Beasts of Beyond
agitating the atmosphere - open; return to body - Printable Version

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agitating the atmosphere - open; return to body - rhosmari - 05-09-2021

Her body had laid limp upon the ground as she used her possession ability to cause a bit of havoc. Possessing the son of one of her most hated enemies she forced him to do things, utter words and see her own madness. That was until she had gotten to the Glades. Some boy had gotten the best of her. She had abandoned the body as soon as it had started to suffocate. Leaving Alexandre I that territory. Poor boy. Her soul wandered on that thread, watching the lining that was split in two and showed her the way to both of her bodies. Both of them. She hadn't been in her lioness form in a while, she could say she missed it. Suddenly the speed of her soul increased and she slammed into solidification. A ragged breath leaving her throat as if she was choking and then it turned into broken laughter.

The blue tinted lioness stretched out her paws, each bone cracking and snapping. Her spine popping as her jaws parted. Frigid breath left her muzzle and dripped down to the ground. "Do you hear us now, Typhoon. Or will we have to make you blind next...?" Slowly her head turned and she narrowed her eyes as her neck popped, the stiffness in her birth body a reminder of how long it had sat still. Changing bodies was fun. She wanted to collect more and perhaps she would but for now she was enjoying the thought of what she had accomplished in the Glades.


Re: agitating the atmosphere - open; return to body - ARVID R. - 05-09-2021

Arvid had actually never really seen Sojourn in her lioness body just yet. When he had first joined the Coalition, it had been following the mudslide, and the kingpin had already been in her alternate form. Still, it was pretty difficult not to recognize the distinctly sharp and brutal tone of Sojourn as he grew close. The bones popping and snapping within her re-possessed body probably would have been rather gruesome to anyone else besides a member of the Coalition, honestly. Instead, the dire wolf was merely fascinated by the way that the other occupied her form once more, and he once again found himself wondering how possession worked. Had her birth body really just been asleep this whole time? Would a body deteriorate and atrophy if it was left without a soul for too long? It was yet another subject that the boy yearned to study, but that could be filed away for later.

For now, the dire wolf just approached with a small grin on his face, his tail wagging behind him. He greeted Sojourn in a jovial manner, his claws briefly digging into the dirt, "Hello, Sojourn! Don't think I've seen this form of yours before... It's very impressive." He supposed he could've said "pretty," but somehow that didn't feel as appropriate as impressive for the kingpin. Besides, he didn't really think he could judge a woman's prettiness all that well. Thus far he had barely been interested in anyone else or their appearance unless it was related to science. And even if he would be interested in anyone based off of their appearance, it more than likely wouldn't be a woman.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass