Beasts of Beyond
aren't we all rabid - open; transformation - Printable Version

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aren't we all rabid - open; transformation - rhosmari - 05-12-2021


It was dark, night had come to the desert and the tom was tired to say the least. There had been a lot of things occurring here and there were a lot of mental hurdles for him to get across. But he was trying to settle yet he was in pain. A pain that had been with him since he had joined the Pitt. He hadn't really been trying to say anything about it. No one wanted a cry baby around them so he tried to deal with it himself. Thinking that maybe he just needed a little extra blood to soothe his body. But he had gotten some discreetly, as quietly as he could and well, it hadn't worked. And it was getting worse. His body felt like it was on fire, skin stretched too tight. He was a bumbling fool in the desert alone because he couldn't sleep because of the pain. His eyes lifted up to look at the moon and he tried to surpress his own shaking. "Damn it....I guess this is happening again, huh?" His breathing labored as he felt the first splitting of his skin. His mouth. Blackish purple oozing liquid began to sleep from his tearing skin and he groaned.

The pain was unbearable and he doubted that he would remember anything of it at all. He fell against the desert sand and his body shook. Val reached up and began sinking his claws into his own skin, pulling the flesh away like it was only a sleeve as the skin on his back began to crack and tear. Blood that was the same black purple began to pour from the opening wounds even as he began to pull and tear at his own flesh. What looked like golden and white fur laid underneath. Massive jaws with both bottom and top canines elongated became visible. The more he tore and ripped at himself the more the other skin became visibly. All the while he was growing and that was what was splitting him open. Legs bursting the skin and fur to reveal grey white scales.

Thick white talons carved through the small claws of the domestic and dropped to a bloody heap on the ground. Horns grew, puncturing through skin and flesh. The ground around him was covered in blood and large swathes of flesh and skin. Chuncks of it even. The massive seven foot creature shook himself sheer and harder still as a tail with sharp edge spikes cut through, shaking off what skin and flesh remained before shaking the draconic tail of white and grey scales, soft white golden fur like a mane shifting. When the change was done the draconic tiger was barely conscious, laying there where flesh, fur, and blood remained. Slow breathing. Smoke seething from between parted lips but all was quiet.

Re: aren't we all rabid - open; transformation - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-13-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
In the lands of The Pitt, especially the olden days, gore and blood was something normal. Dante was conditioned to it, even past his time in the former days of the grand Pitt he adored. Though the massive scent of blood in the air had the hybrid intrigued and he followed the trail, with it getting stronger as he neared the unconscious new body of Valhalla.Shit. Dante was no stranger to shapeshifting (he had it himself, after all), though bleeding out and having chunks of your former body below you wasn't something he experienced. It was quite the shock really and at first, the sharkcat was wondering if the newcomer was dead. But the smoke coming out from the dragon's body was reassuring and so, Dante moved to the other side of the hybrid trying to shake VALHALLA awake.

Although of course Dante didn't recognize the guy, it was still rather concerning that a body was here unconscious on their border. If need be, he could just shoo the guy away if he wasn't a Pittian, right?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: aren't we all rabid - open; transformation - rhosmari - 05-15-2021

As Dante began to shake him his brow furrowed, a huff leaving his muzzle as he tried to shift away from the nudges. "Quit shakin. I'm nappin' right now...." He rumbled out as he shifted his head to the side but it only took a moment for the draconic tiger hybrid to slowly open his eyes. The starting purple slowly morphed into a luminescent bright green with a ring of fire around his pupils. They contracted against the sunlight and he groaned as he realized how his body hurt. Exhaustion swept back over him like a wave and he shook himself before he slowly sat up. "Oh, great. My head is in the clouds now..." The massive beast spoke with humor as he talked about his new height. He had never been this tall before and so this was an interesting change of pace.

Slowly he realized that Dante was here and he glanced toward him. "Oh. Hey Dante. What are you doing all the way out here?" Lifting his talons from the ground he examined them finding them to be rather interesting given how sharp and long they were.

Re: aren't we all rabid - open; transformation - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, so this was Valhalla - it wasn't hard to recognize that voice. Dante let out a small chuckle at the 'head in the clouds' comment the guy made, watching in silence as the hybrid examined himself. "New to shapeshifting?" He mused, though realized that Valhalla had actually asked him a question. Whoops. "Patrolling was my original plan, but y'know, blood attracted me here. Kinda hard t' ignore it when there's a literal pool on the ground." He answered, gesturing to the bits of flesh and blood surrounding where Valhalla passed out.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]