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starlight brigade - open, crops - Printable Version

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starlight brigade - open, crops - ARLO M. - 05-18-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #9ADBD2; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #39888C;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
It had been a while since Arlo had checked up on his garden. His farm, of sorts. There had just been so much going on- from Aesior leaving, to Fraggle getting captured, it had been a blur. A headache, of sorts, but not one that Arlo was sure that he didn't want. The way he felt about Aesior.. his heart fluttered nervously when he thought about having to have a discussion with Aesior. Neither had admitted their feelings but perhaps it was time to have a chat.

He was sure that something was going on, after all.

He cleared these thoughts of his head as he stepped out of the cavern, shaking off some morning dew on his whiskers. Maybe he should take a bath soon. The waters were warming again, after all, it wasn't just the water from the thaw anymore. He yawned gently as he stepped over to the crops. As he looked over them, he was surprised they weren't dead at least, but they weren't huge. He exhaled gently, starting to move through the field and plucking free weeds and rocks, observing the plants for damage since he had been absent.

// d20 roll for the crops! he landed on ten, so there's average success


Re: starlight brigade - open, crops - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-19-2021

Fraggle really hadn't meant to cause so much stress for those within The Golden Eye. All he had wanted was to find out more about himself, and yet... that had led to disaster. Regardless, he was glad to be back within his home, and he definitely knew better now than to go wandering into potential enemy territories. Honestly, he had no intention of leaving The Golden Eye's territory at all, anytime soon. Not unless it was something led by someone like Arlo. For now, he was content to remain where he was, and recover. The long slash along his side was healing up nicely, and he was sure it wouldn't be long until the bandages could come off, and all he would be left with was a scar. It wasn't a particularly pretty thing, but at least his fur could eventually grow to cover it, he supposed.

The lion cub had been studying his side, pondering all this, when he noticed Arlo walking by, heading out of the cavern. Curious as to what the vanguard was up to, Fragglerock got up to his paws and slowly moved after the draconic feline, being careful not to run too fast and hurt himself. When he eventually reached the crops that Arlo had planted, the boy found his gaze lighting up with cheer. A wide smile spread over his muzzle as he spoke up, laughing a bit, "Wow, Arlo, look at these! They're really growing!" Sure, they weren't the most huge crops in the world, but they were growing, and that was the important part. Looking over the field around them, Fraggle's tail flicked behind him as he questioned, "Do you think they'll get any bigger than this? Some of them don't seem fully grown." Even in his current lion state, the cub found that his mouth watered slightly as he eyed some of the crops, already ready to pull some of them up to eat. Not that he would, though. He had more self control than that.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: starlight brigade - open, crops - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 05-19-2021

Re: starlight brigade - open, crops - aesior - 05-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The crops had been a thing that had escaped his own mind with recent events, his thoughts going to his own outcrop of flowers. They should be fine, flowers could be hardy enough. He'd have to check on them eventually, but that would be for later. Instead, his attention was on the gathering of bodies around the crops, his ears flicking as he approached them. Eyes going to the sky for a moment, enjoying the sunlight without words, residing in his domestic body. Following after the others, quietly coming up to them, flicking an ear as he observed. They were coming along, as was to be expected of s first year's yield. They did well for it being the first year, even with accidental ignorance. He would remain in the background, rolling his eyes at Cleo's words, shoulders rolling.