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so rose tinted - open; pond - Printable Version

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so rose tinted - open; pond - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

Things were okay for now. The village looked better after the mudslide and their efforts to clean it up and put it back the way it used to be. It was clean and the fountain stood in the middle, crystalline waters flowing through and it stood proud in the middle of their town. Here the woman had been sitting, watching the water and taking the time to relax a bit. They had no other issues from any of the other groups in a good while which was good. The Coalition needed some peace but she was sure that she would be the one to destroy that fragile thing. It was almost like it was written in the stars to do so. Still for now she was calm, she was trying to be a mother. She was trying to be a leader thad was worth something. Anything. Or perhaps it would be best if she was forgotten when it was her time to go.

A small smile danced upon her muzzle and she rose to her paws, making her way to her own home that was situated near the back of the village. Her home had a backyard of rough ground and rocks but she had gotten help to flatten it out and make a bowl within the earth. The water she used came from the lake and it was here that she had put it. Something was swimming around in the water. Something large, too large. Black and silvered scaled. Perhaps her new pet was hungry? The woman went into her home and she came back out with chunks of meat. One by one she dropped them into the lake and the carnivorous fish came and swallowed pieces whole. This was certainly relaxing. At least to be her it was.

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-04-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Sojourn was... certainly interesting, to say the least, and Aphra wasn't entirely sure if she liked the Kingpin or was mildly afraid of her. Perhaps a combination of both; whenever Sojourn was in a good mood, Aphra typically enjoyed her company. But whenever Sojourn was in one of her, er... crazier? moods, Aphra was unnerved by it. Yet intrigued at the same time.

"What the hell is that?" Aphra asked as she watched Sojourn feed whatever lurked in the fountain, eyes flattened as she peered into the water, trying to catch a better look at the carnivorous creature that seemingly lived there. "Where did it come from?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - Casphian - 05-04-2021

The hellhound pup was wandering around the village, taking in all the new surroundings. His fur was finally dry from the dip into water a bit ago, the pup trying to furiously scrub his scent off of him. It helped to dampen it a bit but the smell of decay was still swirling around him slightly. The pup hated the fact he could never be rid of the stench but alas it is what it is. An ear flicked towards the sound of movement behind a building, the pup’s curiosity peaking and taking Solsken towards the sound.

He appeared just as the carnivorous fish flashed under the water, grabbing the chunks of meat. He stood off to the side, gaze flicking towards Aphra, nose wrinkling slightly at the sight of her. The corrupted flower didn’t trust the feline which seemed to be the case for most. His gaze settled on the feline, head tilting slightly, he wasn’t quite sure who this was but he could easily tell she held some sort of importance to the group. “It looked like a giant fish to me, by the sight of the meat must be carnivorous,” he mused at the question Aphra asked.

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - angelembrace - 05-04-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Most of the time, Angelembrace tried to give Sojourn her space. The woman was like a ticking time bomb, he didn’t know if there would be another episode where his safety was subtly threatened. Although, as of late she seemed to be doing...better? Something like that. Still better to take caution of course, but this was one of those few times where he simply couldn’t help it. Usually it was because he was checking on Ruven, but this time he was making such a choice completely on his own. Because carnivorous fish.

His mother’s less than tactful exclamation drew him over, though he also opted to leave her alone, looking into the water that Aphra and Solsken seemed to be talking about. And that’s when he saw the dark scales and the feast of chunks of meat. Angel’s eyes widened, out of fascination not fear, and seemed genuinely excited. ”Carnivorous fish? That’s incredible!” Or perhaps not, he just found them to be. Not that it mattered what someone else may think about his strange and sudden fascination.

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - ARVID R. - 05-05-2021

Honestly, Arvid found the prospect of owning another animal as a pet to be pretty intriguing. After all, where did one draw the line between one animal being sentient, and one animal being a pet? One could say that sentient animals were able to talk, but that wasn't always true. There were plenty of mutes out there, or those that had been rendered as such through injuries or trauma. He supposed it was all just a matter of brain power, although even that was a bit iffy. If he considered himself to be more intelligent than others, he didn't consider them to be any less sentient. Either way, it didn't matter all that much at this very moment. He hadn't encountered any creature thus far that he wanted to keep as a "pet," with the closest thing he had ever come to one being his experimental mice. And he was fairly sure a pet owner wasn't supposed to feed their beloved little angels poison, so he didn't really think that counted.

