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CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - Printable Version

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CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - arrow - 05-05-2021

Had Arrow ever actually been to the Typhoon? She didn’t think so, she’d interacted with the pirates on occasion when they came over to the swampland, and she’d been around long enough to watch the building of their oldest alliance. Which made her feel old as shit by the way, but that wasn’t the point. This wouldn’t be some ambassador trip, and even the idea of crawling to another group for help brought bile to her throat. Or maybe that’s just what her pride tasted like. But there was no choice now, Tanglewood needed serious help, and she could only think of one reliable group to maybe help them, offer supplies in such a daunting time. Taking the trek when in such a dehydrated, malnourished state was risky in itself, and she was no god or powerful spirit that could make it with a bit of a pain. She’d come back from the dead once, but maybe once was all that was allowed, and she had a family she had to see to.

The sun felt less harsh by the beach, and almost immediately after reaching the water, Arrow flopped down over the end of the railroad by the gate, shoving her face in the salty water to cool off. And it certainly felt wonderful, weird compared to the stagnant fresh water of home but that water was on death’s door as well. It took the cheetah a few moments to recover, spitting out salty water and sitting up straight enough to swing a paw at the bell above, announcing their arrival with a loud metallic ring. The snakes, nestled in their little bucket beneath everyone’s paws writhed and hissed in warning, to which Arrow promptly, without any self-preservation or a fuck to give, hissed loudly back. Y'know, against the multiple dangerously venomous mambas. 
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Re: CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - Casphian - 05-05-2021

The heat was getting worse and Tanglewood was in serious trouble at this point. Everyone was suffering and panic seemed to course through the ones who Paradox had chatted with. And so when the mention of going to get help was brought up they very quickly volunteered to go. Lust wasn’t pleased with how long the trip seemed to take, complaining a but here and there but honestly when did they not complain about something.

As soon as they reached the typhoon’s border their gaze snapped towards Areow when she shoved her head into the water, drawing the urge to jump into the water from Paradox. But alas they stayed rooted in their spot, gaze narrowing at the snakes that slithered between their paws. “Aww is the cheetah all hissy,” he teased Arrow when the other hissed at the snakes.

Re: CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - ROXANNE R. - 05-05-2021

Re: CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - Keona. - 05-05-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
While the bell gathered her attention as usual, it was hissing back at the black mambas, that truly caught the dire wolf's interest.  Sightless seagreen hues flickered in a brief display of amusement.  She certainly didn't feel any ill will toward the snakes but... No one had ever hissed back at them.  Not where the dealer could hear it anyway.

The faint traces of a smile tugged on her lips.  Roxanne had already made the necessary inquiry though, so the canine remained quiet for the moment, offering a soft, "aloha," in greeting.

Re: CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - roan ; - 05-06-2021

Tanglewood. Roan had never held a very high opinion of the other group, even if they were one of The Typhoon's longest standing allies. That was mostly as a result of Vigenere's period of leadership, though. The Cipher getting captured and needing Goldie to rescue him had aggravated and unsettled the medic, as well as solidified Tanglewood as a weak group in his mind. The takeover by the Coalition hadn't caused his opinion to become any higher, and this situation wouldn't either. Although, at the very least, this particular event couldn't really be said to actually be Tanglewood's fault. A rush of furiously hot weather and a drought was merely something natural, and nothing that any of them could've prevented merely by being stronger. It wasn't the same as a takeover, or their leader being taken. And at the very least, the siamese would admire them for being able to ask for help.

The slow ringing of the bell was what attracted Roan over, the soothsayer arriving not long after his mama, and Keona. He settled down near Roxanne's side, briefly pressing his pelt against her own before he looked over Arrow, and the others she had brought with her. It took him only a couple of moments before he spoke up, gaze narrowed, "...You're unwell. All of you. What's going on...?" Had some kind of sickness swept through their group? It didn't seem like it. Mainly because he'd hope they'd have the common sense to not send potential disease spreaders out to other groups. Still, none of them looked to be in particularly good shape. Malnourished, dehydrated... even if they weren't dealing with a sickness at the moment, one could very easily ravage a group in such a sorry state. Not that he wanted that to happen, he had merely been trained to watch out for the worst case scenarios when it came to... anything, really. It was part of being a medic – a precaution to make sure you didn't become too comfortable, or cocky.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: CODEINE KIDS GOT YOU DOWN ➼ open; tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-06-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

arrow had brought them to the typhoon to ask for help, but the mother started hissing at snakes that were dancing around their paws. kiara chose to smile at the ones in front of hers, dippiing her head down to allow better looks. "you're pretty." optics shining as light flickered off against the scales of a particularly shiny one, then looked up as roxanne approached. the dire wolf tilted her head, tail swishing slowly to the sides. looking towards  her brother lust greed would pad over to him, fixing her gaze onto the approaching roan. "to put this bluntly, we need resources. medicinal ones, especially. elsweyr is giving birth and uh, we've got a weather problem here to say the least."