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bittersweet pastry - reintro - Printable Version

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bittersweet pastry - reintro - ASVINI - 05-12-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
/ because im a weenie who forgot to rp her

She felt like she had slept for a month and a half. Which, she hadn't, realistically. She had just faded into the background, taking more naps then usual, taking.. well. A vacation, of sorts. But today was the day to get back into the swing of things. And she would be lying if she said that she didn't technically notice that more people were here. She was sure there was at least another litter of children. She, of course, could be dead wrong about that.

So out emerged the beast of a woman, her muscled body stretching and her maw splitting in a yawn. She had become somewhat coordinated with her eyepatch, though she sorely missed the mark of royalty she always proudly bore. She stepped off of her porch, heading towards the docks. Surely, someone would be around, right?

Re: bittersweet pastry - reintro - ROSEMARY - 05-12-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The witch lounged over the side of the docks, one hindpaw soaking in the water while her forked tail skimmed the surface. She iced the surface a hair’s breadth thick wherever her tail touched the water, but the practice looked like a game instead of serious training.

Rosemary lurked on the edges of beach life, even at the best of times, and the last few months hadn’t been the best of times. Today marked a small exception in this trend, though the ocelot still avoided the crowds. The empty docks provided an excellent refuge for the water witch, where she enjoyed the public spaces of the Typhoon without needing to engage in awful smalltalk or boring trivialities, and she often visited whenever her treehouse began feeling claustrophobic rather than cozy.

Her ears twitched when she heard the jaglioness’s pawsteps, and the ocelot lifted her muzzle off her paws. Her pink nose twitched. How did greetings work, again, exactly?

“Deldrach, good morning.” Too formal? Rosemary sighed, swiped her tongue over her teeth as she stifled her own yawn, and rubbed her muzzle with the back of a paw. “If you want peace and quiet, I won’t trouble you. Unless you’re looking to be troubled.”

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: bittersweet pastry - reintro - roan ; - 05-13-2021

Deldrach Akadon. She wasn't someone that Roan knew particularly well, but he did know her significance to those around The Typhoon. He knew she had a connection with Goldie – even though said connection had been somewhat strained by Goldie's accident – and that she had been around for a long time. Needless to say, the soothsayer held a great deal of respect for Del, and had felt a significant amount of anger festering within him when he had to treat the aftermath of her eye being stolen. Still, he had gotten revenge for her eventually, in the form of Caesar's eyeball, which still sat floating in a jar within the temple. Eye for an eye had only seemed fitting.

When Deldrach had essentially disappeared from day to day life, Roan hadn't been particularly surprised. He figured she needed time to recover, and it wasn't as if others simply dropping off the face of the Earth for a while was unusual. It had become commonplace for the siamese, and considering he hadn't noticed any signs of her being taken, he saw no reason to worry. He had been the same way with Rosemary... somewhat. Even he could admit that he had been taken aback by her stepping down from her sage position, and part of him had been terrified he'd never see her again. He was worried his aunt would simply fade into the background once more, and maybe this time... never return. He tried to push those feelings down, however, not wanting to dwell on them for long – they would only distract him from his work.

However, life seemed to have a funny way of planning things. Think of the devil and he shall appear, they said. In this case, he supposed it was think of the devils, and they shall appear. There they were. Deldrach and Rosemary. Out and about. Not faded into nothingness. Roan couldn't deny the tiny leap of excitement his heart took as he approached, although that excitement was hardly reflected on his face. Instead, he had his usual neutral expression as he walked over, greeting Deldrach lightly, "Deldrach... it's good to see you again. I was beginning to worry that the loss of your eye had driven you inside for the rest of your days." Even with his usually blunt and dry tone, it was fairly clear that his last sentence had been a joke.

