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Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - Printable Version

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Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - Onyxdreams - 05-13-2021

~ ☼ It had been a good while since Onyx had gotten her pets, since the day she had accidentally hatched those eggs and ended up with far more than she had bargained for. Weeks and weeks had passed by, and they had grown, oh man had they grown, going from such little things to being as tall as she was, in fact, Benedict was already taller than her by a bit! Taking care of them had been much harder than she had expected it to be too, cleaning up after them, preventing them from getting into things they shouldn't have, stopping them from eating her things...or ripping them apart. It was much rougher than she had been expecting, at least until she had gotten used to it all and gotten it put into her routine. Then, just like that, they were no longer so reliant on her.

It was a little sad, when they stopped following her around all the time, when they started to venture out on their own more and more often. At the same time however, it made her so proud, to see her little trio growing up, getting bigger and bigger, especially when they had finally grown feathers! Until that point, they had really been so fluffy and cute, but it was kind of nice to see them grow all their feathers in after weeks of waiting for that moment. She may have raised them originally in the hopes of getting free eggs out of them, but....she cared for them, she really did, she loved her little feathery trio, even if they had grown more independent. Was...was this what it felt like, to be a parent? This had to be what it felt like, to be so proud of something that she had raised herself....ok, so she had some help from Winter, but most of that was her!

What did concern her a bit though was that she had yet to get any eggs, out of any of her trio. Granted, she had been told that Benedict was a boy a good while back, but that still left both Shelly and Yolko, and neither of them had yet! They didn't fly either, and she had been a bit bothered by that for a while as well, but apparently these 'chickens' just...didn't fly, which seemed really, really strange, they had wings and feathers and just...couldn't. Sat out in a nice open patch of beach, the hybrid held one of her hens in her wings, doing her best to gently inspect the bird for any issues. "Ow! Shelly calm down, I'm just making sure you're ok!" Onyx called out as the brown hen pecked at her paw, it may have been a bit deserved, with how she had been turning the bird this way and that to try and see if there was anything wrong with her. Shelly looked ok to her, so did Yolko, but what if there was something deeper, like something internal that she couldn't see and that was why they hadn't laid eggs yet. Aghhh, she knew next to nothing about chickens or what could be going wrong here, and it was as frustrating as it was worrying, how was she supposed to know if something was wrong if she couldn't see it?!

Re: Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-17-2021

Re: Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - rowena. - 05-18-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
It appeared none with chicken-knowledge would approach.  The tiny tirone certainly had none.  Barely even knew what a chicken was, honestly.  Not particularly common on a pirate ship.

They kind of looked funny... Though that might be rude to say.  The petite hybrid could certainly tell Onyxpaw liked her weird birds.  So she wouldn't mention that they looked strange.  Not immediately.  A little too round.  Just.  Silly.

Little webbed paws ferried Rowena over, joining the Survivor with curiosity in her seagreen hues.  Buzzing with confusion as the gladiator lifted and examined one of the birds.  Her head tilted to the side.  What was she trying to do?  The chicken didn't look hurt or anything to her.  Maybe da would know...? "Was wrong, Onyxpaw?"

Re: Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - SÉAMUS - 05-18-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman knew a thing or two about most things, but caring for chickens had never been on his to-do list as far as he could recall.  Neither the duties of a prince, the life of a spy or pirate captain tended to involve chicken management.

Medical knowledge was something he did have however, in much higher abundance.  As the small wildcat joined his daughter and the Survivor, he quirked his brow.  Nothing seemed wrong from an immediate glance.  The chicken didn't look the most comfortable of course, but otherwise, he saw nothing concerning.

"Everythin okay?"

Re: Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - Onyxdreams - 05-18-2021

~ ☼ Continuing to flip Shelly around, over, and every which way, Onyx was quickly becoming convinced that whatever the issue was, it wasn't going to be outwardly visible. She wasn't exactly a medic of any kind, really she barely had even the slightest idea of how she would go about treating any problem if she did find one, she had just been hoping that whatever the problem was here, that it'd be easy to spot and easy to fix. When she noticed a paw reaching out from the corner of her tunneled vision, she was quick to shift the hen further away from Survivor's reach. "Hey! No touching! I don't know if she's hurt, I don't see anything wrong,'s just-hey, ow!" the Discens began, suddenly cut off when her hen gave a swift pick to one of the clawed limbs holding her, though it was really more surprising than it was painful

She had no idea what she could do here, there were no physical injuries, none that she could see at least, and she was certain that Shelly hadn't been acting any differently lately, neither had Yolko, so they probably weren't sick either. It made no sense, they both looked completely fine! She felt just as confused as Rowena looked, as the young Tirone stepped forward and asked what was wrong, and that was exactly what the problem was. "I-I don't know what's wrong, that's the problem!" How did medics deal with this anyways, how was anyone supposed to find a problem when there just didn't seem to be anything wrong in the first place! "No, it's not okay, look at her!" the hybrid cried out to the wildcat as he approached, holding Shelly out to him, making sure to give him a good look at her, in all her glorious feathered-ness, the one holding her only becoming increasingly panicked. "She's all grown up right, but there's no eggs, neither of them have laid eggs yet! There has to be something wrong, I just know it, but I can't find ANYTHING!!" Ahhhh this was bad, this was so, so bad, what if they really were sick and she just hadn't noticed, what kind of parent was she if she had missed those signs, what if they were dying and she just couldn't tell?!

Re: Birds of a feather | Chicken checkup - SÉAMUS - 05-19-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
Seas. The faerie sighed heavily, shaking his head.  "Onyxpaw, take a breath," he encouraged with a twitch of his tail.

"'ow old are they?" It was best to start simple and go from there when there was not an obvious problem.  While he didn't know for sure, Séamus assumed chickens didn't start laying eggs immediately.  They probably started around a certain age.  Maybe there's a book on this somewhere.

"You know, they just might not be ready.  You need to be patient.  I don't think you'd like anyone rushin you, right?"