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TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - Printable Version

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TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - ARVID R. - 05-05-2021

Well, this guy had certainly been quite the pain in the ass to drag home. Arvid's poison had managed to work very effectively – at least in his opinion – but that did come with the added negative of having to bring a weak and passed out Kainan all the way back to the Coalition. Still, the capture was worth it, at least in Arvid's opinion. The more test subjects he had, the better, and he wasn't too worried about the tribe in terms of them coming to get their leader back. They seemed pretty reclusive – perhaps it would be a while before they even noticed the other's absence? The thought was enough to make Arvid snort, the dire wolf grunting slightly as he pulled Kainan's prone form into the Coalition's camp. As he walked in, teeth latched on to the hybrid's leg, he noticed several stares leveled in his direction. Some were fearful and wary, some seemingly stunned, and others still merely curious about the strange scent on the air, and where the dire wolf and dragon hybrid had come from.

Pausing near the middle of camp, a scowl crossed Arvid's face as he realized that he didn't know where exactly they kept prisoners. He really should've figured that out beforehand, but he had been so caught up in the euphoria of finally being able to test his goods. With a weary sigh, the large pup looked around, questioning the gathering crowd, "This is, uh... Kain? Kentucky? I don't really remember his name. All I know is that he's the leader of one of those dinky little fringe groups, and I managed to capture him for testing. So... where exactly do we keep prisoners around here?" He glanced around the camp, squinting in the direction of anything that could be some sort of prison. As he did so, he made sure to keep a heavy paw on Kainan's back, just to make sure that the hybrid remained held down while his captor waited for an answer. It was more than likely that the poison would be wearing off enough by now for Kainan to be waking up, but he'd still be in a weakened state, making it difficult for him to shrug Arvid off.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - Casphian - 05-05-2021

It probably also didn’t help that the hybrid was rather large in size, making the effects of the poison wear off quicker or at least whatever knocked him out. Eyes snapped open, mismatched orbs glancing around in gear as a multitude of scents bombarded him at once. His kind was foggy, memories having slipped from his claws and leaving the hybrid confused and honestly a bit scared. He tried to move but found his body unable to bend to his will, nothing but a huff of air leaving his body to signal that he was even awake. Kainan glanced around at the group that was gathered, his gaze hardening as he shut down any emotion that could potentially shine through.

He wasn’t sure where he was and he wasn’t sure how he got here but he did at least know better than to allow the enemy to know how he felt. Or at least that’s what he had been taught or well one of the many things. The Spirit Watcher let out a soft, weak growl warning the group to back off but alas there was not bite behind the warning since he couldn’t even move.

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - angelembrace - 05-05-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Arvid worked quickly. He admired that, respected it even.

Angel would be lying through his teeth if he said he wasn't waiting around for the newest victim, he absolutely was, and with a great deal of pent up excitement and fascination that was previously unheard of from him. Perhaps the closest he would come to childhood wonder minus the interest he found in the idea of giving flower crowns as a gift thanks to Saturn. But this? This was something that stirred up something simply vile in a rather disturbing part of his brain. He had found an interest that maintained itself, and he had no intention of letting it go so quickly when everything else seemed to burn out like a candle flame.

"I can't recall any place to put them, but I wasn't here for any." Angel responded plainly, neutral look shifting into one of barely restrained fascination at the sight of the captive. A hybrid of sorts? Absolutely astronomical in size, it was a wonder how much poison Arvid used just to get the thing down. "And what is this? I can only imagine what your skeletal structure would look like." His voice came off as a gleeful chirp, tilting his head and pressing a paw to his cheek. Absolutely fascinating. While his earlier exploits were simply to investigate the result of the concoctions on the body, any pressing demand within his brain to cut the poor tribe leader clean open was solely based on the body he managed, a rather simple reasoning as far as things went but a dire wolf and dragon, combined?

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-05-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
This capture was certainly interesting, not only in the species but also the fact that they were, in technical terms, a leader. Even if it was one of the smaller groups, it was still pretty impressive. "Oooh, fiesty." Aphra mocked as she heard Kainan's weak attempt at being seen as threatening, a laugh escaping her after she spoke.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - Byriath - 05-05-2021

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - OLEANDER CIPHER-ELD. - 05-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]YOU STOOD BESIDE ME WHEN I WAS OUT OF MY MIND !。+゚.[/glow]
There was a lot of commotion coming from the middle of camp and it wasn't really hard to see what was going on. Oleander was curious though, and she came bounding over once she saw Aphra amongst the crowd. "Prisoner?" She echoed the word Arvid used, tilting her head. "Are we keeping him?"[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - SirDio - 05-05-2021

Oleanders younger sister was next to arrive, head tilted at the sight. Prisoner? "But he looks so pretty!" she chirped, not quite understanding what she said. But she sniffed at Kainan, blinking.

"Can we keep him? Please?" she looked at Arvid and Byriath, ignoring her mother and half-brother.
Coalition - 3rd Generation Cipher-Eld - Played by Seraphim
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - Casphian - 05-05-2021

It didn't take much for the snow leopard to notice all of the commotion going on, dragging the feline curiously towards the center of the camp. He settled next to Angel, gently brushing against the cub in greeting. He couldn't quite tell who Arivd had in his clutches but by the scent alone they knew it wasn't anyone from the Coalition. An ear flicked at the question of being able to keep the prisoner, confusion snaking through the Thane. "I'm sure his group will come looking for him soon enough especially if he is a leader," they mused. "Arvid are you sure you should be taking a leader of a group, regardless of size, it's a good way to cause bloodshed," they mused. Sometimes Saturn honestly forgets what group they are apart of, a little bloodshed probably wouldn't effect the Coalition much and in fact it would probably excite most of the members.

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - MAUDE P. - 05-07-2021

Re: TIME FOR SOME FUN ☆ totms capture - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-07-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
"That's the point, dimwit." Aphra hissed towards Saturn, looking over at the white-furred tiger and narrowing her eyes. "He's a little of one of the wannabe-groups, I doubt there's going to be much done." Let the group crumble before it succeeds. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]