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The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - Printable Version

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The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - Casphian - 04-30-2021

The smell of decay wafted through the area, the prey around scurrying away as the body that released the scent drew closer to them. The sound of soft panting would filter through the area, each step that was taken silent in their wake. The small body of a hellhound drifted through the area, the scent of a bordering group drifting along their path as they guided their way through the forest.

The canine made his way towards the border, pressing his ears forwards as he listened for the sound of anyone approaching. He would settle down just on the inside of the border, the pup glancing around the area with a harsh closed off gaze. Solsken would honestly be surprised if anyone came to find him, he wasn’t typically the type many sought out. The hellhound pup and been chased from many borders, each one saying he reeked of death and decay, he never understood why. Suppose it would have to do with the fact he was a God but even that information was unknown to the pup at the time.

Tails flicked behind him, the pair eventually moving to curl around his body before resting atop his paws. Leathery wings shuffled against his back, itching to spread out but being refused by the owner. Blueish grey orbs swept across the area once again, on a constant search for anyone who might would show or try to sneak up on him. For a pup he was such a flighty distrustful creature.

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - SirDio - 04-30-2021

Oh, someone's gonna kill Dario for going out at her age. 3 months old but still fumbling about like a fool. In all honesty, she was trying to chase a rabbit when the smell hit her. Oh, god, it made her almost gag. But at the same time, it was interesting for the smell to rise up so quickly. Too quickly. And it interested her. So, like a fool, she started toward the source.

"ohhh, you're the one who smells bad. Hello!" She chirped, stopping before solsken. Ruby eyes seemed to widen at the wings. "You have wings! Like me! I'm Dario, what's your name?"
Coalition - 3rd Generation Cipher-Eld - Played by Seraphim
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - Casphian - 05-01-2021

The head of the creature snapped towards Dario, gaze narrowing as he stared at her. The hatchling looked too young to be out and about wandering around, he wondered where her parents were, though they were some parents if they were letting her walk about at such a young age.

“I do not smell bad,” he snapped, fur bristling at the comment. A soft growl rumbled through Solsken’s chest, ears pinning backwards for a brief moment. Confusion swept through the hellhound pup as he watched the excitement filter across Dario’s features at the sight of his wings. He glanced back at said wings, one spreading out a bit, before shifting his orbs back onto the child. “I suppose I do,” he hummed. “Where are the adults of this group?”

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - SirDio - 05-01-2021

The dragonet grinned, quirking a metaphorical eyebrow at his response. "You do, though! I'm supri- su- surprised that the adults didn't smell you." She giggled, holding her paw up to her mouth. "The adults are usually out, sometimes they're in camp. I'm sure someone's gonna show up." Until then, Solsken was going to have to deal with her. Surely he wouldn't mind, right?
Coalition - 3rd Generation Cipher-Eld - Played by Seraphim
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - Casphian - 05-01-2021

Solsken lowered is head, ears pinning to the side. “Hatchling you’re playing a dangerous game with what you speak,” he mused, his cold gaze flashing with irritation. He wasn’t fond of others pointing out how he smells, it wasn’t something he could just fix.

He lifted his head back up before pushing his body up to stand just so he could stretch. “Well then in guess we’re going to be here for a while,” he hummed. “What’s you're name hatchling?”

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-02-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Just as Dario was commenting, the smell was definitely going to lure one of the adults of the group. Unfortunately, that adult was the dragonet's mother and although she didn't personally care for the young reptile, but as a mother she had a 'reputation' to uphold. To y'know, make it seem like she cared. "That would be Dario." Aphra spoke as she came over in her feline body. Once the dragonets were able to take care of themselves (somewhat), the Espionage had decided to go back to a form she was more comfortable in.

"You, little lady, are going to be in big trouble when we get home." Aphra spoke towards Dario now in a fake-angry voice. The woman's icy gaze lingered on her daughter for a moment before shifting over to Solsken. "She is right, though, you smell horrific. What do you want with the Coalition?" Aphra spoke with her nose wrinkled, kinked tail flicking impatiently.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - SirDio - 05-02-2021

Dario bounced on her toes before Aphra arrived, the slight happy attitude muted with the anger in her mother's words. She shrunk a bit, wings folded in at her sides as she waited for Solsken to answer.
Coalition - 3rd Generation Cipher-Eld - Played by Seraphim
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - Casphian - 05-02-2021

His head shifted towards the feline as she came forwards, ears pinning back as he glared at Aphra. His gaze drifted between her and Dario, snorting softly to himself. A growl would soon vibrate through his chest, lips curling back in a snarl at the mention of how he smelled. “I only seek shelter within a group, it’s near impossible for a pup to survive outside of a group on their own,” he stated. Or at least this was true for most pups, the hellhound had been on his own for quite a few months now and figured he would be able to continue to survive on his own but he didn’t want to take any chances. “I bring no harm to the Coalition,” he hummed.

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-02-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
Try harder. Aphra wanted to shoot back, her torn ear flicking at the response she got from the hellhound. But unfortunately what the kid said was true, even if Aphra didn't want the idea of yet another child in a group. Well, at least she didn't give birth to it. "Fine, you can stay here." Aphra replied after a while, as if she was considering whether or not to turn Solsken away.

"I'm Aphra Cipher, if you must know. I suggest you take a bath or something before you make home here." Aphra finished, not at all considering the fact that Solsken was clearly keeping agitated at being called stinky. Whoops.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The corruption has slowly begun to spread ~ joiner - ARVID R. - 05-03-2021

Intriguing. Although most would be repulsed by the scent of rot and death that hung on the air, Arvid wasn't like most. Instead, the scent attracted him, the boy wondering if perhaps there were corpses nearby he could use for scientific purposes. Angel seemed to have a penchant for dissection – perhaps the two of them could work together on something? It was an exciting prospect, and the dire wolf actually had a smile on his face as he approached, his tail wagging behind him. However, that grin faltered slightly when he arrived, and saw that there was nothing dead to be seen. Instead, there was just a hellhound, evidently looking to join the Coalition. Well... that was disappointing. Still, the canine wouldn't take that out on Solsken – new members were always fascinating to observe, and this one seemed to be of a particular note, considering his stench and general appearance.

As he sat down nearby to Aphra – although with plenty of space between them so that she wouldn't bitch at him – Arvid spoke with a small smile, "I don't believe I caught your name there, pup." The young scientist's words were pretty ironic, considering his own status as a young canine. Either way, he spoke casually, flicking his paw as he introduced himself, "My name happens to be Arvid Rosenberg. Like Aphra said, you're free to stay – so long as Sojourn doesn't have any issue with you. I don't think she'll mind the smell..." Half the time she had the scent of rot and death clinging to her, due to her... unique activities as kingpin. She'd probably see it as an admirable trait, at least in Arvid's mind.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass