Beasts of Beyond
Away with the waves | Joining - Printable Version

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Away with the waves | Joining - Wavepool - 05-04-2021

The heaviness of exhaustion was the first sensation that came to her, when she finally crashed back into consciousness, her body suddenly jolting from where it lay on the golden sands. The feeling of water in her lungs was the second thing she noticed, as she coughed and spat out what little liquid still remained, before sinking back into the sands of the shore with a groan. Alive, she was alive. Battered, yes, she was most certainly tossed around and given more than a few bruises, but she was still alive. Eyelids struggled to open, her right eye in particular stuck shut from the blood that had hardened over it, a glimpse of lavender visible for only a moment before they slammed back shut to keep out the searing light of day. Confusion ran rampant through her mind as she struggled for memories of the previous day, of what had led to this, before they were at last returned to her. Along with those memories, was the sudden, crushing realization that she had no idea where she was, but wherever this was, she doubted it was close to home

There hadn't been any signs, no storm clouds on the horizon, none of the changes in pressure that had heralded the arrival of a storm, nothing. It had come out of nowhere, the winds howling and the rain pouring down nearly sideways before she could have even gotten her boat a quarter of the way back to shore. She did what she could to calm the waters around her, to clear a path to maneuver back to shore, that was, until the mast cracked in half from the force of the winds, crashing back down into her vessel and ruining her concentration. It didn't take long for such a small ship to sink beneath the waves, but it was just long enough for her to be thrown against it half a dozen times, and after that, things got a little bit...fuzzy. She had vague recollections of clinging onto a leftover plank, tossed up and down by the will of the sea, before everything just faded out.

Wavepool's eyes slowly, gently slid back open, letting in the sunlight bit by bit, until finally she could see the beach, and several wooden planks that were likely bits of her ship strewn about the shores. What was of greater concern though, was what she saw in the corner of her vision, white fur, that bled into a darker gray the closer it got to her shoulder, her fur, her pelt. Where....where was her water? Her pelt should have been azure, not gray, it should have been smooth, flowing, liquid, not...not this! No amount of concentration brought it back, no amount of will would even so much as ripple the water that washed over her as the waves broke across the shore, she...she was powerless? It was had been a part of her for so much of her life, years and years, it was one of the few things she could take pride in, it was something that made her special, it was part of her very identity and...and it was gone.

Even if she could have moved, with the heaviness that filled her limbs and the exhaustion that threatened to drag her back to unconsciousness, she couldn't bring herself to. All she could do was lay there, and mourn the part of herself that she had lost. It wasn't something she hadn't experienced before, there had been a time, once or twice in her life, that she had lost access to one or more of her more supernatural abilities, but...never this one, never the most important one. A minute...she just needed a minute to work through this, to push those feelings back down, then...then she could get to work on finding out just where she was. 'Although...' she thought, wincing in pain when a particular movement sent a flare of pain through her chest, a different kind from the ones she dealt with daily. 'It might be best to assess my injuries first' She may have been lucky to have survived that, but it was rather unfortunate that her satchel hadn't survived either, not that it would have mattered much when the water would have soaked through and ruined all the supplies inside.

'Breathe in....and breathe out' The pain in her chest was particularly concerning, she just hoped that it was just a cracked rib and not a broken one. A paw flexed, followed by her legs, the thin line of her mouth twitching downwards at every spike of pain she felt, though thankfully nothing was all too serious. 'A lot of bruises, a torn muscles here and there, no concussion thankfully, but a bit of a cut above my eye, and lastly...a possible broken rib.' Her condition wasn't fantastic, but it was far from the worst situation she had ever been in, if anything her lack of power was more of a concern, even with her condition she would have been able to defend herself, but now, it wouldn't be quite so easy. Slowly pushing herself to her own paws, and stalwartly ignoring the pain it brought, she gazed at the treeline that awaited her, searching for whatever hints to her location the environment could give. ' paw in front of the other, you can do this.'

