Beasts of Beyond
straight up and down }} message - Printable Version

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straight up and down }} message - Alexandre - 05-17-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The sky above was clear. No clouds were visible. Blue and bright, the sunshine shone down on a silhouette hovering above. The small speck in the distance encircled The Typhoon's gates, only to dive bomb at the the end of the railroad with a loud caw. With their announcement stating their presence finished, the large bird settled down atop of the lowest layer of the gate. Craning their head, narrowed hues awaited a four legged animal to approach them in greeting. Claws tapped lightly with impatience.

Pawsteps echoed in his ears. The light flutter of wings, presumably from his former tribe member that he was unaware of, would not be heard. Instead, the owl began to caw. "I come from The Palm Glades as a capture from Mahruta Island," he firmly started with. "I am here with a message and will promptly depart after it's received. Please lend me your eyes and ears if seen to be fit." Formal... lengthy... Let us get to the point.

"I have met one of your four legs in their prisons by the name of Alexandre," the bird chirped. "He requires your assistance." The two had a long discussion on what had happened and the owl's own past, giving Alexandre insight on Requiem and her presumed disappearance. Nevertheless, he felt it wasn't necessary to share the details. The Palm Glades would be on his tailfeather soon and it was best if he departed without any further trace.

His head turned to stare at the sea behind him. "It's best if I get going, but I can point someone in their direction if assistance is required," he finalized.

// [member=18334]REQUIEM[/member] will be doing his rescue here if you'd like to watch