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northern water tribe - open; water training - Printable Version

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northern water tribe - open; water training - rhosmari - 05-14-2021

Had she not told her son that she would train him to be able to control his new found water abilities? Yes. Yes she had and it had not slipped her mind. She wanted the boy to be able to protect himself. To flourish and to never be beaten by anyone that challenged him. Water was a powerful force of nature and so too was its other form ice. They both were deadly in their own way and she knew that rather easily. Slowly she stretched her body, claws flexing and scrapping against the floor before she called out. "Ruven! Your training starts today! Time to rise and shine!" Her voice was commanding but still holding a hint of amusement in her tone before she padded into the room that he shared with Solsken. "You can come and watch too, Sol, dear, if you would like." Perhaps he would gain something from it but for now she would turn and make her way from the house.

It was early, the sun barely rising above the horizon. Not that the woman slept completely through the night anyway, she saw the sunrise more times than she cared to take note of. Here though she moved out of the village and toward the boreal forest, ignoring the wildlife. The carnivorous pitcher plants that seemed to seethe and move on their own. They knew better. It was here that she paused, a water source, the lake. She looked at it and she deemed it fitting before she turned to look at her son or sons. "We will begin with something simple. Pulling a single trail of water from the lake. Water is flexible, it flows, it is always changing from one shape to another. Water is complex and emotions can make it more complex still. Like this placid lake try to be calm." she instructed with a light tone before she lifted a paw and slowly moved and shifted it through the air, a curved path. Water slowly trailed up from the lake and through the air as she moved her paw, showing her son.



Re: northern water tribe - open; water training - OLEANDER CIPHER-ELD. - 05-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]YOU STOOD BESIDE ME WHEN I WAS OUT OF MY MIND !。+゚.[/glow]
It was early in the morning, but the sound of Sojourn calling for her son woke Oleander up. The slimey dragonet quietly exited Aphra's home, trying to be as quiet as possible and made her way over to where Sojourn was waiting for Ruven. She hoped that the Kingpin didn't mind her tagging along without asking, simply following behind as Sojourn led her sons to an area outside of camp. Aphra can't get mad at me if I'm with Sojourn! Oleander told herself, watching as the lioness manipulated water in front of her, seemingly handling it with ease.

"That's so cool!!" Oleander trilled, her antennae straight and her feathers fluffed up, a way of expressing interest without having pricked ears.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: northern water tribe - open; water training - trojan g. - 05-14-2021

Ruven hadn't forgotten that he had been told that he would be trained to use his new found power, he had just thought that it wouldn't be early in the morning. Ruven should have known better considering his mother was up every morning before he was, but he still couldn't help but let a groan out as he was woken up, paws coming forward to stretch in front of him as he arched his back, a yawn coming soon from his jaws before padding out of the house and following Sojourn to the lake.

He hadn't been here before. Ruven knew about the lake, of course, he had lived in the Coalition long enough to know where it was and everything, but he had never taken the time to actually go there. There was water in other places, in the snow that melted on his tongue for one, so he saw no real reason to go to the lake in such cold weather, mainly because he didn't want to somehow fall in and freeze to death. The snow was already cold enough for the young lion, body made for the savanna and not the mountains.

Watching with interest as Sojourn led the water out of the lake, he watched as it float through the air, and soon enough he was looking down at his own paws, picking one up to look at it before walking towards the lake, paw touching the water as he let a breath out, lifting it up and watching as a blob of shaking water followed. It wasn't as intricate as his mother's, but it was certainly a start.

Re: northern water tribe - open; water training - michael t. - 05-15-2021

Water training? What an interesting activity. Silver, personally, preferred the element of earth, but she couldn't deny that any type of elementals were quite useful. Especially when one was still so young... even if Ruven's species meant it was unlikely for him to be completely overtaken easily, powers were pretty much always a boon. They would help to keep the boy safe when he was away from his mother, and Silver could easily see why Sojourn would want to help foster that. So, as she approached, the coyote had a smooth smile on her muzzle, tone approving as she spoke to Ruven, "Very nice job, Ruven. Seems as though you're a natural." The boy's work was sloppy, yes, but that was hardly surprising if he was only just beginning to get a handle on things. Everyone needed to start somewhere, and in Silver's opinion, unless you were a total and absolutel buffoon when doing something, encouragement was never a bad idea.

