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better off when it disappears ._. hatching - Printable Version

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better off when it disappears ._. hatching - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-30-2021

Re: better off when it disappears ._. hatching - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-02-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
It seemed that out of all of the hatchlings, Oleander was the one that was most similar to her. All three of the hatchlings were slimey and goopy just like their father and this last dragonet was definitely the worst in Aphra's opinion. "Lethe." The mother declared this dragonet's name, knowing that someone was bound to come by eventually to see if her other eggs had hatched. There was one last egg, though judging by how cold it was despite Aphra incubating it, the dragoness had a feeling that it was a dud. Ah well, that didn't matter now; she'd handle that later.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: better off when it disappears ._. hatching - angelembrace - 05-02-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── No matter how much he tried to tell himself he was not interested in the result of his mother's other affair, the curiosity of how the dragonets would look out of the egg would not let him rest. Surely just a tiny look would satisfy him and then he could go about his day, and somehow, so far, he hadn't said anything that resulted in any overtly hostile commentary. Perhaps it was because there was apparently one sentiment he and Aphra could agree on, and that was the slime that coated the babies was a little bit disgusting. That's sort of where it ended, but it was enough to keep his ass off the line.

Against his better judgement, as far as being rude to newborns went, Angelembrace visibly cringed at the wiggling little thing, far more slime noticed than with Oleander. He lifted a paw, not sure how to react entirely, simply pressing it to his chest to avoid instinctually batting the dragonet away. "It's wriggling, a slug." Despite what sounded like disgust, and to an extent it was, he was sort of...interested? Scientific interest, like anything else that was disgusting that Angel locked his eyes onto. He would have liked to say something positive to balance it out, but he had nothing to say.

Re: better off when it disappears ._. hatching - ARVID R. - 05-03-2021

It certainly seemed as though Aphra's offspring were eager to make their way into the world. One after another they had begun to hatch, and Arvid honestly couldn't have been more excited – in fact, he was fairly sure he was more excited than the mother herself. He had been intrigued by the prospect of watching dragons grow from egg to adult from the very beginning, but the process of watching them hatch was also one that often drew him over. He liked seeing what they looked like, and often already found himself wondering how they would develop, both physically and personality wise. Although he was fairly sure they'd be pretty fucked up on the personality side of things – they had Aphra for a mother, after all.

The pup's eyes were gleaming as he approached, sitting down nearby and snorting when he heard what Angel had to say. Shaking his head from side to side, Arvid teased the other with a smirk, "Now, now Angel. You shouldn't be acting so disgusted – what self respecting scientist is grossed out by new life?" He then added, a snicker leaving him, "'Sides, you were probably just as slimey and wiggly when you were first born – we all are." With that said, he then turned his attention back to the child itself, a thoughtful hum leaving him.

He reached out with his yellow paw in Lethe's direction, as if offering it to the young dragon as he muttered, "You've got quite the spirit of exploration, don't you...?" That certainly had the potential to lead her into trouble, later on in life. Most of the other groups wouldn't dare touch a single piece of fur on a child's head – or a scale, in this case – but not every group was like that. If Lethe ventured out too far, unsupervised... disaster could strike surprisingly quickly. Unfortunately, Arvid got the feeling that Aphra wasn't too worried about that.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass