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WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - Printable Version

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WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - OLEANDER CIPHER-ELD. - 04-30-2021

[glow=white,1,400]YOU STOOD BESIDE ME WHEN I WAS OUT OF MY MIND !。+゚.[/glow]
Oleander was growing quickly, though just as Aphra had mentioned, the slime that covered her body would not go away. The few bits of feathers on her body fortunately were able to form and look properly like, well, feathers and not a slick, wet mess. Like any curious child of course, Oleander would notice how birds flew and how she, too, had wings - therefore, she should be able to fly, right?

Oleander's tail wagged as she prepared herself for flight, lowering her body into a crouch before she finally jumped up and flapped her wings (likely spreading slime everywhere as well) - only for her to fall right back down to the ground. Fortunately, not on her face, but it still hurt nonetheless. Oleander sat up, shaking her head, clearly upset at her failed attempt.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - ARVID R. - 05-03-2021

Aphra's children were certainly a unique combination of traits. Most of them had inherited feathers and a few other traits from Aphra, although not all of them had inherited the slime evidently present on their father. Oleander was probably the most balanced mesh of them all, considering her mix of Aphra's feathers and her exceedingly slimey exterior. It honestly made Arvid wonder how her mother would treat her – would she be too disgusted to look at Oleander in any kind of positive light, or would she glad to see her own traits reflected in the child? It was interesting to think about, since the dire wolf considered Aphra vain enough to like one of her kids more just because they looked more like her.

The canine had actually been pondering this as he watched Oleander that day, from afar. He had been having lunch, hunched over a half-eaten rabbit as he watched the young dragon amble around camp. He hadn't been watching for very long, and hadn't planned to watch for much longer, considering the hatchlings weren't especially interesting in this phase. However, his attention had been grabbed once more when Oleander leaped into the air, spreading her feathered wings and evidently attempting to fly. Her attempt quickly failed, though, causing Arvid to wince as he watched her collide roughly with the ground below. He supposed failing was part of the learning process, but he couldn't imagine that had felt very good.

Getting up to his paws and abandoning his lunch for the moment, he made his way over, head tilted to one side. He sat down nearby, fluffy tail settling over his paws before he spoke, "Oleander... I saw what happened. I take it that flying is a bit more difficult than you anticipated?" The boy wondered, silently, if he could somehow trick Aphra into actually teaching the girl something about flying. After all, it wasn't as if he could really offer any assistance – it wasn't as if he was planning on sprouting wings anytime soon.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - OLEANDER CIPHER-ELD. - 05-03-2021

[glow=white,1,400]YOU STOOD BESIDE ME WHEN I WAS OUT OF MY MIND !。+゚.[/glow]
A large canine pup was approaching her, though Oleander didn't notice Arvid until he got close. She sniffed, wiping grit from her face and shaking a paw, once again spreading slime as she did so. "Yea..." The dragonet answered Arvid's question with another sniff, blinking up at the taller kid with tears in her eyes. Though she was very obviously trying to not cry. At least, in front of everyone else; Aphra would be ashamed of her if she did so. "Thought flying would be easy. Mother makes it look easy." Aphra did, whenever she was in her dragoness body. Which was... unfortunately not very often nowadays, with Oleander and her siblings being a bit older and able to take care of themselves (for the most part, anyway).[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - SirDio - 05-03-2021

"Yeah... Mom does make it look easy." The young dragoness chirped gently, walking toward Arvid and her slimy sister. Ruby eyes looked at Oleander with a slight, devilish shine for a moment. And for that moment she almost wanted to poke fun. But she shrugged and flexed her own wings. "D'you think I'll be able to fly at some point?"
Coalition - 3rd Generation Cipher-Eld - Played by Seraphim
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-03-2021

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

Flying was not something she would consider on her own to do list. She had never thought about flying before, had never paused to wonder what flying felt like or wanted to try it. She supposed it just came with the territory of being born grounded. Maybe she just had different interests. Still normally all creatures that had wings were the type to know how to use them. At some point they got the wind under their wings and took off into the sky so she didn't think that it was something to worry about. A small grin was on her maw as she came over to the kids, tilting her head a bit. "I could throw you off a cliff. See if that helps." There was a pause, a serious note to the atmosphere before the woman suddenly laughed, flicking her tail. "I'm kidding." Her voice was shaking with humor.

Yet maybe she wasn't kidding as she sat down and looked at the hatchlings before her. "I'm pretty sure that flying is instinctual for dragons so you will be up in the air in no time. Just give it a few more tries." How motivational she could be or maybe she was doing this for her own gain. Who knew but she did want to see the success of any Wanderer.

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - OLEANDER CIPHER-ELD. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]YOU STOOD BESIDE ME WHEN I WAS OUT OF MY MIND !。+゚.[/glow]
"You've gotta get some wings first." Oleander shot back at Lethe teasingly, trying to poke her sibling in a playful manner. She stuck her tongue out after she spoke before nodding at Dario's question. "I think we should, Mother can. Why can't we?" Her statement was only proven by Sojourn - though the Kingpin's threat about chucking her off of a cliff startled her for a moment. Oleander's eyes were wide as she stared up at the leader, afraid, though she seemed to calmed down once Sojourn confirmed she was only joking. "I'll keep trying!" She promised, giving the Kingpin a determined nod.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - angelembrace - 05-04-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Rough starts in life. Something he should title his autobiography.

Granted, Angel had no wings, ironically, and he was not flying anytime soon. Nor had he given much interest in the idea of the new hatchlings flying, at least until Oleander made her attempt and slime went soaring right onto his nose. Right, the kids were covered in bloody slime. Minus one, of course, which he wouldn’t say out loud but thanked the gods for a saving grace in the clutch. Scrunching up his face and rubbing the slime off, Angel squinted at the group that was slowly gathering around the dragonlet and her failed flying attempt. There was a frown, then a small sigh as it dissipated. It wasn’t her fault she was...slimy, and any curiosity about flying was natural for a child with wings, no? ”Maybe it would help if you carefully watched the birds.” Angel suggested, wondering briefly if he could find a bird later to both study and demonstrate his point. Maybe even study one of the dragons, when they grew, should any of them stay and allow him to do so. ”They have a very specific way of moving their wings, maybe dragons do the same.”

Re: WHITE, WHITE LEAVES // trying to fly - ARVID R. - 05-05-2021

The comments about Aphra making flight look easy certainly did make sense. She had the advantage of seniority and natural instincts on her side, and while he was sure her children had those same instincts, they didn't quite have the physicality to make use of them just yet. He was about to comment on that when Sojourn approached, causing him to pause and glance over. A soft snort left him at her little joke, and it wasn't long before he was nodding along, saying simply, "Sojourn is right – I've only been studying dragons for a little while, but it makes sense that flying would be natural for you. All you need is some more practice. Although... it might be a good idea to put something soft where you might land before trying again. You don't want to break bones or bruise yourself so badly that you end up crippling your abilities even more." Maybe he could make something like a nest for them to practice above? It certainly wouldn't be all that hard. He could probably gather a few pillows from vacant houses, maybe some blankets and some rocks to keep it all in place... it would make the perfect landing pad.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass