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h interest check - Printable Version

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h interest check - arcy - 05-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]sweats nervously
hEY!! so i came up w an idea for a clan a few weeks back, and i kind of just want to get a grasp on who would be interested?? ive put a lot of effort into it and im just Really Living for it, even if it's unlikely to become official Ever lol
so, basically, the group is called Moonlight Vale. it has a history as being part of a royalty based clan before they split off and became nomads. There's something involving a war in which they nearly died out, and also a group of cultists who basically cursed the clan to have at least one eldritch god watching over them. They've settled down and become an actual named group recently according to lore or w/e. their territory consists of three different regions, a meadow w an overlooking mountain, a forest(ft. dangerous deep woods), and a waterfall cavern. let me tell u, theyre all v v cursed. like,, a bunch supernatural shit i guess. theyre v nature based as well, and bc of their history and territory, kind of spiritual too. very superstitious bunch tbh. theres,, a lot of cultures and traditions, such as resolve tests and season festivals. something about soul pendants, which are kind of a basis for what kind of person the wearer is.
thats,,, just the basis i guess. its,, all kind of complicated, so i'll definitely probably have to tone it down for more casual rpers?? which will be,, hard,, to let go of but :^(( and hh a link to extra details is here.
w,,, would anybody be interested in an unofficial group like this?? ive got a small few people interested but its not Enough so,, lmao
yall, how,, how do unofficial groups even work on this site. where do i post the guide.... how do u become official.... i know nothing abt any of this and i am Frightened. sorry if i Fucked Up anywhere please be nice lol
anyways hh
slams post before i Regret

Re: h interest check - Una. - 05-20-2018


Re: h interest check - guts - 05-20-2018

also tracks

Re: h interest check - COSMIIX - 05-20-2018

curls around u protectively in a track

Re: h interest check - pallid-i - 05-21-2018

my body needs this
tracking the fuck outta this

Re: h interest check - Una. - 05-21-2018

Re: h interest check - anthem - 05-21-2018

trackin this homeslice

Re: h interest check - Orion - 05-21-2018

eyes up this idea
you can use the uncharted territories board, but it would be nice to do a separate board for guides, so i should probs do that ngl
also for no, official titles aren't really based on post count, just board status. y'all will be picked based on activity and creativity. bonus points if the clan is formed off a current character and plot within the clans, as that'll make it more likely to pick your clan.
ok enough from me

Re: h interest check - arcy - 05-22-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]insert that vine of the baby throwing the weight and then screaming
wE GOT IT UP YAALL!! thanks for the interest™, the guide is up, and im gonna get the formation thread up sOON!! here it is :3c

Re: h interest check - Orion - 05-23-2018

ahh lovely!!