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i don't have much to say ? house making, open - Printable Version

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i don't have much to say ? house making, open - teef - 04-29-2021

Gaze lingering as she stood alone. Her body was sore and aching, unlike the few days before. Hunger stirred in the pits of her stomach, her ears flicking at the grumbling coming from her guts. Hungrr could be solved later. For the last few nights she'd been sleeping in the open, enjoying what she could of the summer night sky. Now that it was daytime again, she was on the move, looking for a place to call her own.

Gaze on the highest points, she would make her way up, moving quietly as she could in this strangely feline body. Noticing buildings, she would open her jaws to draw in scents. Was anybody here? She couldn't tell and she didn't want to take someone's home from them. Should she just build herself a house? A place to live while she figured herself out.

Taking a tense breath, she looked around. What could she use? Her body was still not fully grown yet, though she knew it was growing quickly. Her expression faltered, sitting down and biting her lip. She unsheathed a claw to quietly sketch in the dirt under her, what she thought it should look like in the outside. She wanted something tall. Maybe she should build around a tree?

Re: i don't have much to say ? house making, open - GORDON CIPHER. - 04-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHEN MY TIME COMES !。+゚.[/glow]
Gordon's own home had been made out of a root of the tree that overlooked camp. It had been empty with no scents attached to it, so she assumed it was fine and as such, took it upon herself to make herself home there. Being out in the open like some of her tribemates made her nervous, afraid that her father might see her. But being hidden underneath the roots of a tree was a little bit more comfortable. That being said, the woman should warm up to her tribemates soon and be comfortable enough to sleep outside.

Gordon saw Candiedapple crouched over, though she had no idea what the other female was doing. Head tilted, the munchkin mix approached the Tribe's latest newcomer. Getting closer, Gordon could see that Apple was drawing in the ground, though what she was drawing, Gordon couldn't tell. "H-hey Apple." She greeted with a small chirp. "Settling in o-okay?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: i don't have much to say ? house making, open - Casphian - 04-29-2021

The paws of the hybrid carried his body across the camp, mismatched orbs sweeping across the area so he could take in the activities around him and just to see who of the Tribe was out and about already. His ear would flick towards the sound of Gordon speaking, drawing his attention towards the smaller feline and someone who he had yet to meet. Kainan tilted his head to the side, wondering if the larger feline was a new member of the Tribe, ah well he supposed he should go introduce himself to them.

The hybrid made his way over to the pair, stopping close to them once he got closer. "Hello Gordon," he greeted, dipping his head towards her before turning his attention to Apple. "Hello there, I don't believe we've met before," he started off, a smile gracing his features. "I'm Kainan the Spirit Watcher of the Tribe," he hummed. 

Re: i don't have much to say ? house making, open - teef - 05-05-2021

Her eyes were fixated on her scratches, or sketches, whatever they could be called. She wasn't that artistic, sadly, not that it mattered to her. The soft voice of Gordon reached her ears, gaze swiveling over. Blossom was here. She offered a lift of the corner of her mouth, "I'm doing okay. Figuring out a place to make house. Can't sleep in the open without waking up and patrolling.:, she would murmur. Sleep was next to impossible for her to obtain regardless.

Next came a new face. Her gaze narrowed the slightest as the young lioness sat up properly to observe the hybrid before her. Her body had moved before she'd heard his voice, putting her body between Gordon and Kainan with a frown. Were they letting just anyone in? Not that it mattered because she'd been allowed in. Taking a breath, about to tell him to leave, buds of anger beginning to swell in her gaze until he called Gordon's name and introduced himself. "Apple.", she was a bit curt in her response, looking for the easiest way out. She didn't know him and didn't know if she should bother trusting him.

Re: i don't have much to say ? house making, open - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M STRONG ON THE SURFACE !。+゚.[/glow]
Gordon looked up and smiled in a friendly manner at Kainan as the hybrid came over before focusing on Candiedapple once more. She could understand Apple's concern with being out in the open, although she and Candiedapple likely have very different reasons for their unease. "He-he's the leader." Gordon added, noting Apple's curt response. Although just because someone was a leader didn't mean they were truthworthy, did it?

"If-if you want or need t-to, you can stay in my hallow untill-untill you get a place of your own. I-I don't mind." The munchkin offered, almost kind of hoping that Candiedapple would accept the offer. But of course, if the other woman rejected it, Gordon didn't entirely mind that either.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: i don't have much to say ? house making, open - Casphian - 05-05-2021

The hybrid's gaze narrowed at the curt response and the way the feline moved to block him and Gordon. A soft sigh filtered past the hybrid, Kainan settling down onto his haunches. He could understand the unease around him, hell they were new to the Tribe and it didn't help that his wasn't exactly the smallest of creatures. "Welcome to the Tribe Apple, and as Gordon said I am the leader if you have any questions or concerns about the place or in general feel free to come find me," he mused. He would shift his mismatched gaze towards the dens that were nestled before them, head tilting slightly. He chose not to speak up anymore, instead satisfied with just listening to the two converse.

Re: i don't have much to say ? house making, open - rhosmari - 05-07-2021