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
//Retro to capture

People crashing on The Typhoon's territory wasn't something that often happened, at least in Vayne's lifetime. She could only remember one person, vaguely... A hellhound? The details don't really matter, other than the fact that literally crashing on The Typhoon's land wasn't very common. That being said, Vayne often went around the territory in hopes of greeting joiners, and today was no different. Seeing a figure in the distance, the orange-spotted she-cat came running, though she slowed down once she realized that the stranger seemed injured, and there was a boat crashed on the shore. "Hey!" Vayne called, waving her tail in greeting before she got closer. "Hey, you okay? I can lead you to Roan if you think there's any serious injuries. That looks like a bad wreck." She added the last sentence quickly, nodding at the tattered boat.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-06-2021

The sea. She was a strange, and incredibly fickle mistress. For the most part, Lumia had only observed the ocean from afar, not seeing a reason to get much closer, or dip beneath the waves. Of course, that had changed when she had done her blood division ceremony, but that had been out of necessity. There was a totem that she needed beneath the ocean sands, and she hadn't been willing to let getting wet stop her from getting it. The experience had been slightly harrowing, considering she had been forced to stay under longer than usual, but she had gotten through it. Ever since then, she had started to view the sea in a slightly different light. She wasn't sure why, but it was something about it that called her. Empowered her. Although it wasn't just the sea that did so. It was water in general, really. She felt herself drawn to it, and occasionally she found that when she was near it... it froze. Hardened into ice as a result of her presence, although she truthfully wasn't sure why. It had never done that before. Or at least, she had never noticed it doing that before. The discovery of such a power was sort of scary, but... it was exciting, too.

As days came and went, Lumia had decided that she was going to spend more time out near the sea, mostly as a method of testing herself. She would go and sit at the edge of the shore, letting the waves wash over her paws before she froze small chunks of it. Never anything all that impressive, but enough that it would catch attention as the frozen chunks drifted back out into the ocean – that is, if any of them stayed together. The Typhoon's hotter than average weather usually made it so that they melted before long, disappearing once more into the deep blue that they had come from. Mia found that she didn't really mind that all too much, though. She didn't want her powers to cause troubles for others, and while she didn't really think the chunks of ice were all that big of a deal, she didn't want them bumping into someone while they were swimming. One good surprise while out in the ocean could be the difference between life and death, after all. That was actually part of the reason why she usually practiced her new ice powers early in the morning – it ensured that there would be less people out in the water already, swimming or sailing. Plus, she found that she rather liked the peace and quiet that the morning brought, honestly.

This particular morning, though, things weren't so peaceful. For a moment, the feline's eyes had been closed, her sole focus being on the ocean as she practiced with her elementals. Her green gaze snapped open, though, when she heard the sound of someone desperately scrambling onto land a bit away, gasping and coughing water up from their lungs. She watched from afar for a moment, mostly too stunned to move. She wasn't used to people just crawling up from the ocean and onto their territory – especially unfamiliar ones. She would've shrugged it off if it was just a Typhooner that had gotten in over their head while swimming, but that didn't seem to be the case here. That alone became particularly obvious when she saw the wounds that covered Wavepool, making it quite obvious that she had been the victim of a crash. That was enough to break the young Cipher from her trance, since she didn't want to just leave someone alone who was in obvious need of help. Especially when they started trekking further up onto the beach.

Shaking water from her golden paws, the privateer rushed over to where Wavepool was, now joined by Vayne. Mia was a bit breathless as she spoke, her own eyes still a bit wide, "Uh... hey there. I saw you crawl up from the ocean... I hope you're kot too badly hurt." She then jerked her head in her niece's direction, explaining plainly, "Roan is our medic around here. He can help you out with the injuries you've sustained... do you have a name, miss?" She obviously wasn't too worried about the other "trespassing" on The Typhoon's territory. It wasn't as if Wavepool could've controlled where she ended up crash-landing, after all. Still, she wanted to learn the other's name, if only so that she didn't have to just call the other feline "miss" while speaking to her, or Roan while he was treating her.
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - Wavepool - 05-08-2021

