Beasts of Beyond
Take me by the hand ~ finding a slingshot - Printable Version

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Take me by the hand ~ finding a slingshot - Casphian - 05-12-2021

Saturn padded through the main camp, sniffing out the village that they hadn’t had access to up until recently due to the mud slide. It was nice for the Thane to finally be able to get to know the new surroundings, allowing them to be able to know the territory they resided in a bit better. As they were walking they would end up stumbling, paw tripping on an object left carelessly on the ground and sending the feline to faceplant onto the ground. With a soft hiss the snow leopard would push themself back up and turn towards the forsaken object that ruined their mood. Sniffing at it didn’t quite do much and so they would end up batting at the slingshot. After some fumbling Saturn would have the object placed between their front paws, teeth having it drawn back with a pebble hidden inside the pounce unbeknownst to them. Without much thought the would release the pouch, the sound of it releasing filtering through their ears.

//please wait for byriath’s reply before replying!

Re: Take me by the hand ~ finding a slingshot - Byriath - 05-12-2021

Pwink! The god halted, a paw over some herbs he was taking home. The beast flicked his ear and looked around, purple eyes spotting Saturn with a slingshot. Ah. The god grinned and simply acted clueless. "Who did That? Show yourself and maybe I'll spare you." using his earth elements he lifted the pebble up.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Take me by the hand ~ finding a slingshot - Casphian - 05-13-2021

The snow leopard froze when they heard Byriath speak up, fully knowing that they truly fucked up. Saturn looked anywhere but at Byriath which wasn’t hard considering they couldn’t even see. They would causally push the slingshot behind their back, pretending as if they never even had it.

Re: Take me by the hand ~ finding a slingshot - ARVID R. - 05-15-2021

A slingshot. It was a relatively primitive weapon, but that didn't mean that it wasn't damn fun to use. Especially if you could find something to fire that was just annoying enough to cause havoc, but not too brutal on whoever you shot it at. At least, that's what Arvid had picked up from watching human children play with them, up until he ended up getting taken away. In that moment, he had certainly wished he had something like a slingshot. Even if it was a primitive weapon, at least he could've defended himself...

The canine had been drifting into his own memories when he heard the soft snap of Saturn releasing a shot, the noise very suddenly bringing him back to reality. The young thane had merely been watching Saturn play with the weapon before, but this development? Oh, it was so much more fun. Arvid couldn't help the almost hyena-like laughter that erupted from him as Byriath swung around, feigning rage. Saturn's reaction only drove the dire wolf into further hysterics. With his head shaking from side to side, the male barked, "Man, you're really in for it now, Saturn! You want me to hide you somewhere?" Of course, he knew that Byr was only really jokingly angry, so he was merely playing along. What was so bad about teasing his father a little bit?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass