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THRASH AND KILL ; digging pit - Printable Version

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THRASH AND KILL ; digging pit - MAUDE P. - 05-07-2021

Re: THRASH AND KILL ; digging pit - trojan g. - 05-07-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]This was the first time Ruven had seen Maude by herself. He hadn't been there when she had first come to the coalition, and although he had seen her around, the young boy hadn't taken the time to actually talk to her - though he had picked up through what he had seen thus far that it seemed as though she wasn't that big of a talker, and that she preferred to keep things short. Ruven didn't mind that to be honest, he liked it when things were just simply gotten to the point, especially considering how many questions he seemed to ask at times. It just depend on what was going on.

"Hello." He would speak, head tilting to the side as he looked down at the hole, trying to figure out what, exactly, it was for before he began to ask questions. "You're Maude, right?" He would ask, getting near the edge of the pit and laying down, paws hanging over the edge before he continued speaking. "This is a nice, uh, hole, you have. What's it for?" He hadn't seen anyone dig something so big in the territory before, and he was sure there would be some that wouldn't approve of the thing itself, considering it was a rather big project in the middle of their territory.

Re: THRASH AND KILL ; digging pit - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-08-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Maude was an interesting little creature, not only in looks but the way the girl only seemed to speak a few words. Aphra wasn't sure whether she liked her or not, but considering Maude hadn't really done anything to piss her off yet, the succubus did like seeing her around. Hearing Ruven call out to Maude in the distance made Aphra abandon her hunt, ears pricked for a moment before she made her way to the hole that Maude made and peered down at the strange girl.

"You planning on trying to trap someone down there?" Aphra called down, head tilted to one side as she tried to figure out what the pit could be used for. A lot of things, really.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: THRASH AND KILL ; digging pit - ARVID R. - 05-10-2021

Although it might've been a surprise to some, Arvid did know a thing or two about injuries. It was difficult for him not to, considering he had spent the majority of his life before the Coalition just... running. Being dragged around from place to place, trying to bolt away from experimentation and poking and everything else that had been such a goddamn nightmare. His running had led to quite a few bad injuries, some of which probably would have been fatal if they had gotten infected. So, while he did have to attribute a small amount of his scientific interests to the labs he had spent a solid chunk of his life in, he still never wanted to thank them for what they had done. Without them, he never would've had to wheeze and wait and pray that he wouldn't die from whatever injuries he had sustained, trying to scrabble out of awful metal jungles or slamming himself into solid glass. All in the pursuit of an escape. Of freedom.

Needless to say, captivity was a sore subject for Arvid, although the dire wolf felt little remorse in the Coalition's keeping of prisoners, or his own captures. No, instead, he merely felt pride. Pride for overcoming all that had been thrown at him thus far, and managing to thrive in spite of it all. This was why, when he approached where Maude's fighting pit had been dug out, he didn't feel a rush of bile or disgust or sadness for those that would more than likely inevitably be tossed into it. Instead, he merely sat down a few steps from the edge, looking down at Maude before he spoke, "Well, I'd assume this isn't for keeping prisoners, considering we already have plenty of space for that. So, what are you planning on doing? Hosting your own little hunger games?" It wouldn't surprise him if that was exactly what she was planning on doing. Maude seemed like the type to get some kind of kick out of an endeavor like that.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass