Beasts of Beyond
I think Moto Moto likes you! - river bath - Printable Version

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I think Moto Moto likes you! - river bath - Byriath - 05-12-2021

This was... very much needed. A bath. Even if it was just a soak in the river. Byriath unraveled his bandages around his forelegs and midsection, wincing at the stinging he felt as he moved one paw after another into the running water.

Soon enough he was up to his chest in it, wading around while his wounds slowly stopped stinging. And then he dunked himself in the water, staying under for a moment before surfacing with a dramatic flip. With his fur all wet and down, one could clearly see the muscle definition of the god. And that made him flush at the cheeks. The only time he was happy that Saturn was blind. He was sure that, if they could see and did see him as he bathed, he would end up dying. Or at least a stammering mess.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: I think Moto Moto likes you! - river bath - Casphian - 05-12-2021

And this would be one of the many times Saturn hated being blind. What they wouldn’t give to see their eventual lover with his fur flattened and sticking the the muscles that were normally hidden. But alas the feline did not get to enjoy this sight at the time so instead just joining him would have to do. And so that’s what would end up happening once the snow leopard stumbled upon the scene. “My moon is that you?” The called out, the question a sort of habit they formed over the years. Even though Saturn could detect who most everyone was by scent alone at this point it was still habit and for sake of anxiety that the feline asked.

Saturn drew closer to the water, flicking an ear at the sound of the splashing. They would carefully dip a paw into the water that rested below them, eventually lowering their head closer to it as they inspected it with a gentle sniff.

Re: I think Moto Moto likes you! - river bath - ARVID R. - 05-15-2021

Baths. Arvid took them, of course, but he never quite made such a... show of it, like Byriath seemed to be doing. Unlike his feline counterparts, Arvid wasn't able to just lick himself into being clean without ending up coughing up a lung. So instead, the dire wolf was left to occasionally dunk himself into the river, usually to wash blood and poison from his fur. Didn't want to lick his paw and accidentally end up killing himself, after all. That would be quite the pathetic – and hilarious – way to go.

The young scientist had actually been heading for his usual bathing spot when he came across two others – Byriath and Saturn. Pausing nearby, Arvid had to actively bite back laughter when Byr resurfaced with a dramatic flip, as if he was a model in some commercial. Of course, the thane only ended up losing it when Saturn spoke up, a burst of laughter leaving the boy before he answered for Byriath, "Yeah, that's Byriath! Wow, I really wish you could see him now, Saturn. He's acting like some kinda model." Turning his attention directly towards Byriath, Arvid had a playful smirk lingering on his muzzle as he teased, "Are you trying to get on one of those human magazine covers, or something?" That certainly would be an interesting volume of Sports Illustrated.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass