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Get the feeling - open, mutation/corruption growth - Printable Version

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Get the feeling - open, mutation/corruption growth - SirDio - 05-09-2021

Re: Get the feeling - open, mutation/corruption growth - aesior - 05-10-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Aesior himself wasn't far, luckily for Sethiram, his daily patrol taking him across the territory at a fair trot. The heat of the sun was enough to drive him to the waterfall as his closest place of hydration. Approaching, he couldn't help the surprised bristle of his fur, gray eyes landing on the boy who had changed somewhat physically. He wasn't in his regular tomcat body, standing instead in his lion body. Tail swaying as he paused before approaching a bit quicker, "Sethiram.", the grim called out, his head tipping softly to the side, "Are you alright?", he asked, voice rumbling.

Gaze on the dark scales on his face and the teeth protruding from his mouth. It seemed like the boy's body was changing. His gaze narrowed softly. He'd said something about gods when he'd come to them. He was able to catch his words, eyes narrowing a bit further. He was asking where he was. The sense of anger quietly building in his chest tightened, not anger at the child, but some sort of rage towards the gods, both his own and the ones that the boy knew. "You're home, little one." he would speak, stopping in front of him, extending his neck to sniff at him. "Are you in pain?", his gaze moved over the expansion of scales. Arlo might be the best in this manner, considering the vanguard himself was draconic. Maybe he had some clues on how to deal with scales? Maybe an oiling would relieve any pain or itchiness if the scales itched.

Re: Get the feeling - open, mutation/corruption growth - SirDio - 05-10-2021

Re: Get the feeling - open, mutation/corruption growth - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-13-2021

Fraggle knew a few things about shapeshifting, and mutations. His current lion cub form was as a direct result of shapeshifting, and while this form didn't have any mutations, his rabbit form did. After all, not all hares you saw jumping around had bronze and gold feathers adorning their ears. Still, he had been born with his feathery mutations. They had been part of him from the moment he was alive, and they weren't something that had grown in afterwards. Honestly, the boy was grateful for that, considering he had little idea of how painful such a process would be if it had happened later in life. No matter how much it had hurt, though... it wouldn't have been as painful as Sethiram's new mutation's looked.

Fragglerock had followed along not far behind Aesior that day, the boy having asked to accompany the other on his daily patrol. Aesior had initially been somewhat hesitant, no doubt because of the still-healing wound that still lingered on Frag's side, but the cub was persistent. So, as Aesior had been sniffing at Seth's newest additions, Fragglerock had merely been... staring. After a moment of hesitation, the boy was able to question, his head cocking to one side, "What happened? Did all of this just... grow?" His question went unanswered, though, when a voice that very much wasn't Seth's responded. The being's words were confusing, and the young lion found himself shrinking back, half hiding behind Aesior when Sethiram once more gained control of himself.

There was another moment of silence before Frag spoke up, not moving from his position behind Aesior as he answered Seth's question, "You... you just talked. But you didn't sound at all like yourself! It didn't seem like it was you, anyways..." It had referred to Seth as "this boy," after all. Unless this was all some kind of elaborate prank by the other? But that hardly seemed likely, at least to Fraggle.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: Get the feeling - open, mutation/corruption growth - aesior - 05-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
His fur ruffled along his spine, the grim's ears switching back with a growl. The growing sense of wrongness only served to keep him on edge as he heard the voice, his eyes narrowing. The interaction was short but it was enough to make him give the strange voice a warning, "Don't you dare to harm a hair on this boy's head or I'll find your soul and torture it" he seethed quietly. He didn't like whatever it was that was making Sethiram behave in this way.

He knew it could be any matter of things, but possessions and attachments were a messy business he had no care for. He was a grim, it was part of his duty to protect the living from the spirits and energies of the dead. His attitude changed as Sethiram spoke in his normal voice, doubling over. Shoulders twitching as his fur laid back down, looking down at Fraggle as he half hid behind him, gaze switching back to Sethiram. "The pain ... you just doubled over, Seth, don't tell me it doesn't hurt as much.", came a weary sigh. "You seem .... to have something attached to you. It is of concern for it used your voice. If you want me to, I can try to harvest whatever it is. I'm a servant of death, this is one of the few things I'm skilled at." he would comment.