The first few steps she took weren't the most steady, and she nearly tripped when she twisted in a way that sent a spike of pain through her chest, but was a start. Normally she wouldn't condone anyone moving around with a potentially broken rib, not when it could result in more damage, but she didn't exactly have a choice, she couldn't just lay there and wait for someone to come find her, not when she had no idea where she was. Besides, if she could just find some supplies further inland, maybe even a few herbs she recognized, then she should be able to patch herself up somewhat, though finding a shelter would be important now as well. Another downside of her loss of powers, she was just as susceptible to the weather as everyone else was, and if she didn't find somewhere to keep out of the rain it was all too likely that she'd get herself sick, or possibly die outright

It wasn't long after she had began her trek inland when her ears twitched atop her head, which immediately swiveled to face the direction the noise was coming from. They were at a bit of a distance from her, but details became easier to spot as the figure ran straight towards her, with so sign of slowing down just yet. Whoever it was, they didn't seem outwardly hostile, but the tabby was quick to shift her posture, ready to slip into a combat-ready stance the moment it was needed. Perhaps it was a bit overly cautious of her, but she was not about to let herself be caught injured and off-guard. When her fellow feline finally spoke, she visibly relaxed, shoulders slumping back down from the tensed position they'd been in moments ago, narrowed eyes softening. This...this was an unexpected bit of good luck, not only was this island occupied, possibly by a group of some kind, but the first one who found her was friendly as well. Considering her luck, she had been half convinced the island would be abandoned and filled with all kinds of monstrous creatures.

"I'm...well enough, I suppose." she replied, the corners of her mouth lifting into a kind smile. Roan, considering the spotted feline suggested leading her to them if she had any injuries, she would have to assume that they were the medic around here. "I, ah....I wouldn't say that I have any truly serious injuries, just a few more bruises than I'd like and either a cracked or broken rib, though...going by the pain I think I'm leaning more towards the latter." All in all, nothing a week or two of rest wouldn't fix up, a bit annoying, but it was far from the worst she had experienced, she would just have to trouble them with letting her use some of their stores to patch herself up. As she opened her mouth to give her answer to the offer for aid, she quickly closed it again as someone else came rushing onto the scene, lavender eyes flickering in their direction as they approached.

It always did warm her heart a little when someone showed concern for her like this, but really it wasn't necessary, it wasn't like she was all that injured, or did...did she just look that disheveled? It did seem she had been right however, with her guess at Roan being the medic of whatever group this was, she really did need to find that out as soon as possible. "Oh, no, I'm really not that badly hurt, like I said earlier to...ah, I'm s-sorry, I never got your name! W-Well, anyways, like I was saying, it's just a few bruises and what I think is a broken rib, so really it's nothing that's all too important." she explained, hoping that it would help to alleviate most of their concerns. "I really wouldn't want to bother your medic with something like this, but if he wouldn't mind lending me access to his supplies I can treat myself just fine!" She absolutely was not about to take up another medic's time with something as little as this, not when he might have more serious things to treat, not when she could do that job just fine herself. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself sooner, I'm Wavepool, it's a pleasure to meet you both! Oh, and ah, on that note, where....where exactly am I?"

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The stranger seemed to be a little outgoing, which was nice to see, even if she had a bit of a stammer to her voice. "Ah, sorry - I should have introduced myself before." Vayne replied with a small laugh. "Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux, though just Vayne is fine! This would be The Typhoon." She flicked her fluffy tail, gesturing to the territory as a whole. "I'm a Privateer here, which is a high position." What, she was proud of the rank she held! "I'm sure Roan wouldn't mind using our supplies on you, but regardless, you're welcome to stay 'till you heal at least, if you want."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - daniel - 05-11-2021

Well, it was nice to see both a newcomer and the crewmates offering their welcome all being outgoing and friendly with each other, not that most that showed up seemingly without warning on the shores of the Typhoon were all shaking in their skin, but a full on conversation was a bit surprising to say at the least. He was just so used to the business, in and out routine. And he preferred it that way, less room for him to make a total fool out of himself. Having what felt like the entire chain of pirate command all shaking their head in disappointment was more than enough. Or maybe they weren't, and couldn't care less, but he certainly felt that way, and Roan wasn't exactly known for being subtle with his disgruntled persona either. He'd get it together, he was...kind of sure of it.

