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cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - Printable Version

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cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-12-2021

Lizards were cold blooded by nature, which would surprise absolutely no one. They did not generate heat on their own, and had to seek warmth from other sources. Typically such would be the sun, and it meant that lizards did not have to eat as much with their metabolic rates able to slow with the cold. Anthemtalon was absolutely no exemption from this norm, and often could be found sleeping away in a manner that could be considered quite lazy. Not moving for hours on end, letting the sun seep into his dark scales to give him the energy needed to continue moving around.

One thing that he also shared with other lizards was not quite having a way to wash himself. Scales didn't catch debris easily, and shedding tended to get rid of that issue easily. However, the cold meant that he didn't shed as often; he hadn't seen he'd strolled into the Coalition's territory. Thus, there was quite a bit of grime to be found on the komodo monitor. After the discovery of his earth elementals it had only grown worse, with dust and rocks easily finding themself on his back and out of reach. Not much Anthemtalon could do about it, with his talons and tail unable to reach and a shake of his body being too much energy for the lizard to muster. While a small amount of dust could possibly be considered healthy, the lizard had eventually had enough of the extra weight and annoyance of the dirt and grime's presence.

The Coalition's territory was cold. It contributed to Anthemtalon's constant snoozing, resting, sunbathing in places optimal for warmth and less so to his peers. So there would be snow; slush, at times. A little manipulation of the earth, and slush and earth easily could mix into mud. Not the warmest thing, considering that it had been made from slush, but Anthemtalon could resist a little bit of chill for some healthy mud. Besides, once the mud settled on his scales, it'd probably help insulate him. Probably. Critical thought was not something he excelled in, and instead of thinking another thought he squirmed into the newly formed mud.

Rolling over, squelching the mud between his talons. His tail and earth elementals send some of the mud flying away from the Anthem-sized puddle of mud, flung around without a care as the komodo monitor covered himself (and most of the surrounding area) with mud. Happy lizard garbling, shoving his snout into the mud and flicking his head up to try and get some of the dirt between his eyes. Laying down and then rolling over, winding up on his back. Tongue flicked, talons grabbing mud and slinging it around as Anthemtalon wallowed around in the mud with glee.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - Casphian - 05-12-2021

Saturn hadn’t expected to find Anthem rolling in mud and covering himself in it but honestly they weren’t surprised. The more they stated at the mud though the more tempted they were to join the lizard. With Saturn’s dense double coat it made cooling off a lot harder when the weather got warmer and even if it wasn’t terribly warm to most it was warm enough for the snow leopard. “That looks like fun Anthem, I think I’ll join you,” they mused. Padding closer they would step into the mud with a single paw before relishing in the feeling and flopping onto their stomach and rolling onto their back.

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - Byriath - 05-12-2021

Well, wasn't this something? The god could understand wallowing and getting dirty, but he couldn't suppress the sigh that he had. "You two having fun?" maybe he should get some buckets. Dunk some water on them.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-13-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
A loud, disgusted shriek could be heard a few paces away from Anthemtalon and co, with Aphra being caught in the mud-slinging that was unfortunately happening. The mud hit her on her face and she moved a paw to wipe it off, shaking her paw angrily at the substance. "You all are disgusting!" She spat and yelled towards the group, not wanting to get any closer. She glared at everyone (other than Byr, considering he wasn't doing much to contrubute to the mud-slinging; for now, it seemed) from a distance, ears flattened against her head.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - MAUDE P. - 05-13-2021

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - Byriath - 05-13-2021

Aphras screech made Byriath snort. Her? Calling them disgusting? It was laughable. As Maude tried to throw mud at the bitch Byriath let out a cackle - a full blown manic laugh. It was unnatural.

As he relaxed, he walked to the mud, scooped a heavy helping of the stuff, and tried to fling it at Aphra. "Right back at you, you little wench."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - Casphian - 05-13-2021

Saturn glanced over at the screech Aphra let out, shaking their head at the disgust the other felt. A snort sounded from Saturn and they turned their attention back to the mud, resting their head on their paws. Their attention was pulled to the scene once more at the sound of mud flying and Byriath cackling. This would draw a giggle from the snow leopard that would easily turn into them dying from laughter.

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-13-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Seeing Maude shift forms had Aphra on the alert, though she didn't move in time to be able to dodge the mud-bomb in time properly and let out another horrific screech. "Ugh!" Byriath flicked mud in her direction as well, earning a hiss from her. Before Maude could try again to coat her pelt completely, Aphra turned around and ran off, likely to go try and clean off her fur in the river.


Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-14-2021

Should he feel weird about people showing up to his attempt at bathing? Probably not, considering it was mud, and he was a fairly dumb lizard. He stopped when Saturn had plopped into the mud alongside him, grinning and giving a happy garble with a flick of his tail to share some of the mud with his fellow wallower. It definitely felt nice on his scales, and did the job of pulling off the dust and grime. Although scrubbing would probably be more efficient, by no means was Anthemtalon about to ask anyone about that sort of thing (or even think about it, probably).

The komodo monitor's head rose from the mud just in time to watch Aphra, covered in mud thrown by his peers, running off. Tongue flicked, settling into the mud further. Squelching between his talons, tail slugging behind him through the mud. Were they throwing the mud? At least they were enjoying it (or so Anthemtalon presumed), which warranted a grin. Obviously that meant those present wanted to join in the wallowing, right, if they were throwing it around? "Mud," came a garble filled with absolute delight as Anthemtalon's tail raised. Then, slamming into the mud, the earth elemental abilities he possessed sending mud flying once his tail contacted the slushy mess of earth and snow.

He raised his head up after, still smiling. "Mud happy," the muddy lizard grumbled, scooping up some mud between his talons and pressed the side of his face into it. "Joining?" Anthemtalon then asked with a flick of his tongue and his head raising up, dribbling down the messy mix of mud. "Clean, mud clean, made self."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: cunning edge, but classic ._. mud wallowing - ARVID R. - 05-15-2021

Deep down, Arvid did know what Anthemtalon was doing. He knew how lizards worked, and he knew that mud could be a good insulator. Absolutely perfect for keeping the warmth in, and thus absolutely perfect for cold blooded creatures. And yet... he still found himself vaguely disgusted as he approached. Not to the same level as Aphra, obviously, but he really couldn't imagine rolling around in the mud and having it feel good. Perhaps it was just a side effect of his thick coat – mud clung to it like crazy, and he was fairly sure he'd still be finding chunks of dried mud months later if he went wallowing in it. Not to mention the fact that the young thane really didn't need any kind of insulator. His dark – for the most part – and thick pelt was enough to get him through pretty much any cold weather, and also served as a bit of a hindrance when it was warmer. Putting an insulator on his already strained body would probably just lead to him overheating and having a miserable time – not that he could really explain that plainly to Anthem. He doubted that the komodo would even vaguely understand what he was talking about.

Still, Arvid approached the little "mud party" that was going on, mainly due to the presence of Saturn. His father figure just looked so incredibly happy... he couldn't resist coming to sit for a little while. So, the canine sat near the edge of the large mud "pond," his tail resting over his paws before he spoke up, "Well... this certainly looks like fun, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pass. I don't wanna end up panting until I pass out, after all." His words were mostly directed at Saturn and the others more than Anthem. He doubted that Anthemtalon would care that much about him not going into the mud – aside from the other seemingly wanting to share everything he considered "positive" with them all. Unfortunately, it seemed as though the large lizard still didn't understand that their definitions of what was great or not varied pretty wildly on occasion from his.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass