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The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - Printable Version

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The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - jacob w.c. - 05-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — It was that time of the week again. He'd done a few of these now and he didn't like them anymore than he had the first several times. He still had to bring some note cards along but he was feeling a little better about it than he had before. Besides, there weren't so many announcements this week which he supposed was both good and bad. "Snowbound, gather for a meetin'!" the husky called. He waited several minutes after, watching as many of them began to arrive before he began, "Alright, so 'm gonna' try ta' keep this brief since there ain't much ta' say. There won't be any promotions this meetin' but Killua gets a warnin'. I appreciate tha' you're around but I need ta' see ya' more involved with the happinin's ah' the clan. You're a high position so I wanna' see ya' gettin' a li'l more involved. Ivylee's demoted 'cause I 'aven't seen 'er around much lately. Also, I'd like ta' give ya'll the reminder tha' any time ya' lose a position, ya' can always earn it back over time," he began. He hadn't liked that bit but at least it was out of the way now.

"As ya'll can see, 've got some necklaces n' pendents out in front ah' me today. Natasha, Stark, n' August all get the ducklin' charm 'cause I think they got a lotta' potential. That represents Ond, one ah' our ancestors," he announced before continuing, "I'd also like ta' welcome Sekai, Valemon, n' Quinn. We're happy ta' see ya'll 'ere n' if ya' need anythin' or got any questions, jus' lemme know." Jacob then shuffled the cards he had a bit before he got to the last one and a light smile came to his maw. "London's holdin' a spring festival with lotsa' good food n' games so make sure ta' check tha' out. Also, I need someone ta' volunteer ta' take an invitation ta' the Typhoon for that. Other than tha', unless anyone's got questions, this meetin' is dismissed," the husky concluded.



Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - Blazic - 05-20-2018

Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - Luciferr - 05-21-2018

Hymn of Ruin
Lucifer sat idly listening in on the meeting - sticking his head in to listen where his body could not wedge (if they held it in the cave this time anyway) and at the Birds - he did not know her name sadly, he hadn't met all of them yet - offer to help and spoke up "If you feel you need help or an escort with that, I am free" it wasn't intended as insult but rather from worry - after all Tanglewood liked to mess with any and all clans in truth and he'd rather not see anyone hurt from travelling between allies - and the larger dragon might be more useful in carrying any gifts to also ferry over true.


Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-21-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Stars, had it been a week already since the last meeting? Time sure seemed to fly by fast. Atbash made her way towards the meeting area, following after the others, at Jacob's call. She took a seat next to Lucifer, since he was the first one she recognized, and looked up at Jacob as he started to talk. He started with announcements regarding promotions and demoted, to which there weren't any promotions, but Ivylee had been demoted. Atbash couldn't recall if she met Ivylee or not, but still... It was sad to hear a member of their group had been demoted. Killua got a warning, which was slightly concerning, but hopefully things would work out.

Next were titles and pendants. Atbash smiled as those were handed out, and she gave a small purr at the ones given pendants. "Congrats!" She chirped. And after that was the typical announcements of joiners. Atbash remembered meeting the little lion cub, Valemon, and Quinn, though she didn't recall meeting Sekai. I'll have to do that at some point. The she-cat told herself.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - quinn - 05-21-2018

Quinn didn't really get all this meeting stuff, but they did hear their name being called, causing purple and yellow eyes to glance up towards the leader. They nodded their head with a smile, winking at nothing in particular, before continuing to listen. They would've offered, but some didn't really, well, like their... eccentric ways, and it seemed that someone else had it handled.

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]

Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-21-2018

It felt just like yesterday that they had a meeting. He guessed that's what it was like to have weekly meetings that were basically on time all of the time. The previous clan that he had been in hadn't exactly been all that attentive. At least to what he had when it came to expectations in that regard. The ivory-hued wildcat just wanted to keep updated when it came to the different groups, even if that meant that he would have to go out by himself and get something done. He had always been in the independent type and hadn't been the one to go out and try to help others either. He was probably a little bit too selfish when it came to the likes of what a clanner should end up being all things considered. The wildcat didn't exactly like working with others because if he didn't know about them it could end in disaster if he wasn't careful. They could ruin everything, but it wasn't like he had much to worry about either since basically all of the clans were peaceful up to this point. At least what he considered to be peaceful when looking through the eyes of Jacob. Killua still didn't like the Typhoon and until they went out of their way to get something done, Killua wasn't about to treat them like they were family. Hell, he didn't even treat those that lived in the clan like family because he didn't even know what that meant. There were only two creatures that he trusted in the clan, and that was Stark and London. Melantha was up there, but he hadn't interacted with the female nearly as much as the other two so that affected the way he thought about her. Not in any sort of bad way of course. The young male blinked his sapphire blue eyes when he heard the call for the meeting and began to move himself int he direction. Luckily he was close to camp since he didn't exactly spend his entire time in the camp either. He flicked one of his large white ears as his gaze scanned over the crowd, recognizing everyone that was in said crowd. Hearing his name being called and giving a warning, the assassin couldn't help but let out a huff. He knew what his job description meant, and that didn't mean he had to worry about thinking up events or being nice toward others. He was here as a fighter and nothing else. "My job is to fight, and I'm pretty sure there isn't exactly anything to fight around here. I've basically been doing my job, because I doubt anyone in a place like this wants to learn how to fight and would like to remain peaceful." The young male spoke in a matter of factly tone when he looked up toward Jacob. Did he care? Not really. He wasn't here to work. He was here to live. Life came easy to those that were strong after all. There were, of course, exceptions to what he said, but the majority of those that lived in Snowbound had no intention of learning how to fight. At least they didn't come toward him which was basically his job to do. Would he even be a good teacher? Probably not. Where was London though? He looked around for the Arcticplayer he noticed that she wasn't there, which earned a frown to spread across the assassin's lips as he made his way off to the side. Sitting himself down, he adjusted his bloody bandages. Besides, he could always play the pity card and say that him traveling to other clans to get to know them wouldn't be safe for him. A sigh escaped his jaws until he heard Stark's name being called for the duckling pendant, and he couldn't help but snort as he looked around for the old tiger. A smirk now spread across his facial features. "Hey congrats old man, you're now a duckling." Killua teased the other, as it was obviously meant as an insult of sorts even though it didn't hold any malice in his voice.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - valemon - 05-22-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
This would be Val’s first meeting here, but it brought back many a memory of meetings back home. Obviously, most would be formatted the same, so the cub expected the usual - warning, demotions, promotions. He was welcomed, along with his sister, which was nice. There were also events which he took note of. Since he wasn’t yet familiar with the other Clans, he wouldn’t volunteer to hand out an invite, especially seeing as others already had. It’d be awhile before was comfortable doing those things.
© madi

Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - →AUGUST← - 05-23-2018

Oh, a charm. August lifted his head up a bit more, squinting to try and see the necklaces. He'd push himself up to stand, staggering over and leaning his head down to maneuver a necklace onto one of his antlers. The whole thing took a while as he slowly moved away and then back to where he'd chosen to sit. "Good job, Natasha, Stark."


Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - arcy - 05-24-2018

Izuku, personally, felt as though it'd been a long time since the last meeting he'd been to. He's not actually sure if it has been -- his sense of time was pretty warped right now, having been hidden away in his den for an uncomfortable amount of time. There were only a small handful of unfamiliar faces, though, so Izuku counts that as a win for the time being. Though -- it still felt like a long time. Had Izuku missed the last meeting or something? I mean, the only reason he was here now was because he was actually able to exist as a person right now. Izuku doesn't linger on it long, instead stopping among the crowd, kind of late, but that was fine. Anyways -- it was kinda sad to hear that Ivylee was demoted, but in all fairness, Izuku hadn't ever actually seen the pup. Maybe scented her once or twice while he still had the bandanna on, but not often. And Izuku had been here for basically an entire month. Other than that, some pendants were being handed out, new member announcements, and -- spring festival? Izuku tilts his head the slightest, feeling apprehensive at the idea. He'd just come out of hiding, just spending time with his clanmates like this was exhausting. But, well, it couldn't hurt. So he'd go. No promises that he'd do a lot besides hide away with the food again, though. With this, Izuku huffs and allows himself a simple nod, unwilling to speak up for the moment, even though he should. Probably be congratulating the members going up to get their pendants right now. No thanks.
what was i worth

Re: The calm before the storm // 5/20 meeting - PIERCE - 05-24-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce had missed last week’s meeting - he hadn’t been feeling well, so he’d chosen to stay home to regain his energy rather than go out and possibly have things get worse. Today, though, he was feeling better, so he approached quickly, arriving only a few moments late, just in time to hear Killua trying to argue with Jacob, or something (no surprise there), Ivylee’s demotion. She was a sweet little girl, but it was true that she hadn’t been around much at all as of late. Hopefully, though, she’d be able to regain her position soon enough- if she wanted to, of course. Taking a seat at the edge of the crowd, he fixed large amber eyes on the Chief, listening closely to the rest of his announcements. A spring festival sounded fun, but he wasn’t sure he’d attend if he’d be alone- he just wanted to be with his friends and family again, though with each day that passed, it was looking like that was becoming less and less of a possibility. "Good job, guys- and, uh, noted, Jake," Pierce called softly, his voice likely lost among the others’.
