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my starlight - open; watching - Printable Version

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my starlight - open; watching - rhosmari - 05-02-2021

Re: my starlight - open; watching - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-02-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The lighthouse was an interesting place, though Vayne didn't often go inside it. Her interest in the building was piqued when she noticed movement from inside, though at first Vayne thought she had been just imagining it. Curious, Vayne made her way over to the lighthouse and opened the door, her gaze searching for signs of life. "Hello?" The Privateer called out, listening to her voice echo inside the large building. Her gaze soon found a flickering figure, one that seemed to go in-and-out of existence.

"Oh, hey! Y-you're Siobhán, right?" Vayne asked the corporeal creature, head tilted as she tried to approach Siobhán. She recalled Roxanne mentioning a ghost-girl during the meeting, though Vayne had yet to meet anyone like that. "I'm Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: my starlight - open; watching - daniel - 05-03-2021

Despite the red flags that had been banging themselves against his skull, the insistence to go back to the lighthouse even after his first incident with the frightening resident was unwavering. Not so much out of newfound curiosity, no, if anything it was out of terrible guilt. After all, Danny hadn’t meant to potentially make the spirit feel bad, and Roan’s sharp tone had sort of driven the point home, which left him moping about in solitude for the rest of the day as his mood took a depressing nosedive. But he could fix it, he just had to work up the nerve to apologize for his rude behavior.

And oh boy, did he hesitate. He wasn’t even entirely sure what the girl was, a ghost or something else, but the eerie light and flickering in and out still left a sense of dread in his stomach. But he wouldn’t panic this time, he refused. It would only serve to make the situation worse, and he made himself look bad enough. The sand shifted beneath his paws as the wolf took a few steps forward, then back, repeating that cycle until he was almost walking in a circle. A sharp exhale left his nostrils, a soft crunch released into the air as he cracked his stiff neck, a vague pain from the strain he was putting on his muscles. Of course, as if the gods themselves were pointing and laughing at him, daring him to look like a bigger coward than he already did, Vayne just had to be there before him, friendly enough to start chatting up a semi-transparent being. Naturally. Danny sighed, forcing his legs to push themselves towards the lighthouse door. His heart was certainly doing him no favors, going absolutely berserk in fear. What was there even to say?

Re: my starlight - open; watching - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-04-2021

Lumia had not been around for the initial encounter with Siobhán, but she had certainly heard about it. News tended to spread fast throughout The Typhoon, and gossip about a lingering and unfamiliar spirit in their lighthouse was certainly interesting. Upon first hearing about it, the new privateer had written the entire thing off as a false piece of gossip, made to drum up mystery around the lighthouse. Perhaps it was just a tall tale being used to keep children from going too close to the cliffs. She didn't believe this merely because she didn't believe in ghosts – she had seen much stranger things merely from being around her father. Rather, she did believe in spirits, but she thought it was odd that talk of one in the lighthouse was just popping up now. Surely it would've been talked about more often much earlier if there was something bigger to it? Eventually, she had concluded that the only way to find out was to investigate things herself.

Her trek towards the lighthouse had been a peaceful one, humming lightly under her breath with each step. As she grew close, she expected to find nothing and nobody around, mostly knowing the lighthouse as a largely vacant structure on the territory. When she arrived, however, she was surprised to see Vayne and Danny were already there, with Danny looking rather disturbed about something. With a frown curling on her muzzle, Mia made her way over to the canine's side, pressing lightly against his pelt to try and provide some comfort. The sight of Siobhán before them was certainly a surprise, but Lumia wasn't even half as petrified as Danny was. Instead, she found herself wondering who this spirit was, and where she had come from. Clearing her throat, the younger Cipher spoke up shortly after Vayne, "Hello! I'm Lumia Cipher – Vayne's aunt. Are you alright?" The ghostly figure's wistful staring seemed to reveal a deeper desire for something, although Mia wasn't sure for what. Was Siobhán simply not able to leave the lighthouse?
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin