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THAT ONE IN A MILLION ☆ kainan - Printable Version

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THAT ONE IN A MILLION ☆ kainan - ARVID R. - 05-04-2021

The Typhoon, and The Palm Glades. Those were the two primary targets of the Coalition, at least as of late. Arvid didn't have a huge issue with that, but he did find it a little limiting. After all, if he went and sought out patients for poison testing, eventually someone would catch on – particularly if he only targeted those two groups. So instead, he chose to focus on the groups that were off limits. The Pitt, and Tanglewood. No mention of any other groups, which told him that anything else he stumbled across was just fine for testing. That was what had led the dire wolf away from the Coalition's territory, his pelt scrubbed of any and all group scent as he scoured the neutral lands, looking for smaller groups. Eventually, he caught onto rumors of a rather small and new group that had only just now begun to be noticed by others – The Tribe of the Molten Spirits. It was quite an impressive title, and one that actually only drew Arvid in more. A tribe? Perhaps that would mean they used different herbal medicines and methods from the other groups... would their bodies react differently to his poisons? That was only one of the questions lingering on his mind as he moved off in the direction of the group's border.

The towering hills that surrounded the territory were a bit intimidating, but it didn't take long before the canine was able to make his way through. His plan was simple. It wasn't as if he was just going to walk up to someone and force poison in their mouth, like he had with the mice. No, he had to be a little more subtle than that. What better way to have a bit of subtlety than with a disguise? So, Arvid was dressed up in a rather plain blue cloak, a basket full of baked goods dangling from his jaws. Of course, the baked goods held within them varying different kinds of poisons, all at different levels of potency, and lethality. Despite his intimidating figure, he actually made a rather perfect little stand-in for a wandering merchant, looking to sell their goods in exchange for small trinkets, and bobbles. Once the scent of the tribe grew rather overbearing, Arvid sat down near the border, placing the his basket on the ground and howling up into the air, hoping to catch the attention of any passersby.

As the flying figure of a hybrid landed and grew near, Arvid simply offered a friendly smile, his tail wagging behind him. His words were kind as he spoke, thoughtful humming leaving him, "Hello there! Who are you?" It was a simple question, stated in a cheerful tone to make him look as carefree and innocent as possible.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: THAT ONE IN A MILLION ☆ kainan - Casphian - 05-05-2021

It has been time for yet another patrol, this one by flight once again. The hybrid scouted the area below as he flew through the sky, wind ruffling his fur. His gaze narrowed in on a cloak covered body, throwing the hybrid into overdrive as caution snaked through hun. He lowered himself to the ground, padding closer to the small figure when it finally spoke up with a question. “I’m Kainan, Spirit Watcher of the Tribe of the Molten Spirits,” he answered, tone neutral but wary.

“What business do you have with the Tribe?” He would then ask, narrowing his gaze at the basket that was in front of the figure. His mouth watered and the savory smell that circled and curled around the basket, tempting the hybrid to draw closer and snatch whatever good laid in wait. He quickly snapped himself from whatever trance he had been lured into, focusing his attention back on Arvid.

Re: THAT ONE IN A MILLION ☆ kainan - ARVID R. - 05-09-2021

Ah, his first victim. Or patient, as he preferred to think of them as. A small smile came to the canine's muzzle as Kainan introduced himself, and he dipped his head in response. His tone was conversational and kind as he spoke, "Nice to meet you then, Kainan. My name is Vincent, and I am a traveling merchant. I came here to visit the tribe to see if any of your members would be interested in my baked goods. I'm more than happy to trade them in exchange for small trinkets or bobbles." His multicolored gaze then seemed to take on a slight gleam, although it was hidden away by the hood that he wore.

A soft hum left him as he reached into his basket, pulling out one of the several muffins that he had "prepared." He pushed it towards Kainan, wearing a smile once more as he offered, "Here, why don't you try a free sample? If you think that my products are serviceable, then I'll be happy to offer some to the rest of your tribe, and then be out of your hair. Quick as a flash, I promise." His tail thumped behind him, only adding on to the illusion of his kind nature. Of course, the real reason for why he was so delighted remained unspoken.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: THAT ONE IN A MILLION ☆ kainan - Casphian - 05-11-2021

Kainan a tilted his head slightly at the offering, a shrug of his shoulders soon following. “I’m sure the Tribe will love them but I’ll test one none the less,” he mused. The hybrid drew closer to the smaller creature, dipping his head to take one of the muffins before devouring it. The poison would slowly course through his body, the bigger creature making it take longer for the poison to take its effect. But when it did it would leave the hybrid crumbling to the ground, eyes widening as he looked around. He would try to speak but no words would come from him.

Re: THAT ONE IN A MILLION ☆ kainan - ARVID R. - 05-12-2021

Ah... there it was. That had taken longer then Arvid would've liked, but that was rather unsurprising – the hybrid was pretty large, after all. Shaking his head from side to side, the thane then muttered, "Hmm... maybe I should've offered you two. Well... oh well. Hopefully it'll hold out until we're there." He then leaned down to grab Kainan by the scruff, turning and dragging the tribe's leader off back towards the Coalition. Unlike Vayne and Ambrose, Arvid wouldn't be able to carry Kainan easily due to his massive size, so the poor hybrid would be subjected to being dragged pretty much the entire way.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass