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Her father didn't seem to mind fire.  She always noticed the simple caution when the sight of it passed by.  She respected that.  After everything they lost to the flames... She wondered how he could be so calm.  What went through his mind.  But she... She struggled.  The smoke and taste of ash.  It set her nerves aflame.  Teeth catching the inside of her cheek.

Her wings shifted close to her sides.  Only drawn in by concern.  Frightened a forest fire had broken out somehow.  Between Kold and Ry... She really shouldn't be surprised by clanmates with the ability to breathe fire.  Ears flat as she hung by the edges of the jungle, even as her father approached the flames.

And the wildcat with the book... She had that book.  Recognized the title of it as she crept forward.  The druid breathed out shakily.  Distinctly ignoring Dante.  Intently focusing on the ground in front of the flames and the other girl.  Curious as to which poem or short story she was on.  Stubbornness drawing her closer.

Never truly as close to the warmth of the fire as she could be.  Catching Summer's curious glance with a shy smile, still holding back.  "W-which... Which work are you on?"

Re: bonfire [★] drown out your mind - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 05-22-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]

Posting as Asmodeus and Jor!

IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Smoke wafted through the air and into his nostrils, the memory of fire bringing a tang of fear that darted through his optics. Asmodeus padded out of his house from behind him, a yawn stretching his maw and Jor purred as he watched his son shift. "Let's go to the fire, pa." His son suggested, innocence in his gaze. Jor frowned, but nodded with a reluctant sigh, rising to his paws. His son didn't know what Elsweyr did to him, how that impacted his relationship with fire. "Let us, son..." He murmured, nudging Asmodeus' back to get him going.
Approaching the bonfire he narrowed his optics briefly at Gael, noticing an unfamiliar face reading a book he didn't care to recognise. The light danced, played with his feelings and drew evil patterns across the scars that broke his face. He padded towards Dante, leaving Asmodeus to run off and do whatever. Sat down next to the hybrid, resisting the urge to let air quench the flames. Instead, he let the smoke just hover around him and his friend.