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decisions made and not bought ._. thagomizers - Printable Version

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decisions made and not bought ._. thagomizers - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-09-2021

His earth elementals ironically enough went mostly unnoticed to the one who bore them. He didn't notice that his tail easily moved rocks without effort, or that digging small holes to leave his prey was far easier and that the dirt seemed to pile just where he wanted it. He didn't really care, for one thing, nor was he exactly observant enough to notice it. After all, he wasn't exactly concerned with much more than keeping his belly full and body warm. Concerns over intergroup issues, the recent kidnappings, and things that made the Coalition what it was? Those were things that he instead liked to listen to as he sunbathed, more than happy to nod and be supportive than actively partake.

What did catch his attention was when it smacked him in the snout. He had been laying down for one of his many naps when his face met something other than rough, scaly tail. His eyes blinked open and his head lifted, starting at his tail. The limb was unaltered, mostly, spare the two new growths that he only now noticed. Sharp, jagged, sturdy rocks now settled near the end of his tail. Long, far longer than that of his talons and teeth. Sturdy enough to hurt, not that Anthemtalon really cared about that. It had interrupted his nap, after all, and a sleepy lizard was a rather grumpy one. It was made evident with movement that almost could come across as aggressive, even though Anthem was anything but an aggressive individual.

Huffing, he pulled his tail around closer to his face to inspect what had interrupted him from using his tail as a pillow. Instead of being amazed at the sight of these new growths as some would, these useful additions to his body that most certainly made him the slightest bit more unique, he instead settled for something else (more 'Anthem-y', as to be expected). Chewing on the rocky protrusions, which did not have nerves and so did not feel pain. Gnawing on them, as to be expected with Anthemtalon's reputation for eating things that definitely could not be considered edible. Was it because he wanted to stretch his jaw? Because it had disturbed his attempt of napping? Unlikely to be answered, with him gently tugging on the newly grown thagomizer with his maw with absolutely no success. "Stuck."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: decisions made and not bought ._. thagomizers - ARVID R. - 05-09-2021

"Pretty sure those are part of you now, big guy." Arvid's tone was even and faintly amused as he approached, a rabbit hanging down from his jaws. He had been on his way back from a hunt when he heard Anthem's annoyed grumbling. He hadn't really been expecting the other's new additions, instead figuring that the komodo was grumbling about being painted again, or being interrupted from his nap. Ironically, he was grumbling about being interrupted from a nap, but not for the usual reasons. Instead, it seemed as though his earth elementals had blessed him with a new ability to defend himself – not that Anthem particularly needed it. Arvid honestly kind of envied the other's natural ability to produce venom, and bring things down. Still, he already knew that his mind was starting to drift from the topic at hand, as it often had a tendency to do when he got off wondering about science and nature.

Sitting down nearby, the dire wolf carefully placed his caught rabbit down on the ground before he spoke up, "They look like, uh... shit." He quickly shook his head before correcting, a frustrated sigh leaving him, "No, no... they don't look like shit. I forgot the term for them. Thagomizers? I think that's it. I remember seeing them on old diagrams of various dinosaurs." He then reached out a paw, attempting to put it on one of the rock thagomizers – mainly, the one that Anthem hadn't been chewing on. He didn't exactly want to touch the other's spit. When he felt that the thagomizers were made out of solid rock, though, he found himself perking up in surprise. He muttered, a crooked smile coming to his muzzle, "Oh... wow. They're made of rock? I wasn't expecting that. I suppose it's as a result of your earth elementals." Although, he did have wonder if Anthem even knew about his elementals. Probably not, if the lizard's behavior in the past was anything to go by.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: decisions made and not bought ._. thagomizers - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-09-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
"I highly doubt that idiot is even aware of the fact that he has elementals, Arvid." Aphra's voice came out as a harsh snort, almost amused that Arvid was even trying to offer Anthemtalon an explanation for the damned things sticking out of his tail now. Although Aphra had to admit, they were pretty cool and it did make him look more like a miniature dinosaur. Not that Aphra would admit that, of course, but she was curious enough to come closer to see them at a better angle. "Probably doesn't even know what the hell that means."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: decisions made and not bought ._. thagomizers - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-11-2021

Aphra would be correct in her doubts of Anthemtalon even knowing that he had earth elementals. Their discovery had been to others, not to himself; not a care given to how when his tail swung around it would send far more rock and dirt than what would be normal. Either that, or the lizard's lack of observant nature had been the cause, which was equally as likely to him just not caring. Eyes moved from the thagomizer that was grasped in his own maw, looking at Arvid as he came over. He released the hold, the limb slowly moving so that the other could look at the rocky protrusions.

A part of him now? Tongue flicked, another huff sounding. "Heavy," he grumbled. The comment of them looking like shit actually warranted a laugh from the lizard, which sounded more like some engine failing to start rather than any sort of laugh. "Is rock. Heavy. Warm. Sharp." His jaw settled after speaking; so that had been why one of his gums were aching from the brief chewing of the thagomizer. A dinosaur being compared to him was true, even if it was ironic; herbivores tended to have thagomizers, whereas Anthemtalon was a creature that would eat pretty much anything put in front of him. "Uh. Er. Cool shit?" Head tipped, his head turning to look over at Aphra when she came closer.

A lazy smile presented itself on the lizard's face, and a shrug of his shoulders. "Don't get," he answered truthfully and with his typical nonchalant manner. Eyes focused on the rabbit for a brief moment, but turned away after a momentary assessment of not being hungry. "Earth warm. Warm? Warm good. Warm shit? Shit tail?" Confusion then found itself in his tone; was it actually some other creature's dung? Was rocks dung? His expression briefly contorted, and one could practically hear the dusty and basic cogs in Anthem's head trying to turn. "No bad smell."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags