Beasts of Beyond
WORLD FINALLY GROWING WISE ☆ intro - Printable Version

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WORLD FINALLY GROWING WISE ☆ intro - K. XIU - 05-15-2021

It had been a while since she had left her family's house, hadn't it? Well... that was certainly a whoops, on her part. She hadn't meant to stay inside for so long. In fact, she rather liked going out and seeing the world, and she especially liked interacting with others. She had just gotten... distracted, really. Her home was where she felt safest, and most comfortable – it housed her mothers and all her siblings too, after all. That meant that it was the perfect place to just relax and curl up with a good book. Or two. Or ten. So maybe that was part of why she had just let the days slip away, until eventually she found herself unable to get her paws on anymore books for the moment. Or at least, books that she could understand at her current level. She was only five months old, after all. She wasn't some kind of rocket scientist – at least not yet – so novels with thousands of pages were pretty daunting. So, with her current "library" exhausted, she had finally decided to venture out of her home.

Although, doing so did present another problem. Part of the reason why she hadn't left much was because of her transition. Elsweyr and Arrow had obviously been supportive when their little lion cub had come to them and told them she preferred feminine pronouns, but what if others weren't? Or what if others didn't even realize she used those pronouns? Most of them had only seen her when she was a freshly born baby, after all, and she hadn't exactly had much say in things then. Maybe that meant they would have forgotten about her...? The amount of questions bouncing around in her head brought with them a not insignificant amount of anxiety, but the girl still pushed through it. Only way to take on the world was to get out into it, after all.

Ko'nari had a certain bounce to her step as she emerged from the home of Arrow and Elsweyr, a small smile on the cub's muzzle. She was eye-catching almost immediately, mainly due to the bright clash of colors that stood starkly on her pelt. The mixtures of white and pink were enough to catch anyone off guard, but her eyes certainly added onto the surprise as well. Her gaze was almost hypnotizing – a "gift" given to her by Cipactli, although she was unknowing of that. Her entire appearance was simply the norm, at least to her. Her tail was flicking around behind her as she jumped onto a nearby rock, calling out in the most attention grabbing voice she could manage, "Hello, everyone! My name's Ko'nari Xiu, and I'd like to meet you all!" She knew that there would be quite a few that knew of her, that she knew nothing about. She had been born within Tanglewood, after all. It made sense that some would know about her long before she had the capacity to remember any of them.
☆ — he sent it off a cliff just for the spark


you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
Having an unnaturally-colored pelt was something that Atbash definitely related to, though she didn't receive nearly as much nicknames as her brother Caesar did. She didn't even know of the nicknames he had, but if she did - she'd probably snort at them; he deserved them, just because of how much of an ass he was. So like Ko'nari, having an 'unnatural' pelt wasn't something that even crossed Atbash's mind.

It was good to see another one of Elsweyr and Arrow's cubs around and Atbash realized she actually hadn't met this one. At least, not personally. "Hey, Ko'nari!" The savannah cat chirped as she walked over to the brightly-colored cub. "It's nice to see you out and about. My name's Atbash Cipher." She was sure that Elsweyr (or Arrow) told their cubs of the different ranks Tanglewood had, but she didn't want to overwhelm the kid.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: WORLD FINALLY GROWING WISE ☆ intro - XANTI - 05-24-2021

Ximen’s golden eyes blinked open. He yawned, half-closing his eyes, and tilted his jaw left and right to loosen the post-sleep tension. Perhaps he’d see Moth about anything she could do for his sleepy self’s annoying habit of clenching his jaw. Gave him a headache, sometimes, like today. Ugh, at least he’d done his hunting and work in the small hours of the morning.

“Hey, Ko'nari,” he greeted, cracking a grin. He’d taken care of his niblings whenever Arrow and his sister needed a break, so he would’ve known her name even if she hadn’t announced herself. “She remembers Ximen, hm? Her memory’s not as bad as his yet, he hopes.”