Regardless of his own opinions on pets, the canine did have to admit it was exciting to see what Sojourn had chosen to take on as her own little companion. Or, well, relatively little. It didn't surprise him that it was something carnivorous and intimidating, considering that certainly seemed to match the kingpin's nature very well. Much like Angel, Arvid had a grin on his muzzle as he approached, watching the waters with interest. His tail wagged a bit behind him as he spoke, the dark shape within the pond keeping his sole attention, for the moment, "Well... that's certainly an interesting choice, Sojourn. I like it, though. Not only is it good companionship, but it's useful as well!" If he ever needed to get rid of the evidence of something, he certainly knew where to go. Of course, that only led him to wondering – how long would the carnivorous fish take to consume something like... a fully grown feline?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - rhosmari - 05-08-2021

Truthfully the woman hadn't expected a crowd to come gathering in her backyard. What a spectacle this had all become and she lifted her eyes up from where she had been watching the rather massive fish move back and forth along the surface of the water searching for the pieces of food she threw in. At Aphra's voice she couldn't help the snort that left her muzzle as she tried to contain her own amusement. "It came from the ocean. A saltwater pond is a little bit harder to maintain but I think I can handle it." The answer had already been given on what the creature was and she moved back with her bloody chunks of meat. There were so many kids here and she liked the fact they they seemed giddy over the fish. She had been pretty excited herself and do she had an idea pull itself from the depths of her mind. Extending the bloody chunks of meat to Angel, Arvid, and Solsken she gave a brighter smile. This time though it was not hostile, not wild but warm.

"Would you like to feed her? Just be careful not to fall in or you might not make it back out." Granted she would probably try to save them. Most likely. But she didn't want to kill her companion by freezing it.

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-08-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
It was fascinating, to see a carnivorous fish; other than the occasional shark (were they technically fish?) in The Typhoon, Aphra hadn't really encountered a lot of these types of creatures (nor carnivorous plants either). Actually, it probably was a shark or something similar, since Sojourn mentioned it came from saltwater. "How'd you even get it here?" Aphra asked next, watching as Sojourn offered her son, Solsken, and Arvid some pieces of meat to feed the creature.

Was she jealous? No, totally not. Totally.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - ARVID R. - 05-09-2021

Would you like to feed her? The question caused Arvid's gaze to practically light up with excitement, a grin spreading across his muzzle. Of course he wanted to feed the carnivorous beast living in Sojourn's backyard. With his tail wagging enthusiastically behind him, the canine nodded and reached out to take the chunk of bloody meat, ignoring the way that it stained his paws. Not like he hadn't handled worse in his scientific pursuits, after all. He made sure to thank Sojourn, returning the kingpin's surprisingly warm smile, "Thank you. I definitely want to feed her... she seems a beautiful creature." The warning about not falling in was appreciated, but Arvid had already been pretty confident of the fact that falling in was not a good idea. The difference between a wanderer and the chunks of meat offered to the beast were relatively small, after all.

Moving to the edge of the water, the thane took a deep breath inwards before he tossed the meat forward, watching as it fell into the small pond and sat there, momentarily. He then felt no small amount of glee fill him as the beast rose from the waters, chomping down the offering before descending once more. As he stepped back, he said with a chuckle, "Oh... that was fun." He could also see how it would be relaxing – at least, after you got used to doing it the first few times.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: so rose tinted - open; pond - Casphian - 05-11-2021

The small god had been surprised to be handed a piece of meat and be offered to find the pet. But he would let this opportunity go to waste and so he followed Arvid’s lead and stepped closer to the water but not close enough to fall in. He tossed the meat in after the other pup, his gaze locking onto the creature as the scales flashed under the water. “She’s absolutely stunning, oh I would love to have a creature like her,” he would muse, the last part more to himself than anything. “Thank you for allowing me to feed her,” he would thank, turning his attention to Sojourn and dipping his head in gratitude.