The medic then finally allowed himself to look over at Rosemary, briefly digging his claws down into the ground beneath him before he finally managed to speak, "And it's good to see you too, Rosemary. It's been... a while." That was to say the least, in the draconic feline's opinion. He didn't feel angry at his aunt, though. Instead, he merely seemed vaguely choked up. Mainly because... well, he had missed her.
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Re: bittersweet pastry - reintro - ASVINI - 05-13-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #2F1313; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #673F3F;"][align=center] — [b]JAGLIONESS - TYPHOON - MEMBER - TAGS
To say the least, Deldrach hadn't know Rosemary especially. They were clanmates at the least, and she had seen Rosemary around a number of times. She just never bothered to get to know her before. Deldrach's ears twitched as Rose spoke, her head turning. She gave a greeting chuff, the jaglioness stretching herself out on the deck and settling down. Her eye shifted towards Rosemary, giving a small smile. "Good morning." She replied. "I don't really know what I feel like, honestly. Felt cooped up inside my home, so I figured I'd go on a walk. Wouldn't mind being bothered." She rumbled.

The woman felt her eye close as the sunlight drifted down onto her pelt. Ah, she would have nothing less then another nap at this point. She inhaled deeply, ears twitching and rotating. The scent of Roan made her eye open again, head turning towards the younger individual. She had a wealth of gratefulness towards Roan. The whole situation with losing her eye.. he had gone back and made sure Caeser paid for his dead. So, of course he would get her attention. A small grin tugged at her face as he posed a joke.

"Aye, it's good to see you too, Roan. I'm not sure losing even an eye could have slowed me down at this point." She chided, leaning her head to one side. As Roan greeted Rosemary, she looked towards the other female. She kept herself silent for a moment- she could feel the tension between the two of them. Well, at least Roan to Rosemary.

Re: bittersweet pastry - reintro - ROSEMARY - 05-13-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
“It has,” Rosemary said. An earflick encompassed all her emotional expression at that admittance, but such muted reactions were normal for her; she felt, deeply felt, even if her body never showed it properly. “Perhaps, Roan, we should catch up over tea at my treehouse? I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for being the permanent soothsayer the Typhoon needs, but I never can be.”

The witch’s four eyes collectively shifted from her nephew to Deldrach. “Well, I’m feeling social today. By my standards. If you want a Tarot reading, that might be an interesting read.”

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: bittersweet pastry - reintro - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
//Retro to capture

"Rosemary's tarot readings are always fun." Vayne mused as she joined the small group, a soft smile on her face. It was actually good to see the witch again; she missed the strange woman, who was almost a sort of... advisor to her. Would she have been proud to hear about Vayne fighting off Aphra during her entrance ritual? Probably, but the Privateer didn't want to bring that up. That being said, there was another face here that Vayne didn't think she recognized - or at least, she didn't think she ever got a proper name. If she recalled, she met Deldrach right after Caesar attacked her, but never quite had been able to introduce herself. "Welcome back, you two. Always good to see old faces around again." Vayne didn't want to make things awkward if Deldrach knew her, so she didn't introduce herself just yet.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: bittersweet pastry - reintro - roan ; - 05-15-2021

Hearing that Deldrach hadn't been slowed down by the injury inflicted upon her by Caesar... it was honestly a relief. A positive for Roan, in a life that, as of recently, hadn't been filled with very many of them. With a soft bout of laughter leaving him as he heard the warrior woman, the soothsayer merely shook his head and muttered, "I really should've figured... Although, I was fairly certain you wouldn't let someone so insignificant get you down." As much fuss as Caesar loved to make, the eyesore of a feline was only a relatively small blip on Roan's radar, if he was being honest. Yes, he had attacked Caesar and – rightfully – gotten revenge for Deldrach, but that was more out of a sense of duty and honor rather than feeling as though Caesar was important. Roan had dealt with a meteor strike within his first few weeks as a medic – one feline wouldn't be enough to shake him anytime soon.

Speaking of his work as a medic... when Rosemary spoke up, the siamese nearly felt a sense of sadness fill him. Mainly because he knew that Rosemary truly believed what she was saying. She believed that he was the permanent soothsayer that The Typhoon needed – that she thought she could never be. And yet, he constantly felt as though he was falling. Drowning, beneath everything that came at him... a dry and slightly strained chuckle left him then, more vulnerable than he had meant for it to be. After that, he just nodded and spoke in his usual direct tone, "Yes... yeah, we should really do that at some point." He wanted to talk to her, even if he knew it could end up hurting. And with that, the tension on the air – at least on Roan's side – mostly faded. His attention had already drifted over to Vayne, the male flicking his tail in her direction as a form of silent greeting.
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