However, Silvertongue hadn't really come over just to see Ruven's abilities. She had also come over to see Sojourn's abilities, fascinated by the possibility of what the kingpin could do. With a soft hum leaving her, the pitch black canine questioned Sojourn casually, "Apologies if I'm interrupting, Sojourn, but do you have a particular special technique you can do with water elementals? Or several? It might be very motivating to Ruven to see the full extent of what he could learn to do, after all." Her request was almost kind of comical, if one thought about it for long enough. After all, she was essentially asking the kingpin to show off for her, under the guise of it being a valuable teaching tool. She was hardly about to take the question back, though. She really did want to see the full extent of what Sojourn was capable of doing. Ever since she had joined, everyone had been talking the other up to their fullest extent. It was natural to want to see that in action, right? Well... not fully in action, technically. To see Sojourn truly in action would be to see her mowing down the Coalition's enemies, but this was the next best thing.
☆ — give me some of that vampire money

Re: northern water tribe - open; water training - rhosmari - 05-15-2021

-- tw for blood bending

The woman blinked as she turned to see Oleander there and looking with excited interest at what she was doing. A child with intrigue was a good on indeed and she nodded her head before she focused on her son. She watched as he dipped his paw into the water, narrowing her gaze as he took a deep breath and then a shaky mass of water followed as he pulled it out. It was a start, a beginning and she expected it. She was much the same when she discovered her own abilities. Shaky and uncertain but again it was a start. She was pleased and if she could have purred she would have. Instead she smiled lightly. "A good start, Ru, a very good start. You will learn how to move the water without having to touch it with practice. Another task you can work on is making the water into waves. Learning to push and pull the water back and forth." Turning to the water she would show him. Flowing her paw back and forth, the water reacting and slowly moving back and forth and building momentum into a large wave like on a beach. Though she didn't hold it for too long and instead she let the water fall as she heard a voice.

One that was not too familiar but one who had joined recently. Turning her pastel pink gaze on the other she tilted her head. The congratulations turning to attention on herself. There was a slight amount of amusement in her gaze. To show everything in the arsenal of her water using craft. The things she knew were many that much was sure but she could show one. One. "I can show something..." The Kingpin's eyes cut to the side and a bush nearby suddenly began to shake and out tumbled a rabbit. It had been hiding from them but she had known. Hearing it skitter, but how it came forth was odd. Like it wasn't in control of itself. The rabbit's movements were jerky and it was in pain. Pitiful squeals left it as it came closer and closer to the Kingpin and she lifted a claw to lightly trace its nose. "Your pain will end soon. Ruven...this is something you may learn. But only use it as a last resort. For it is too cruel..." Then suddenly she nicked the rabbit and the blood, so much blood began to flow out of the rabbit. Swirling around it and soon the rabbit was nothing more than a sunken in husk of starting dead eyes and skin. It was completely dried out. The blood shifted and moved in the air, forming many different shapes before it suddenly turned into a sharp spear of ice and stabbed into the ground, dripping.


Re: northern water tribe - open; water training - Casphian - 05-19-2021

Solsken heard his name being called by Sojo and tilted his head towards her. He had known of the training but hadn't expected to be invited to go along and so when the invitation was extended to him the pup leapt up from where he was laying and bounded after the pair. He was curious to see how the training would go and hoped that maybe he could get a few pointers from it. Once they reached the area where they would be training the hellhound pup padded off to the side, head tilting slightly as he happily watched his mother and brother train, dual tails thumping against the ground lightly.

When Sojourn mentioned showing them something his gaze glued in on her, curiosity racing through his body. His gaze widened in excitement at the blood that flowed through the air due to his mother's abilities. The hellhound pup quickly hopped up from where he sat, excitement evident in his gaze. "Mother, mother how did you do that?" he asked in pure childlike excitement. "Oh how I wish to be able to do that, it would make taking out your enemies so much easier," he mused.
//sorry for the delay