Beasts of Beyond
on the open front - open: trespassing - Printable Version

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on the open front - open: trespassing - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

He had wanted to go out and see the world. Gain knowledge and figure things out for himself. There was always a sharp need to move away from the home that he knew with his father and venture forth into the unknown. Especially ever since he got bitten. His father didn't know about it and he was going to keep it that way. It had been bad enough that it had happened at all. The stranger he had thought had been so kind, used that against him. He was young but had been younger still when that had happened. He didn't say anything. He just...went silent. After time had passed he was well enough to keep going. Still he felt strange but he couldn't exactly place a paw on why he felt strange at all. Bright eyes wandered the scene as the domestic hefted his overly large form over a rock, standing on it to try and gauge just where he was currently. All directions all he saw was sand and he huffed.

"Well, I could just...." Slowly he breathed in and shifted his weight. One paw twisted and he slammed it against the ground, raising the sand into a solid pillar beneath him. It rose and rose into the air to give the massive domestic a better view. And well he saw a jungle. "You don't see that everyday. What is a jungle doing in the middle of nowhere?" Personally he had never seen it before in his life but well, look at that it was there right in front of him. That didn't mean anyone was around though and he mused to himself about the idea of people living out here. This heat was kind of ugh for him.

Re: on the open front - open: trespassing - trojan g. - 05-04-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]"Can you get down from there so I can fix the territory?" Sweeney would speak as she flew over, curious and frustrated by the fact that there was now a giant sand pillar in the middle of their desert. Of course the stranger there could fix it if he wanted, but he wouldn't do it right, wouldn't make sure the sand was where it was supposed to be. She didn't take to people messing up their shit just to look at stuff. "You're in the Pitt's territory by the way, the jungle is ours too." She didn't need to explain that, everything the light touched and all that shit.

A sigh left her as she looked down at the ground, testing to see how high they were up before speaking once more. "Name's Sweeney, I hold no position here, but it'd be best if you scram or join. If joining then welcome to the group, we've got sand and some fun games here and there, otherwise, well, y'know." She moved some of the sand away in an attempt to get the other to shift down slightly to show what would happen if he had decided to mess with their territory and not join.

Re: on the open front - open: trespassing - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

"All business, no fun. Got it." The large domestic spoke casually as he almost rolled his eyes. Well, where did the fun go with her? Games here and there didn't sound like a positive to him but he supposed there was not a lot that one could do being trapped in a desert of all places. Still he knew his manners, his father had taught him to be respectful and rather he was or not was clearly up to him. Clearing his throat he blinked his eyes before he looked down, narrowing his gaze just a bit more as she tampered with his structure. "Hey, I'm still up here you know. At least give me a moment to react. Are you impatient?" Now his voice was an easy treasing even in the face of a threat before he shifted the sand and it collapsed in one heap, softening his fall.

A soft laughter left him as he found himself heaped in sand and pushing himself up from the deluge he shook himself. The shower of dust sprayed off of him before he delicately lifted his white paw up. "Guess I'm staying. Don't really have anywhere to go currently. Oh, my name is Valhalla by the way. Um. New to these places and all of that. But you don't have to stick with me. I'm more than happy to explore alone."

Re: on the open front - open: trespassing - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
"All work and no play makes you a pretty boring person, Sweeney." Dante spoke as he approached the two, a mischievous grin on his face. He was looking at Sweeney first, trying to see her reaction to his comment, before he turned towards Valhalla. They're lucky she got here before, though. Ironically, had it been Dante who discovered Valhalla trespassing, the hybrid likely would have lashed out, as evident by his recent capture.

"Welcome to The Pitt, friend." Dante spoke to Valhalla now. "M'name's Dante Northwest."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: on the open front - open: trespassing - CORDELIA L. - 05-06-2021

Cordelia had only just recently begun to settle into The Pitt on her own. From what she had seen so far, the place was just as dull as she expected, although there were a couple of exceptions. Talk of a ceremony known as "the blooding" as pretty interesting, and she was intrigued enough to want to go through it herself... eventually. She wanted to settle in a bit more beforehand, though. Didn't want to get her fur dirty when she wasn't prepared for it. Although, regardless of how recently she had joined herself, the ocelot felt a similar amount of annoyance to Sweeney as she spotted the pillar of sand within the desert. She had technically only been a Pittman for a few days, but this was their territory, damn it. They had no need for such gaudy displays of power. In fact, she would've shouted as much at Valhalla if she hadn't arrived just in time to see the feline letting it all crash down. She made sure to step back as he did so, wrinkling her nose a bit as sand was tossed freely up into the air.

After a moment, she muttered to herself in thought, "Valhalla..." What a name. She knew of the concept of Valhalla as an afterlife, but as a first name for someone? His parents must have certainly expected great things. Although, it would certainly be ironic if someone named after Valhalla wasn't worthy enough to get into it in death. The thought made Cordelia snort, shaking her head briefly before she stepped forward, "Hello there, Valhalla. My name is Cordelia Laska – be sure not to forget it. Oh, and... try not to cause too much trouble exploring, alright?" She was glad that newcomers like herself seemed to be drumming up a bit of new excitement around The Pitt, but she didn't really want to see more sand towers sprouting up all over the place. When had walking become such a difficult task?
they're fucking nameless and faceless