Beasts of Beyond
she fell on me like the first morning frost ✁ possession - Printable Version

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she fell on me like the first morning frost ✁ possession - teef - 05-10-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] He'd been alone. Alone was dangerous, their family always knew that. Unless you were the head of the family or you had extreme prowess in protecting yourself. If you weren't some self sacrificial moron, that is. Not that Laeglin was, but he'd lowered his mental guard while he was alone. He'd felt a familiar presence around him, once he couldn't name for this life, but he'd known this presence in a former life. He'd been much younger than this one, the female entity he could feel that had as much of an overwhelming presence as his father had. His eyes slid closed as he sat there, face up the sky above, himself the only living being for miles. It was no surprise to feel the trickles of the other presence sliding into him, seeping through his pores and through his thoughts. Sister. This was his eldest sister from his true life. That was who was visiting him. He could feel her body's invisible press, pressing against him, his eyes hollow as he opened them. He'd asked for someone to hear him, to come see him.

He was lonely and he was weak in a way he couldn't recover from. His soul had grown lonely. The God had been lost for the longest time without any guidance and after discovering himself without his family around him ... he hurt. Of course there were others, there always was but he had no connection with the living here. He just wanted to return to the realm of his family and be with his loved ones again. He wanted to feel complete again after living a hollow life. His eldest sister had heard his words and his prayers. Was she here to guide him? No. They all knew the path home. They all knew the painful trials of their lives.

She was no goddess, but she had lived a life fit to belong to one. She was a child of the union between the God of war and a second generation Godkiller. She was the only of her many siblings from unions within this new life, to not inherit a godship. She was furious over that, she always had been. She hadn't been enough to be considered a God, but she'd lived and fought as hard as any of them. She hated the Gods, Gods outside of her family that is. She couldn't hate her own family, no. But she hated the Gods with everything she had. Now, her brother wanted to return to their realm. She would take his body from him in exchange, it wasn't something that he wanted anymore. She would re-mould it. Make it hers.

The exchange of souls was simple. He left and she entered. The pain was excruciating but it wasn't anything she hadn't been used to. Flexing his talons, making his body shift positions. Get it working, get it moving, make sure it worked well. Not that she gave a shit, she'd make it hers anyways. Closing his eyes, calling upon her body from when she had first lived. His body changed, became hers fully. She was in control. "Go brother. Go home. Go back to them.", she would speak to his invisible presence at her side, lingering, waiting. As soon as he left, she refocused her attention and energy on her own body. Before he'd passed his body to hers, he had been in his dragon form. Disappointing that it was smaller than what it had been in her first life, but oh well. It would do just fine.

Dark ash gray took over blue, deep red scales covered deep blue, light blue hair trading for a deep deep gray, teeth turning pitch black. Blue tongue turned a dark shade of electric green, antlers turning a burnt shade of bone with cracks the same color as the tongue splintering through in strange designs and patterns. Teal eyes became an ashy yet bright green, pale blue whiskers turning a light red than scales. Green and dark gray markings appeared around eyes and across the body, her eyes splitting open as a yawn left her. Shit, she really should have asked him just what the hell he'd been doing and where the fuck she was. Looking at the area around her, curling her lips in distaste. Tongue flicking out, sighing. She sensed other bodies nearby, it seemed a settlement or the like.

Stretching her talons, grinning to herself. It felt so good to be alive again, in a body she had control over. There was no way that they wouldn't know that she was different. Her brother had just disappeared for all they knew. Obviously he felt little for any he'd left behind. She supposed she may as well figure this landmass out, it was unfamiliar to her. Heading back down, tracing his scent back to the place he'd made his home, amusement rich in her gaze. What a strange place. He must have had a smaller body. Well, she could always possess a new one, or she could figure out how he'd managed to get himself a smaller body. Standing before his home with a faintly curious expression, stretching with a long groan. -