Beasts of Beyond
WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - Printable Version

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WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - michael t. - 05-12-2021

It was snowing. She supposed that wasn't too much of a surprise, considering the territory that she was approaching. Still, she had to admit that she hadn't been expecting the few flecks raining down from the sky as she approached the Coalition's border. It was getting fairly close to being summer, after all. Surely even the mountains had to bend somewhat to nature's will? Well, it was no matter to Silvertongue – not really. Her thick and dark pelt kept her warm enough as she moved in long strides towards her destination. The melanistic coyote had been forced to shake the water of the sea from her pelt, having decided to take the rather direct route to the Coalition's gathering of islands. She couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at the feeling, not appreciating the droplets still falling from her fur. She hadn't had to go all that far of a distance, though, so she supposed it wasn't the end of the world. It certainly wasn't worth turning away from the group she had heard so much about.

The rest of her journey wasn't all that pleasant either. Despite hearing a great deal about the Coalition as a whole, she hadn't heard about the various flora that lingered on the southernmost islands. She certainly found out about them, though, when she came across one of the Harbringer Pinchers. The pincher plant seemed almost sentient, swaying and massive. It tried to lure her into its "lips" without a second thought, only to be foiled as its roots were ripped forcefully from the ground as a result of earth elementals. With a single paw raised, Silver glared at the plant as she snapped, "Now, now, is that any way to greet a new friend? I hope that the rest of your Coalition counterparts aren't so... unfriendly." She then tossed the pitcher plant away forcefully, watching as the mass of roots and leaves slammed against a nearby tree, and fell to the earth below. Shaking her head from side to side, she then just kept moving along, a sigh leaving her.

By the time Silvertongue reached the Guru Sanctuary Island, she had grown tired of walking, not to mention she had no idea of what the wanderers truly considered to be their "border". She didn't much care at the moment, though, just glancing around the lush snow-dusted landscape before she called out, "Is anyone here? It would be a shame to hear so much about this place only to find out that it was abandoned, now wouldn't it?" Her voice took on a vaguely teasing tone, blue eyes gleaming as she scanned the horizon for anyone approaching. Her body was somewhat tense as she sat there, her paws sitting politely in front of her while her bushy tail laid relaxed at her side. Still, she was ready to lunge at a moment's notice, if any foolish wanderer thought it was a good idea to attack a joiner.
☆ — give me some of that vampire money

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - Casphian - 05-12-2021

A dark body drifted through the area, the smell of decay following the creature. The animals around would scurry away, the plants seemingly wishing to follow. Solsken glared ahead, orbs filled with annoyance at what he wasn’t sure honestly. An ear flicked to the side at the sound of a voice calling out near by, at this point Solsken new most everyone’s voices so it was strange to the pup to hear one he didn’t recognize.

The hellhound pup padded towards the voice, lifting his chest and puffing out his fur slightly, tail curling a bit at the tip. It was always best to be in guard, even around those he knew and especially those he didn’t. “Can you quit your yelling, geez you’re awful loud and annoying,” he snapped once he finally drew closer to Silvertongue. He took notice of her wet fur, lifting an eyebrow at the sight. “Geez could you not bother drying off before barging into our territory unannounced?”

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-13-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
This visitor certainly was loud which was infuriating, just as Solsken had voiced out loud. The kid had guts she had to admit, but then again, if he hadn't said it, then it was likely she would have. What Aphra didn't enjoy about this newcomer was the attitude the bitch had. Prissy bitch. Ironic, coming from the Coalition's resident drama queen. "There certainly are people here, or are you too dumb enough to use your nose?" Aphra offered her own snark as she came to stand next to Solsken. "Now, what do you want with us?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - michael t. - 05-13-2021

Solsken and Aphra obviously didn't know who they were dealing with. As Solsken approached, the little hellhound doing his best to appear somewhat intimidating, Silvertongue simply laughed. Instead of dignifying the boy's question with a response, Silvy merely reached out and pressed a paw against the pup's head to hold him back as she questioned playfully, "My, my, you certainly are awful tiny and annoying, aren't you? Such a little baby... precious thing." She then aimed to swat him on the nose, pushing past him to look for a proper adult. Unfortunately, the adult that arrived next was pretty damn far from proper.

Aphra's appearance was an unwelcome one, although Silver didn't let onto that with her face. Instead, her muzzle simply split into a sharp grin, her blue eyes gleaming as she looked down at the feline. She offered her own question, bushy tail flicking behind her, "Oh, you. I've certainly heard of you. I actually have a query of my own for your consideration – are you truly as much of a whore as they say, or are you simply too dumb to close your legs? I can show you how, if you need a visual aid." As if to emphasize her point, Silvy pressed her legs together, merely shaking her head in Aphra's direction. She then added, words smoothed and still very much amused, "My name is Silvertongue, and I'm here to join the Coalition of the Condemned. I figured that much would be obvious, considering I'm not one of the buffoons traipsing in here to rip your heads off." Well, not for the moment, anyways. She had to see if they interested her enough before doing such a thing.
☆ — give me some of that vampire money

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-13-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Yeah no, the vibes did not feel right here. Aphra didn't like how she talked down to Solsken (even though she did it herself) - though surprisingly, the whole 'whore' insult didn't really faze her. What did piss Aphra off, however, was the demonstration Silvertongue provided. "I am quite happy whoring around, as you say." She responded with a huff. "Demonstration noted, but it will not be used." The other woman stated she was here to join, offering a snarky remark about how if she wasn't, she would have been attacking them. Which was true, Aphra supposed, but an unneeded comment nonetheless. Inhaling and forcing herself to continue being nice, Aphra meowed, "Well, welcome to the Coalition then, Silvertongue. You already know me obviously, but regardless - I am Aphra Cipher, a Warlord here."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - Casphian - 05-13-2021

The pup growled at the paw placed on his head, eyes flashing with anger. He would’ve went about swiping at the direwolf if she hadn’t of already moved away with a pat to his nose. The hellhound snapped his jaws towards her, huffing in agitation. He didn’t like this female at the moment, the only appreciation he had was her yelling Aphra off.

“Do we really have to let her stay? She doesn’t seem very helpful for the coalition to me,” he questioned. Solsken gazed over the other, ignoring whatever demonstration was given and padding closer to Aphra. “Honestly I know why we keep Aphra but that attitude won’t get you far in this place especially if that’s how you treat a higher up I’d hate to see how you treat the Kingpin,” he mused. “Though it would be entertaining watching you get your ass handed to ya by her if you pissed her off,” he hummed happily.

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-13-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
As much as Aphra agreed with Solsken, unfortunately there was nothing they could do to really deny Silvertongue. "She's not necessarily a threat to us." The she-cat responded, shaking her head. Although she had to agree with the pup's comment about Sojourn. Now that would be amusing.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - rhosmari - 05-13-2021

"Well, well, well, aren't we all riled up today." Came an amused tone and one that was rather off putting to say the least. It wavered between singing and talking. Never staying one one tone but the lioness was humored as she came to stand near the group. Her blue tinged form was regal, her figure kept clean from any of the bloodshed she had recently indulged herself in. It was only a meager amount of prey and nothing more. A name that would never be remembered again. There was a hidden pride gleaming in her eyes as she watched her son. He was holding his own despite the other being larger than him. "Such a good boy, defending our borders. Now let mother take over." Those devious pastel pink orbs shifted to look at the woman now and the comments about Aphra mattered little to her. She could lay with as many as she wanted. It was her decision. It would only come at a price if the one she had kids with was another Jormungand.

"So I hear you are looking to stay here. With a tongue like that you might find many fights here. But I am not your caretaker. You do as you please so long as you remain loyal to the ones that let you in and gave you food and shelter." The Kingpin never trusted though, she couldn't afford to. There were those that wished her dead, wished her six feet in the ground. Could even be members of her own home. Who knew. But she merely smiled, an easy welcoming before she flicked her tail. "I am Sojourn, your new Kingpin. Our village is up in the mountains. That way." With a flick of her tail she pointed in the direction that she needed to go before she lowered her head to carefully nudge Solsken. The cold was not fitting for a child.


Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - MAUDE P. - 05-13-2021

Re: WELCOME HOME ☆ joining - michael t. - 05-15-2021

Honestly, the words of both Solsken and Aphra meant very little to her. Aphra she expected very little from, and Solsken? Well, the child could make as many threats as he wanted, but Silver really preferred to hear them straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. So, if said kingpin was really going to hand her ass to her, she at least wanted to meet the woman in person. Of course, as if on cue, this almost seemed to summon Sojourn, Silvertongue's own blue gaze flicking upwards as the lioness approached. The coyote couldn't help the smile that slipped onto her muzzle as she listened to the speech – the warning – that the kingpin had to give. There was a twinkle of amusement in her gaze as she responded, bushy tail flicking back and forth behind her, "Well, pleasure to meet you then, miss Sojourn. Don't worry, I assure you that you'll have my undying loyalty..." Another little humorous comment, accompanied by a flash of the canine's vampiric fangs – just to stress how undying she truly was.

Maude's approach caused Silver to refocus her attention once more, a small laugh leaving her as the other complimented her sense of humor. Even she had to admit that the other saying that appealed to her ego. The coyote wasn't given much of a chance to say thanks, though, as Maude simply introduced herself and left. She certainly was a brief one, wasn't she? Silvertongue supposed she couldn't blame the other – joiners could be dreadfully boring, after all. With a short snort of amusement, Silvy simply shook her head before she spoke up once more, "I suppose that it's a pleasure to have met you all. Now then... I'm going to head for the village. Need some time to get settled, after all. I hope we can speak more later... especially you and I, Sojourn!" That last line was called almost coyly over the woman's shoulder as she began to pad away, heading off in the direction of the village. No time like the present to grab a place to stay.
☆ — give me some of that vampire money