Beasts of Beyond
CRIPPLED BY A PROMISE BROKEN // estrangement - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
//estrangement basically means 'feeling like an outcast' Smile

The whole thing with Arvid poisoning a piece of prey, Astraea wasn't too sure how comfortable she felt here in the Coalition. By now, the girl had learned how... aggressive the group was and how... unstable their own leader was. Astraea didn't feel like she belonged here, in all honesty. But what about Da? And Katsuki? She asked herself. She didn't want to leave either of them - Aphra didn't even cross her mind. Aphra didn't care about her and she knew this, and the feeling was quite mutual. Devraj was ten times a parent than Aphra ever was.

Astraea lay outside her father's den, idly batting around one of her feathers that had fallen out. There was a frown on her face, thoughtful.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CRIPPLED BY A PROMISE BROKEN // estrangement - ARVID R. - 04-27-2021

Truthfully, Arvid had to admit that he had been pretty harsh to Astraea, when she had approached and questioned him about his poisons. Well... she had more questioned him about his methods, rather than the poisons themselves. Either way, it had annoyed him, and he had ended up snapping. He admittedly felt bad about it afterwards, but he had also avoided apologizing directly – he was far too awkward to admit he had been sort of cruel. Regardless, when he came across Astraea pouting outside of her father's den, he figured he should say something. Especially since she had such an awfully pitiful look on her face.

Sitting down a few paces away from where Astraea laid, Arvid remained silent for a moment before finally clearing his throat to grab her attention. The canine spoke a bit awkwardly, his mismatched paws shifting in front of him, "Hey, Astraea... what's wrong with you? You seem... upset." Part of him had been tempted to make a joke about her "puppy dying," but that didn't really seem proper, considering how up in arms she had gotten about mice dying.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: CRIPPLED BY A PROMISE BROKEN // estrangement - angelembrace - 04-27-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Astraea, did he feel about her? Angel wasn't entirely sure just yet, most of his opinions on the cub and her brother stemmed directly from the favor he owed their father, but she didn't seem too bad, if not a little, maybe, too kindhearted for the place like the Coalition, which wasn't her fault in the slightest and to an extent, he could admire it. He was just surprised she hadn't been hardened just yet, but maybe that was just because she was one of the few to be introduced into the cold, harsh reality with a decent guardian. Or maybe he was projecting. Her certainly had Aphra, but he didn't always have Devraj.

Much like Arvid, the look upon the girl's face was indeed noticed, and Angel tilted his head at the sight. "Having fun?" He asked gently, referring to the feather that Astraea was batting around idly. He wondered briefly if he could ask for it, to add to a potential collection of biological material, but that sounded strange in his head, certainly stranger out loud.


[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
At first, Astraea glared up at Arvid when he asked her what was wrong, commenting that she looked upset. You should know. She wanted to say, but couldn't find the energy to muster it. She eventually stopped glaring at Arvid and her gaze traveled to Angelembrace when he came over. "I guess." She answered his question, but that what all she said for a few heartbeats. "Just thinking."[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]