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LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

With the transition from their temporary camp back into their home finished and done with the woman was doing some finishing touches on her own home. She had added a porch and an extra room for her son. The home didn't have one and she had figured that Ruven would want to stay with her. She wanted him to. He helped her stay calm, keep her head together from the rattling she felt. She needed to breathe. There had been some time since they had moved back into their village and she had been thinking and plotting. Debating over the many different situations that had happened in the last month. The Coalition was thriving. They were alive. They had more children and adults roaming around and she was...happy. The idea of being happy for anything was strange but she invited it, wanted it.

As the day progressed she had been decorating the village. Ice in large crystals of snowflakes hung from lines, icicles draped along door frames and she made the place look like a winter wonderland. There were large long tables placed about and brimming with many different foods and dishes. Some was cooked while others were left raw. The cold would keep the freshness. Near the fountain was a contained fire that roared and sparked. The Kingpin gave a small grin as she tilted her head. A feast was in order. To celebrate them and to celebrate the Coalition as a whole and what they had overcome. The mad woman stepped near the fire, feeling the heat that carrassed her pelt, too hot. Pain. Her eyes narrowed before she rose her voice. "Coalition Wanderers! Come and gather in the middle of the village!" The pub doors were open the sound of ruckus music and clinging glasses could be heard.

The smell of drinks lingering as the woman sat down, her smile never leaving her muzzle before she continued on with what she wanted to say. "Today we feast! Every single one of you deserve it for what you have survived and accomplished. With this feast comes also some promotions that need to be made. I am adding a rank to the system that we have and it is called Thane. It is a semi high position and one in which is given for showing your worth to me. The ones promoted to this rank are [member=18108]RUVEN[/member] , [member=18066]ANGELEMBRACE[/member] , [member=18144]ARVID R.[/member] , [member=18125]ANTHEMTALON[/member] , and last @Saturn. . Congratulations to you all." They had proven to be an interesting lot, her son included had potential and she approved of that. She waited then before she decided to press on. "I am changing the Warmonger rank to Warlords instead. Our first Warlord will be [member=1203]APHRA CIPHER .[/member] . The Usurper rank is being changed to Vicar." Personally she did not like the idea of anyone beneath her being called Usurper. Not while she still led. Though she still had not found a second in command yet. But she was looking. "Brutei is demoted." She didn't care too much about that. She didn't see him around and she supposed he jumped ship.

"Everyone has been doing exemplary. Keep it up and if you want to be a bother you should already know who the target groups are. Now let the feast commence and have fun. Don't drink too much." There was a small pen of prey animals for the kids to chase and play with if they wanted. A heated area of water for swimming as well. It was time that the Coalition stopped being so tense and rough for a change. The malignant queen stepped away from the fire then and entered the pub, already thinking about a drink or two.

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - Byriath - 05-04-2021

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - Casphian - 05-04-2021

At the call of the Kingpin the snow leopard would be making their way towards where the leader resided. The village was still new to Saturn so it took them a second to maneuver towards the middle, they would definitely be needing to spend some more time around here to learn their way about. Soon enough they would be where they were needed, settling back in their haunches as they waited for others to gather. When the announcement of the new rank and those who would receive the rank announced they were honestly surprised to hear their names called out but regardless they lifted their head with pride. The rank they would wear with honor.

They were honestly a bit glad when the promotions were over, they needed to go find Arvid and Angel so they could congratulate them. Saturn was so proud of the two for earning the rank. But in the midst of doing so Saturn would stumble upon the familiar scent of Byriath and pad over towards him. “Byr I got a promotion!” They excitedly said upon drawing closer.


[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Seeing Sojourn trying to set things up was certainly interesting, to say the least, and Aphra was curious about what exactly she was doing. Unfortunately though, her duties as an Espionage was far more important than being nosy with what the Kingpin was doing and so Aphra went on her way. As she returned back to camp, Sojourn's call for the Coalition to gather around was ringing through camp. Didn't we just have a meeting? This must be important, then.

Aphra trailed over with a curious glint in her eye, listening to Sojourn's announcements before a smile formed on her face upon her own promotion. "Thank you. I'm honored to be the first Warlord." That had to be a good thing, right? Aphra certainly considered it an achievement at the very least. But oh yes, right, her son Angelembrace was promoted too. Good for him. The thought was sarcastic in her mind, though she could see why Sojourn had seemingly taken a liking to him. Aphra followed Sojourn into the pub, planning on getting a few drinks of her own.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


The idea of a party within the Coalition was pretty foreign, at least to Arvid. That wasn't to say that things were constantly dour upsetting within the Coalition. Rather, the pup had just joined at a rather unpleasant time, with the main camp having just been wrecked by a massive mudslide. The group as a whole had thankfully managed to recover fairly quickly, but needless to say, they hadn't exactly been partying for quite a while. So, when the dire wolf had spotted Sojourn moving around camp, putting up decorations, he had been rather intrigued. Especially considering she was putting up winter-looking decorations, when summer was seemingly just around the corner. Still, it wasn't as of Arvid was going to stop her, since he valued his life enough to not question the kingpin. Not to mention the fact that she seemed to like him somewhat, and he wanted to keep things that way. Sojourn's respect – or at the very least, her tolerance – seemed to be pretty hard to obtain, and the young scientist was glad that he had managed to impress. That didn't mean he had been expecting any kind of promotion, though.

