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WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - Printable Version

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WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-02-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
//This is set a couple of days after Lethe, Dario, and Oleander's hatching and not a 3 month gap lol

Three out of four eggs had hatched and like Aphra had suspected when Lethe had hatched, the last egg was, unfortunately, a dud. The shell of this final egg was cold and there was no movement inside, as far as she could tell. Aphra nudged the last egg with her nose, as if she were trying to encourage whatever dragonet in there to come out. It wasn't a very aggressive or passionate nudge, seeing as the mother had already come to the conclusion that this one wasn't going to hatch. But it didn't hurt to make sure, right?

Careful not to step on the new hatchlings, Aphra got up from her nest and grabbed the final egg in her front arms, making her way out of camp and towards the oceanside. Better to just... chuck it in the ocean than let it rot somewhere in the territory, no?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - ARVID R. - 05-03-2021

A dud egg. For most mothers, such a thing would be a sorrowful occasion, where they would probably end up sobbing over the child that never was. They'd probably be respectful about it, burying the egg beneath the dirt and trying to retain the memory of what they had lost. Of course, Aphra wasn't like most mothers. Although Arvid couldn't see inside the other's mind, he was already fairly sure of what was going on when saw Aphra leaving camp, and heading for the ocean. The egg that she had in tow with her looked utterly undisturbed, with no sign of a young dragon trying to break it's way out of the hard shell. It brought a frown to the dire wolf's face, and he was quick to follow after the dragoness.

As they reached near the edge of the ocean, the young scientist finally spoke up, his tone a bit sharp, "Hey, Aphra. What are you planning on doing with that one?" It was mostly a rhetorical question, at that point. It was obvious what she was planning on doing, although actually thinking about it caused Arvid's stomach to churn a bit. While it usually took something special to get underneath the canine's skin, he did have to admit that this was hitting a bit close to home. He had always felt so bitter over the fact that his parents hadn't fought harder for him... and here was Aphra, doing the same. Sure, it wasn't the exact same, since nothing was going to hatch from the egg, but she could've at least tried to be respectful. She could at least bury the thing, instead of chucking it into the ocean. If she hadn't been in her dragon form, Arvid may have even ended up snarling at her.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-03-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
If there was anyone who going to see what she was up to or try to stop her, it would be Arvid. The little brat was clearly a scientist of sorts, always curious about the world around him. Unfortunately this meant that he had to pester Aphra with his questions. "Throwing it out." She answered nonchalantly, as if this was just another day for her. Which in a way, it was. Throwing her children to the wolves (metaphorically at least) was something she did often; the only thing different here was that this child wasn't alive. Aphra wasn't even sure if it had been at all.

"Why?" Aphra asked now, setting the egg down beside her and lowering herself to four legs. It was a relief not to feel her legs shaking as she stood, with the habitual bipedalism not being something she was used to. Or wanted to get used to.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - angelembrace - 05-03-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Angel, if not for being awoken by the voice of Arvid, would probably have never even noticed Aphra’s journey to the sea to discard a egg that never hatched. Nor would he particularly care, the dire wolf pup’s sentiments were understood but not mimicked by himself. His mother’s parenting style had already left it’s mark on him, and things such as respectfully burying a child that never was just didn’t seem like something that would cross his mind unless mentioned. An egg was simply an egg when the use was not achieved.

Blinking as he began to process his surroundings and the words that echoed in his ears, Angel curled his tail around his back paws and raised his brow at Arvid. And he thought he bothered Aphra, guess his crown was being threatened. ”Oh, it didn’t hatch.” He mewed simply, more to catch himself up to speed than anything else, stretching and taking a few steps forward to at least be a little closer to the duo, but not too close to the dragoness. ”Tragic.”

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

Throwing it out. Chucking it away so that it didn't take up space anymore. What a concept that existed. But this egg, it had not hatched and it had been days so there was no reason to mourn it. The child inside was most likely not living and not alive at all so then why did she feel a need to have it. The woman watched with narrowed eyes from the small boulder she had been resting on. The coastline was chaotic today it appeared the roaring waves seemingly wanting this egg, as if the waters were sentient and hungry. With a careful stretch the Kingpin curved her claws against the stone, scoring lines against it as she finally got up and made her way toward the group and the unlucky egg. With a flick of her tail in greeting to the three she would smile, a smile that did not reach her eyes despite the light there.

"Well, can I have the egg?" There was really no telling what she was going to do with the egg. She just wanted, stared Aphra down with a gaze that seemed all too happy and wild at the same time.

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-04-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Angelembrace came over to see what was going on as well, much to Aphra's annoyance. At least the boy seemed to agree with her that it was rather 'tragic' that the egg she had was no longer alive - assuming it ever was, of course. Aphra shrugged in response, about to pick up the egg once more when Sojourn approached. At first, Aphra blinked in confusion at her before nudging the egg towards the Kingpin. "Sure, I guess." The woman responded with a small snort. "Go wild." Unfortunately she didn't mean her words literally and Aphra suddenly realized how Sojourn might take the comment - oh well; what's been said can't be taken back.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - ARVID R. - 05-05-2021

Ah, so she was just going to throw the egg out. That confirmation caused Arvid's gaze to narrow slightly, although he didn't say anything immediately. It wasn't his place, really. Instead, he just shook his head from side to side, muttering, "It's a pity it didn't hatch... more dragons would be good for the Coalition." They'd definitely make strong combatants, although the flat tone of the canines voice revealed that wasn't really what he was thinking about. Still, he knew better than to try and reason with Aphra, at this point. She wouldn't care about things like burials, thinking of the egg as merely trash to be thrown away.

He was about to turn and head back to camp when Sojourn approached, causing the boy to look up with interest. Her question caught him off guard, and his head tilted to one side. What use could the kingpin have with a dud of an egg? There were only a few possibilities – at least that he could think of – and none of them made him feel particularly settled considering the wild look on her face. Still, he didn't say anything beyond a simple question, framed as simple curiosity, "Are you going to eat it? I never considered whether a dud would be good for that or not..." He supposed it was the same principle as a chicken egg, but it still felt wrong somehow. Like Sojourn would somehow end up making herself sick.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: WARM YOURSELF BY THE FIRST // dud egg - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-05-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra shrugged at Arvid's comment, not particularly feeling the same way as him. She noted the flat tone he had however, though she wouldn't really know what the pup was actually thinking about. "I'd imagine it wouldn't be good if its rotten." The dragoness added to Arvid's question, mostly noting it to herself. The egg wasn't rotten by any means, not yet, but she was curious what Sojourn was planning to do with it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]