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HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ vayne missing - Printable Version

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HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ vayne missing - ARVID R. - 05-05-2021

The Typhoon, and The Palm Glades. The two main groups at the top of the Coalition's hitlist. Arvid wasn't aware of the extensive history between the two groups, but he honestly didn't really need to be. As long as he wasn't testing his poisons on a group that would get him into trouble, he didn't really care what history lingered there. Although, obviously he had picked up on things here or there. He was aware that The Typhoon and The Palm Glades had generally been the ones to lead to the Coalition's downfall. It made sense that Sojourn would want them to suffer, and the canine was more than happy to oblige. Not because he really reveled in suffering like some within the Coalition did, but because he needed larger test subjects than mice. He wanted to make sure his poisons would work in high stakes situations, which meant he needed to test them on larger living beings, like the enemies that sat not all too far away.

Just like he had with Kainan, the young scientist didn't simply stomp his way into The Typhoon's territory and start shoving poisons in people's mouths. Rather, he dressed the part. After once more making sure that the scent of the Coalition was washing thoroughly from his thick coat, he had dressed up in his little merchant's outfit, with light blue cloak and all. His strides were long as he approached The Typhoon's territory, grimacing a bit at the feeling of wet sand between his toes as he made his way over the train tracks. The visiting bell came into view, and he was ready to set his plan in motion. He was caught off guard, however, when he noticed someone was seemingly already nearby. A girl, older than him but so, so much smaller. She seemed to be keeping track of the border, an activity that hardly surprised Arvid. The male felt a short-lived smirk curl on his muzzle, glad that he wouldn't have to attract too much attention to himself. Didn't want a bunch of people ganging up on him, after all.

As he grew close, the large canine cleared his throat to try and grab Vayne's attention, putting his basket of baked goods down nearby, "Ah... hello! This is the territory of The Typhoon, right? I was hoping to sell my goods around here, and I heard that your group is particularly kind to merchants." He flicked his tail in the direction of his basket, forcing a faux nervous smile to his face. He despised hiding away his usual snarky nature, but he had to make sure he got in the good graces of whoever this was. That way, she would be more likely to try a free sample.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ temp private - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The sound of a voice made Vayne's ears pricked and she looked over to where Arvid was, blinking at him for a brief moment before coming closer. He was calling for her, clearly he wanted something from either her or her crewmates; not very many people visited looking for specific people, after all. "Heya!" The spotted she-cat greeted, listening to Arvid's introduction for a moment. "Yea, actually. We like seeing merchants around." Even if she hadn't particularly seen any herself, she did know that The Typhoon typically did business with strangers - and even Tanglewood, occasionally.

A pause, as Vayne realized the stranger didn't really introduce himself. "What's your name? I'm Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux." Might as well introduce herself while she was at it, right? "Whatcha got for sale?" Or trade...? What did merchants typically do? She wasn't sure, in all honesty.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ temp private - ARVID R. - 05-09-2021

Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux. It was quite the mouthful, but it was also an intriguing mouthful. After all, wasn't Roux the last name of this group's captain? The one that Sojourn seemed to despise so much? That made the prospect of capturing her all the more delightful, although Arvid had to hold himself back from cracking a grin. He was meant to be merely a friendly merchant, after all. So, with his persona in mind before all, the canine introduced himself casually, "My name is Oliver. It's nice to meet you, Vayne. You seem like you've got the prestigious name there, yourself." He couldn't help but slip a bit of dramatic irony in, his gaze seeming to faintly gleam – although said gleam was hidden by his hood.

When asked about his product, Arvid merely chuckled, reaching into the basket he had with him and putting a muffin in place right in front of Vayne. As he did so, he spoke in a proud tone, "I've got baked goods! Muffins specifically, this time, but I make all kinds of things. I plan on visiting quite often... you can feel free to try that, by the way. Consider it a free sample! I always enjoy seeing the smiles I can put on the faces of others, charged or not." Much like the muffin he had given Kainan, the one currently in front of Vayne wasn't very innocent. It was filled with a small measure of poison that would be enough to paralyze her very effectively, although thankfully not enough to kill.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ temp private - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
TRIGGER WARNING: this post briefly mentions manipulation tactics in the first paragraph

The name Vayne choose to go by was definitely a mouthful, but one she didn't mind. It held power behind it, not only with her relation to Captain Roxanne, but a way to shove it into her mother's face that she was liked in The Typhoon - something Aphra tried very hard to get but never received and as such, tried to manipulate her children into believing they were hated for no reason. Vayne believed it too for the longest time, up until Aphra took her away from her home and tried getting her back.

"Ah, yeah!" Vayne replied with a laugh, a little embarrassed at the comment of her surname. Although she was proud of it for sure, it was still a bit embarrassing to be called out like that. At the mention of trying a free sample though, the Cipher girl's eyes lit up. "Oh really? I'd love to, thank you!!" Taking the offered muffin into her paws, Vayne quickly took a bite into it. Nice and soft, actually, and really good. Vayne's tail flicked back and forth, almost as if she were trying to convey her happiness - though the Privateer's expression quickly changed as she felt a numbness forming at her mouth. Had she accidentally bitten her mouth or tongue, or something?

No, no. That definitely wasn't it. Because although it was slow, Vayne could feel the numbness slithering its way through her entire body. Vayne hissed as the tingling sensation got almost painful, gritting her teeth before her legs collasped beneath her. She couldn't feel hardly anything anymore, just the heaviness her entire body felt. If she wasn't trying to figure out what the hell was going on, perhaps she would have sent a telepathic message to Arvid or her crewmates even - but right now, she was mostly frustrated. Maybe scared a bit too, if she was honest.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ temp private - ARVID R. - 05-12-2021

It was really such a shame that Vayne was such a kind and naive person. Had Arvid maybe had a better childhood – or early childhood, anyways – or maybe if he had better influences than those within the Coalition, he would've hesitated in his actions. Perhaps he even would've felt bad. Instead, his eyes merely gleamed with delight and interest as the effects of the poison slowly took hold, crippling Vayne's body. Shaking his head from side to side, the dire wolf grumbled lowly, "Sorry kid. But I need test subjects, and your lineage makes you the perfect candidate to bring back home." He knew that Vayne wouldn't be able to reply, considering her current state. Still, his knowledge of this seemed to add a teasing and cruel lilt to his voice, as if he both pitied the girl and was also hopelessly amused by her predicament. He could only imagine the look on Sojourn's face when he brought Vayne back, and announced that he had captured the child of both the captain and her officer. She had thought he was impressive before? She would be amazed to look at him then.

With his tail wagging behind him, Arvid then moved forward to clamp his jaws down on Vayne's neck, dragging her prone form along with him. Before long, he lifted her up easily so that she was dangling, a rough hum leaving his throat as he headed off back towards the Coalition. In the end, the scent of the Coalition wouldn't be left behind, but there would be the fading scent of Vayne on the air, along with the obvious drag marks on the ground. Not to mention the one poisoned muffin that laid abandoned near the tracks, half eaten and left as evidence of the crime. Even without a Coalition scent lingering, it would be easy enough to figure out who had taken Vayne, considering they were usually causing trouble.

( this is now open to replies!! + permission to powerplay given by maple )
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: HIGH HIGH HOPES FOR A LIVING ☆ vayne missing - SirDio - 05-13-2021

He was no stranger to sabotage. Capture. Theft. He was first to arrive on the scene, though unable to speak good english, he had just enough to correctly convey his emotion. "Shit." He rumbled, sniffing around the place and eyeing the drag marks. He dipped his head down and sniffed the muffin, snorting at it and then lifting his head and chest up to face the island.

He let out a fierce call - [color=#00ced1]"Captain!" That echoed into the air. He didn't know of what enemies the Typhoon had, but certainly the Captain, or pretty much everyone else, would.