The call for attention from Sojourn was what drew Arvid over, the dire wolf eventually heading over to settle down beside Saturn. The news of a feast caused a grin to spread over the male's muzzle, and he found himself muttering, "Hell yeah... I'd never say no to some good food." The stuff that came after that, however, was what caused the boy to practically light up. His tail wagged behind him as the announcement of a new rank was brought up, and a long list of names followed. A long list that included him. He was a thane. Hell yes. Sure, it wasn't the most important rank in the world just yet, but he was fine with that. He was just glad to be acknowledged, and he was certainly glad that he had managed to show his worth to Sojourn in some way. With a pleased little smirk on his face, Arvid spoke up so that he could be heard, "Thanks, Sojourn. I'll be sure to work hard." He wasn't entirely sure what his new rank entailed – or if it was merely a title, meant to be held until you moved on to bigger things – but he wasn't about to complain, or disappoint.

Of course, Arvid was also pretty glad to hear about the others that had been promoted, as well. He didn't mind Anthemtalon, and pretty much liked everybody else that had been promoted. Saturn was of particular note, of course, since the other was like a father to him. Aphra was a bitch, sure, but she also deserved the promotion, so he was glad for her as well. With all of this in mind, Arvid briefly moved to press himself into Saturn's side in greeting, muttering to them, "Congrats, Saturn. I'm sure you'll do great... I'll be back in a moment." With his tail still wagging behind him, he then followed after Sojourn towards the pub, questioning as he did so, "Hey... just to make sure I'm right... our targets as of now are The Typhoon and The Palm Glades, right? I just want to make sure, since I've got some... things in mind." He had been looking for larger targets to test his poisons on, and enemies seemed like pretty good test subjects, at least in his opinion. After all, the poisons were intended to be used on them eventually, so why couldn't they be involved in the testing process as well?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - Byriath - 05-04-2021

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - angelembrace - 05-04-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Or took three or so times but finally, Angel was rather intrigued by one of the many meetings that the Kingpin called. The sting of his family up and leaving him with their ungrateful traitor of a father, or so he was starting to formulate in his head as time went on and his heart got that much more resentful, had begun to subside and he had not been cannibalized by the mad queen since the incident involving the statues. Life was good, it was good indeed. The decorations Sojourn had put together were simply breathtaking, really, the gently sparkling of ice reflected off his light colored eyes, nearly missing the actual point of the call.

Of course, while the food was also rather interesting and he did plan to enjoy himself, Angel’s ears perked up at the mention of promotions, and very visibly pleased with himself when his own name was one of the many listed. Alongside many others that he was more than happy to congratulate. He was in a decent enough mood to even have the potential to congratulate Aphra, but from a distance. Like an acquaintance.

”Warlord, fascinating.” Angel said simply, though with a genuine tone of positivity towards his mother, moving on quickly as he hardly expected a response. No, no, who he was looking for was the flower power duo, he’d expected Saturn would want to say something. Not that Saturn or Byriath were hard to find.

”Because I bet you’re so cold.” Angelembrace said quietly to Byriath, sliding up to the side of the Guru as if he’d just appeared out of thin air, raising his brow with an unusual sly grin upon his spotted face. Not unwelcome, surely, but he just hadn’t smiled like he meant it in quite some time now, at least quite some time for a kid.

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - Casphian - 05-04-2021

The press of Arvid’s body against theirs was a welcoming feeling, the snow leopard about to speak up to their son before the direwolf pup up and left once again. He did say he would be back so he trusted he would. “Thank you!! I never expected to be promoted but I’m so glad I can step up and help the Coalition more!” He excitedly said. He nodded at the mention of heading inside and easily followed after the larger male. He startled slightly when Angel spoke up out of no where, not expecting his other child to just appear like a ghost. “Angel congrats of the promotion! I’m so proud of you fir getting the rank!” They hummed, padding over towards them and attempting to muzzle the cub in affection.

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - trojan g. - 05-05-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]It was hard to miss the sight of the various different decorations that were put up around the coalition's camp, especially when you lived with the one that was putting them up. Ruven offered his help where he could, but it honestly wasn't much considering he wasn't yet able to freeze the water that he was able to pull from the air, only simply move it when he was upset thus far, so he stuck to simply complimenting his mother on what looked nice - which, unsurprisingly, was all of it - and eventually he had made his way over to the fire, sitting further away than Sojourn. As much as he would have liked to pretend he was a badass and that it didn't hurt him, he'd be lying. He liked the heat, yes, but he didn't enjoy being burned by it, but it only solidified the awe he had for the one that had adopted him.

He was surprised by the promotion, but a smile beamed on the boy's face. His first month as a wanderer and he got promoted? And by a new rank no less, and he was proud. Not only for himself but his friends that had gained the rank as well. "Congratulations!" The young lion would speak out, looking towards those that had gained a promotion as well. He was even proud of Aphra, surprisingly. He didn't hate her, just felt unease around her and frustration towards things she said, but he couldn't deny that she had done good and been active the past month.

When the meeting was said and done and Sojourn announced the feast, Ruven found himself hopping up and heading over towards Angelembrace, slowing down to walk in step with his friend as they made their way towards the festivities.

Re: LOVE TO MAKE IT RAIN || FEAST + PROMOTIONS - Byriath - 05-06-2021