Beasts of Beyond
FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - Printable Version

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FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - CORDELIA L. - 05-03-2021

Cordelia Laska. It was a name known by many, although not all that many of the Beyond. The ocelot had been alive for a long time, and in that lengthy timespan, she had crossed the blurry lines between a great many worlds. Not by choice, mind you – she had been perfectly happy in her birth universe, surrounded by family and friends that she knew well. Unfortunately, lady luck had decided that a life of peace and happiness was not fit for one such as her. The way she had gone from each world to the next was... mixed, to say the least. In some cases, she ended up succumbing to wounds and slipping into the next dimension. In others, she merely went to sleep in one place, and awoke in another. It was a process that had not only infuriated her, but had also stripped her of everything she cared for. It had gotten to the point where she had become bitter and jaded, not caring about what world or people would come next. There was no reason for her to care or become close to them – she'd just end up getting torn away once more.

When she had arrived on the island of the Beyond, she hadn't thought much of it. Her expression had been neutral and uncaring as she traversed her new environment, wandering forth with no real goal in mind. She figured she might as well find a group to stay with for a while, until she inevitably got dragged away from them. It would keep her safer – not that she was particularly worried about being killed. It was just more interesting than staying on her own, to be honest. She could wallow in misery on her own, or she could potentially cause trouble for others. That certainly seemed more entertaining, hence why she had started asking around for places to the go. In the end, she had deciding on going to The Pitt. They seemed like the most intriguing place to go, mostly due to their downfall. A once proud and ruthless group that had been feared by all, turned into a boring and pacifistic pit in the middle of the desert? It sounded like a fun place to fuck with.

The warm sand beneath her paws signaled to her that she was close, not to mention the distinct scent of a group on the air. The cream-colored wings upon her back were spread wide along her spine, reflecting the unrelenting sun as she moved along. The jungle grew closer and closer, and once she was close enough to hear approaching footsteps, she paused. Her long tail in various shades of brown flicked around behind her as she sat, paws neatly in front of her. She called out calmly, green-blue eyes reflecting little as she spoke, "Who's there? And before you ask, my name is Cordelia Laska, and I'm here to join." She got straight to the point, not having much patience for pointless pleasantries. Nor did she want to deal with some hardass thinking he was all that and trying to intimidate her with some meaningless big words that ultimately meant very little to her.
they're fucking nameless and faceless

Re: FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-03-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
"I like your spunk, kid." Dante rumbled a response as he revealed himself to the ocelot in The Pitt's jungle, moving past the bushes and ferns that may or may not have been hiding him. If he could hear the girl's thoughts about The Pitt being such a boring place to be, he'd probably snap at her - even if he agreed. "Welcome to The Pitt." Dante quickly went on, his wings twitching for a moment as he got comfortable. "Name's Dante Northwest."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - westley h. - 05-03-2021

As long as the leopard lived, the paleblood would likely understand some of Cordelia's situation.  The difference being how much he still cared.  Westley has always cared deeply about others.  Likewise, he looked to the Pitt's changes with patience and pride -- hardly caring that more violent individuals found it 'boring'.  It was not his fault they wanted to stay in a past that had only brought them destruction.

The clouded leopard flicks his ear as he jumps down from a low branch, wearing a polite smile.  His long tail curls behind him, hazel gaze light.  "Call me Westley, it's nice to meet you Cordelia."
**irenic (adj.) —-- westley hawkins / paleblood / penned by petrichor

Re: FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - CORDELIA L. - 05-06-2021

Being called kid hardly appealed to Cordelia's already fairly large ego, and she would have snapped at Dante for saying such a thing. However, him seeming to like her attitude was enough to settle her, at least for the moment. With her own wings twitching a bit, the ocelot spoke plainly, "Pleasure to meet you, Northwest... you're a pretty one, aren't you?" She had to admit that she was intrigued by the hybrid's appearance, with the sharp contrast between his bright pelt and soft wings. He had scars, sure, but that meant very little to her – she had plenty of her own, even if they didn't always carry over from body to body.

The next one to approach wasn't quite as interesting at first glance, but no less pretty – that seemed to come naturally with being a clouded leopard. If she had known that Westley understood some of her plight... perhaps she would've felt comforted by that fact, beneath her hard, spike-covered exterior. For now, though, she had no idea, merely nodding in his direction before he responded, "And nice to meet you too, Westley..." There was a moment of hesitation before her blue-green gaze drifted upwards, towards the main camp. She then questioned, tail flicking behind her, "Would one of you be able to point me in the direction of somewhere to stay? I want to make sure I'm settled in a home before I go and... explore" More like go looking for trouble more like it, but semantics.
they're fucking nameless and faceless

Re: FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - summer. - 05-06-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
Reclusive.  The petite kodkod certainly buried herself in her books almost as soon as she and Westley had arrived.  Lingering in the shadows and outskirts of the main camp.  Yet to truly make her presence known.  Immortally-blooded... It wasn't like she was in a rush to be social.

She had noticed Cordelia though.  Mostly from her calling out first.  Of course, as the wildcat slowly trotted over, mind still lingering on the last chapter she'd read, she found Dante and Westley already present.

Summer flicked an ear, shifting her mind from hobbits to places to stay.  "[color=#eef2af]You have a few options," she began.  "Many of us live in the treehouses.  I know some prefer the caves though." Cooler temperature, she supposed.

"I'm called Summer by the way," she added with a blink.  Names were important and all but the paleblood was simply more interested in offering the information Cordelia had asked for.  Who wanted to keep track of so many names and such before getting settled?

Re: FALSEHOODS IN THE CHAT ☆ joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Cordelia's compliment definitely didn't help Dante's own ego and the hybrid grinned. "I suppose I am." Sharkcat hybrids certainly weren't very common, that's for sure. Although granted, how many sharks could come on land and, y'know, get with a feline? Probably not very many, if any at all. He had been created in a science lab, after all, but given that he had yet to meet any other hybrids similar to him, Dante assumed that he was the only one so far.

"Like Summer said, anywhere you find comfortable." Dante added with a small shrug. He choose to stay in his own cave, a little ways away from the town. So he didn't bother anyone when he was getting lit the fuck up - but that also meant people could probably tell what he was doing in his den. Oh well.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]