Starting with the bane of his existence, one of the many anyway. Greeting new people, he wouldn't say it out loud, like most of what passed through his brain, but gods, he hated doing it. Anxiety aside, he just wasn't very social, and there was never anything to say on his end. He was a notorious vibe killer, and for that reason, he tried to avoid rolling out the red carpet when he could, but that was a responsibility that he could no longer avoid the older he got, since it looked pretty bad when someone handed a title of responsibility refused to do what was generally expected of them. And that was worse, the sting of being socially awkward was temporary for each interaction. And they had been doing pretty decent with not being the hotspot of the season, compared to the period of time where everyone seemed to get the memo to visit the Typhoon and have a look around.

Had Danny been patrolling when he arrived on scene? Nope. Taking a nice stroll? Not that either, chief. He was just hungry, and the prey often brought in wasn't doing it for him anymore. He was getting far too big for small fish and crustaceans and the occasional bird to provide, and he wasn't about to send a small feline out on a wolf's hunting duty, and Keona was still working out the kinks to her sudden bodily change. He was on his own for this one, and in sending his ass out by his lonesome he managed to do decently for himself, dragging out a rather large fish on his own, fur plastered against his frame with salty ocean water and a strip of seaweed stuck to his hip, water and shiny ichthyic blood dripping from the gap between his jaws. Of course, with his new meal between his teeth he couldn't quite say hi, and didn't think about dropping it to do so. So when the wolf emerged from the shallows and laid eyes upon the feline trio, he simply wagged his tail, water droplets flying positively everywhere behind him.

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - Wavepool - 05-16-2021

Despite the situation she was in, Wavepool couldn't help but brighten up a bit at the greeting she received in turn. It was always nice to see such enthusiasm in a greeting party, even if it was far from a rare thing, especially considering she had just professed to having an interest in joining, or at least staying for a time. The name she gave for their group however, the Typhoon, wasn't a name that she recognized, which was concerning for a number of reasons. This didn't seem like a small group, not at all, and the fact that she didn't recognize the name meant that she was quite a long way from home, with no point of reference she could use to find her way back. The smile she had been wearing till that point became strained, and it was hard not to give in to the sudden despair she felt wash over her. Again, she was going to be starting over once more, with none of her friends or loved ones in sight, just when she had finally found a home, it was ripped out from under her again.

"I.....I see." Was all she could offer in the face of this startling realization, her eyes slipping closed as she took several deep breaths and did her best to steady herself. "Well, it's a p-pleasure to meet you Vayne, and I....I might be staying here a while, at least until I can find a way home" she said in return, pushing as much cheer into her voice as she could manage, though in the end it still wasn't much. "Could you lead me to where I'll be staying? I-It''s been a long day, and I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of rest" She just needed to keep a hold over herself until she could get to somewhere private, then she would be free to work through her feelings, to let everything out.

A new group she would have to get used to living with, with all the hardship that would bring, no easy way back to where she had come from, missing what was possibly the most important ability she had ever had, it was more stress than she needed right now. Something multiple times her size slinking out of the water was also not something she really needed right now, though his friendly posture at least kept her from outright jumping back in fright from his appearance. A somewhat shaky nod of acknowledgment was given to the wolf as the maine coon did her best to relax her suddenly tense muscles, maybe she was a bit more stressed than she thought. 'They're friendly, relax, just don't think about how much bigger he is, how powerless I am ri-no, stop....just...shelter first, worry about everything else after...'

Re: Away with the waves | Joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-16-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"He won't bite." Vayne attempted to reach out to Wavepool's mind to send that telepathic message, her tone laced with affection and amusement. Danny was a lot bigger than the two of them, but he definitely wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless that fly was Caesar, maybe. Vayne turned towards the direction of camp, flicking her tail to gesture for Wavepool to follow. "Sure, I don't mind! We have plenty of rooms for you to stay in. The Tavern is really good for visitors, too, if you don't plan on staying long." She hoped Wavepool would, though; she seemed unnerved by something, but otherwise seemed like she'd make a good crewmate.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]