Beasts of Beyond
make the most of it - open; underground home - Printable Version

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make the most of it - open; underground home - rhosmari - 05-06-2021

So far since he had come here and become an unofficial Pittian to their standards he wasn't very impressed. Maybe he had let his mind run wild with his own thoughts of extravagance he had never witnessed before. Well, that was just how the world turned he guessed and he needed to find himself a drink or too. It would be harder since he was technically living here now. Already he could feel the crawling and creeping of his own skin. Shaking himself the swirl marked youth would allow his eyes to sweep over the desert. The jungle was behind him, he had delved into it enough and knew that was typically where everyone seemed to congregate. But he knew that he couldn't risk staying around a bunch of others. Bad for his health. Or...their health. Either way he was in the dry sands again and was looking down the pale fine grains and rock and sediment. Carefully he shifted his paw, feeling the surge and the earth beneath his body. The feeling was always a rush for him, the sand vibrating and feeling like it was becoming a living thing.

The ground shook, shuttered and he concentrated. The energy and will this took might advance how long he had before he actually really needed his drink but he guessed it was worth it. There was a heavy sound under the sand, a rattling shake and then steps seemed to emerge going down into the ground. His vision seemed to haze a bit before he blinked slowly forcing everything back into to focus. The stairs led down into a stone pocket in the ground. There were two adjacent rooms. One he slept in of course and the other he guessed for a guest. Courtesy being, after all he couldn't be that neglectful. "Not quite done yet." He mused before he tried to shake the tiredness from his limbs. He moved to where the center was over his knew home and suddenly slammed his paws against the ground. It was as if the crystal like gem flowed from his paws and created a nice circle. Giving light to his new abode. Diamond wasn't easy to break so it would hold in case some came trampling over.

With that finished at the entrance of the stares he dug his paw into the ground and willed nature to obey him. Putting the remnants of energy and growth into sprouting and growing two palm trees. One on either side. Man, he was beat. Decorating would have to come later and he collapsed against the trunk of one of the trees to take a breather. Soon he was snoring.

Re: make the most of it - open; underground home - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 05-07-2021

Re: make the most of it - open; underground home - westley h. - 05-07-2021

Although the leopard lacks elementals of his own, he was familiar with them in the sense he knew many others with them.  From direct family to mere acquaintances, they were common enough.

Sometimes, he wondered which element he wouldn't mind having a connection to.  Earth would certainly make growing plants for teas easier.

Westley hums quietly as he padded over.  As Hydrostatic voiced his curiosity, the paleblood smiled.  "It's sort of like... Running for a long time," he offers thoughtfully, voice low in case Valhalla remained asleep.  "You can run a little without getting tired, but if you run a lot, you'll wear yourself out."
**viridis (adj.) —-- westley hawkins / paleblood / penned by petrichor

Re: make the most of it - open; underground home - rhosmari - 05-09-2021

Like a lightning bolt the feline suddenly jerked away, wide eyed and his tail rather puffed up. He blinked a couple of times, coming to his senses and slowly calming down. Oh, oh, right. He was here in the desert. Taking a deep breath in he realized also that he wasn't alone and he stared at the two who had stumbled upon his location. "Not as out of the way as I thought..." His voice was a low murmur though there was a small smile upon his lips. Regardless of if they had found it easily or not he had no issues with guests. But well, he didn't know how long they had both been standing there. So if there had been a conversation he had surely missed it. Which led to an awkward silence and he did not do awkward silences. Shaking himself he looked toward the diamond top that shown down into his underground home and then back to them.

"Well, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the two of you. Well, one in passing but anyway, my name is Valhalla. Ah...I would offer both of you come inside but I lack furniture and other necessities." He mewed with humor ringing in his mellow tones. Well, at least he was still being polite. Right?

Re: make the most of it - open; underground home - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 05-10-2021

Re: make the most of it - open; underground home - westley h. - 05-12-2021

The leopard nods before chuckling quietly as Valhalla spoke, "sorry, didn't mean to wake you." But it looked as though the other did not mind the interruption too much.

"I'm called Westley, it's nice to meet you."

The paleblood shakes his head, hardly minding staying on the outside.  "If you need any help moving anything inside, I don't mind lending a paw."
**vim (n.) —-- westley hawkins / paleblood / penned by petrichor