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don't make it rain ⚘ health checkup, open (GE) - Printable Version

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don't make it rain ⚘ health checkup, open (GE) - aesior - 04-29-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
A sneeze ripped the tom from his light slumber, resting out in the sun by his forge, draping his body across a nearby Boulder, head upon his paws. Sniffing as he wiped at his nose, bleary eyes opening as he coughed to settle the suddenly tight feeling in his throat. Shsking his head and flipping his ear back the right way, he laid his head back on his paws. He'd been feeling a little lack-luster as of late, and he didn't know what all it had to do with everything, but he was enjoying the sunlight lately. He'd been hearing a few other members complain of the sniffles and coughing.

Tail twitching as he rolled to display his belly to the warm sun overhead, enjoying the cool breeze and warm rock against his back, his paws resting in the air. It was fine to be lazy once in a while, right? Letting himself enjoy the sun for an untold time, he would finally roll himself back onto his stomach with a soft prrrt that even he couldn't hear. Sighing at the forever absent voice of his, gaze hard as he glared at the rock under him. Standing up, he would stretch as he looked back over the territory towards where the camp was.

Since his return and the letters he'd received, he'd taken to sleeping at his forge with the fire lit. It was like a guard's fire. It reminded him of many things, laying there awake all night, on the lookout for any of those who threatened him. He wasn't going to let the other grims hurt his family. Exhaling, he finished his stretches before walking back towards the camp. His mind awhirl, he decided that this was best to address now before the common cold swept the group and made a few, if not all, sick. Sitting down in a ray of the sunshine that still made it into the camp's main area outside of the caverns, he would set down his satchel before clearing his throat. Attempting a telepathic call to everyone who would listen, "Come for a health check, please." he wasnt the groups medic but he was the closest that they had and he wanted to help out where he could.

Re: don't make it rain ⚘ health checkup, open - SirDio - 04-29-2021

Re: don't make it rain ⚘ health checkup, open - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 04-29-2021

Re: don't make it rain ⚘ health checkup, open - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-30-2021

Unlike Cleopatra, Fragglerock didn't really have any issue with the call for a health checkup. While the boy was feeling fine physically at the moment, he also knew that illnesses – especially the more serious ones – had a way of hiding themselves in plain sight. Many wouldn't actually have adverse effects until you were already too far gone, with the medics not being able to do much except keep you comfortable. Although... he wasn't sure why he knew that. The idea of losing someone to a disease that they couldn't even fight against felt familiar, but he didn't know why. It wasn't as if anyone within The Golden Eye had died from something so serious. In fact, thankfully, no one had died within The Golden Eye, as far as he knew. He shook that off for the moment, though, not wanting to dwell on it for too long. The entire subject was just unpleasant, and Fragglerock found that he didn't like trying to delve into his own mind or memories as much these days. Before he had been unbearably curious about what the beginning of his life had been like, but after that nightmare? He found that he was entirely fine with just living in the moment.

Soft strides brought Frag over to where Aesior stood, the lion cub offering the defacto medic a broad grin. He then glanced over in Cleo's direction, muttering as his ears briefly flicked downwards, "A health check is to make sure that everybody stays fine. Even if you can't feel anything now, Aesior checking us all over makes it less likely that something will sweep through and take us all out." His tone wasn't rude, mostly just neutral and perhaps a bit annoyed. He found that he wasn't quite as intimidated by Cleo now, what with his form shift. He was still a young lion, yes, but he wasn't all that much smaller than the feline at this point, and he was only growing more with each passing day. Not that he would actually hurt her – he didn't want that nightmare to come true, ever – he just didn't have to worry about her eating him anymore.

Shrugging that off for the moment, Fragglerock then turned his attention back to Aesior, questioning with a little smile, "Which one of us do you want to check up on first, Aesior?" Personally, the boy thought that Sethiram was probably the best bet for the first to be looked over. He didn't really think that the other's hallucinations had been caused by a physical illness, but that was always a possibility.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: don't make it rain ⚘ health checkup, open - aesior - 04-30-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Soft the patient nod. He had been there for Sethiram's arrival to their family group, he knew of the other. He had been in a bad shape when he'd arrived. Next to come was Cleopatra before followed by Fraggle. He had called them for a check, in order to make sure they would be alright. Not every illness showed on the surface. Soft his exhale of breath, nodding as Fraggle explained his understanding of the summons. He was correct. He just wanted to.make sure everything was alright.

He hadn't felt top notch himself, and with the recently crazy events, he didn't want to worry about the group's health. The winds were changing and with them, the seasons as well. "Fraggle is right. Colds happen in spring. Could grow into more than a cold.", he would attempt to speak to them all. He raised a paw in Sethiram's direction, "If its alright with you, I'd like to check you over first.", he would try to speak to the other. clearing his throat as it tickled, he smiled at Fraggle. The child had been curious in the times that he had shown any hint of dealing with medicines - he thought it would only make sense to teach him a bit more so he waved a paw at the lion cub to motion him over.