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NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - Printable Version

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NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - roan ; - 05-13-2021

Roan needed something to focus on. That was nearly almost true for the workaholic soothsayer, but it seemed to only be more prominent these days. Mainly due to the recent injuries that his mama had sustained. He didn't know the full story of what had happened there, but what he did know was that it filled him with anger every time he thought about it. So, he decided to focus his anger and frantic energy into other things. Productive things. And quite frankly, things that needed to be done anyways, considering the current state of The Typhoon. Roan knew that at least Vayne and Danny were missing. No matter the circumstances, it seemed as though they were almost being picked off one by one, and the siamese really wasn't a fan of that.

He decided to do the most logical thing, then – take a headcount. See who was still around and who was missing, and make sure that they were all healthy. It only seemed logical to assume that the next step would be a raid to get those that had been lost back, and Roan figured it made the most sense to check up on things now. Less chance of severe injuries if he made sure that everyone was healthy and ready for a potential battle. Plus, looking everyone over would give him something to do. Something to focus his manic and angry energy on, so that he wouldn't spend all day pacing around the temple, wanting to scrape his claws on the cold and unfeeling stone. Not that he would mention that urge to anybody else – he didn't need anyone worrying about him. He was supposed to be the one watching over everyone,  ot the other away around, and he was going to keep things that way.

Picking up his satchel in his jaws, the draconic feline had flown out to settle down near the tavern, figuring it was a good midpoint between pretty much everywhere. Taking a deep breath in, he called out in his usual gruff and demanding tone, "Hey! If you're a member of The Typhoon and you can walk, get your ass over here!" Perhaps it was a little more sharp than usual. He didn't mean for it to be, his emotions were just... keeping him on edge, at the moment. As a few NPCs began to gather, Roan lowered his voice only slightly, explaining, "I'm doing a headcount of everyone who's still standing around here. If you haven't noticed, we've had at least a couple of our members disappear recently – seemingly taken by the Coalition. And since it seems likely that we'll eventually have to fight to get them back, I'm also performing checkups on everyone here. After all, if you're not in top shape then you're not gonna be a help during a potential raid – you'll just be a hindrance." He made no effort to soften his words, and he certainly didn't miss the way that a few of the nearby NPCs winced. He just ignored them, glancing around before he questioned, "So, who's going first, then?" Straight to the point – no reason to drag things out.
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Re: NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - ASVINI - 05-13-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
Well, Roan had become a little spitfire, just like his momma, hadn't he? It made Deldrach grin a tiny bit, the woman padding her way over at the call of the soothsayer. Deldrach's paw stretched for a moment, before she set the great thing down, lifting her head above the other NPC's. A headcount wasn't a bad idea, and the fact she was emerging within another rising problem made the alarm bells ring in her head. Deldrach exhaled gently, before speaking above the low murmur of the other NPC's, clear as a bell. "I'll go first, since I don't see anyone else stepping up."

Re: NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - Keona. - 05-15-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The dire wolf had been furious upon the news of Danny's capture.  A ferocity that only grew with each passing day.  More as others were taken.  An ice cold rage that churned inside.

The dealer remained razor focused.  Checking in.  Doing her rounds.  Working through plans of attack and retrieval in her mind.  But a headcount... Good.  That was good.  She appreciated the notion as soon as she heard Roan call for it, ear flicking as she quietly padded over.

They needed to know who was okay.  Who wasn't.  If anyone else was missing.  She and the others needed to know these things.  Calculate their best moves more efficiently.

As Deldrach offered to be the first, Keona remained to the side, inhaling softly.  Already crunching numbers.  Paying attention to those around her.  Who was present.  Who wasn't.  The stragglers.  Everyone in between, her sightless hues sharp with concentrated thought.

Re: NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - rhosmari - 05-15-2021

Re: NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - ROXANNE R. - 05-15-2021

Re: NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - Wavepool - 05-16-2021

Settling into the queue for these checkups, Wavepool couldn't help but grimace at the thought of what she was about to go through. Despite the fact that she was a relatively new addition to the Typhoon, she had already had a run in with their resident healer, Soothsayer Roan. The first word that came to her mind when she thought about him was that he was stubborn, though that was perhaps a bit unfair since he was only trying to help. Maybe she was just a little upset herself, that she had been confined to that temple when resting was the last thing she wanted to do right now. She would have been fine if she had left, she knew her body and her limits well, and it truly had felt a bit unnecessary to be forced to rest like that, even if she couldn't deny that she would have asked the same of her own patients during her time as a medic.

'He certainly doesn't mince his words...' she thought dryly, already preparing herself for the dressing down she was about to get once Roan got to her. She had considered trying to skip out on the checkup, to participate in the headcount and claim that she could diagnose herself just fine, but she had a feeling that wouldn't exactly go over well. Skipping out on this entirely wasn't exactly an option either for several reasons, though there was one big one in particular, she needed to keep her heart condition under control. Regular treatment and medicine was necessary to keep her health from slipping any farther, and as much as she wanted to avoid this it was not worth the trouble. Of course, she could hunt for the herbs herself, but the environment here was quite a bit different than what she was used to, and she had no idea what she could use to treat herself. So...she was just going to have to sit down, take a deep breath, and deal with Roan for the foreseeable future until she could do this herself

Re: NOT TRULY WHO I AM ☆ headcount + checkups - roan ; - 05-16-2021

As others approached, Roan allowed his gaze to wander over them all, taking in the familiar faces. First up was Deldrach, then Keona, then... Requiem? The bird? She had returned? That was... interesting, but he did nothing more than offer her a nod, figuring she wasn't very much interested in fighting alongside them. Past the owl, he could also see his mama and the new girl, Wavepool. Real troublemaker, that one. Seemed to refuse to believe she was injured, or that she needed help. It was sort of ironic that she considered him stubborn, considering he through the very same about her. Along with all of them, he also spotted Lumia sitting near the back of the crowd, although he couldn't help noticing the absence of Michael. Perhaps he was just resting in his home at the moment? The soothsayer had no idea, but he made sure to make a mental note of the other not being around before he turned to Deldrach, stepping forward.

As his tail flicked back and forth behind him, the siamese slowly looked Deldrach over, occasionally poking and prodding just to make sure her body would react. Eventually he nodded and said, a satisfied hum leaving him, "I think you should be good to go into battle. You're as healthy as ever, save for your eye. Just... make sure you're ready to go fighting with that new handicap before you go rushing in, alright?" Although his tone was concerned, it was also filled with respect for Deld, knowing quite well that the warrior woman could define her own limits. If she was healthy and had the capacity to go into battle, then she more than likely would – and that was honestly fine by him.

Seeing as Requiem didn't seem particularly interested in a checkup of her own, Roan then moved on to Keona and his mama, sitting between the two of them as he looked them over. The dealer's look-over took a little longer than it might have, considering her new and larger form. Eventually he just nodded, saying in a firm voice, "The both of you should be good to go. You'll even have a bit of a size advantage over certain opponents now, Keo." He teased his half-sister a bit at the end there, hoping to lighten the mood just the slightest bit. After all, he couldn't stand to be the only one holding it together at the moment. Keo's darting and unseeing gaze along with his mama's faintly shaking paws were enough to tip him off that they too were feeling the pressure of things. He simply gently placed his own paw on top of Roxie's, offering her a short and sweet smile that was meant to offer at least a little bit of comfort before he moved on.

And now, it was time for his final current patient – Wavepool. He already knew she wouldn't be able to go into the raid considering the injuries she had when she had first joined, but he still went through the trouble of looking her over. Watching the way she breathed, seeing how her body reacted to pushing, and prodding. He couldn't help noticing the way she winced a little when he got near her ribs, or the faint wheezing that was still leaving her, not to mention the way she didn't even glance at him when he prodded at her foreleg. Eventually he just shook his head, a sigh leaving him before he spoke, "You aren't cleared to go. It looks like your ribs are healing up alright, but going into a battle right now won't help that process at all. Not to mention your heart... it's a wonder you managed to make it here relatively in one piece. It's best for you to just keep resting in the temple until your ribs are healed." There was very little that he could really do about the cardiomyopathy, but he could at least make sure her ribs were fully healed before he let her go.
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