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TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - Printable Version

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TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-27-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Unlike mammals, dragons typically laid eggs. They didn't give birth to live young and didn't have to feed their young with milk - something Aphra was grateful for. But not when she was getting contraction pains this morning. Aphra was awoken with the sharp pains, gritting her teeth and hissing as she felt them ripple through her body.


After taking a brief moment to recover and clean herself, Aphra finally stepped aside from the nest she made in her home and shook our body - mostly to make her feathers a bit more presentable. Admittedly, the dragoness was still a bit sore, but she had duties to attend to, and the four eggs needed to be incubated. Unlike her last litter, Aphra didn't have a father to stay around to watch over the eggs while she went off and did whatever she needed to do, and so Aphra was headed back out into the territory, gathering as much moss and leaves and twigs as she felt she needed. Do I even know anyone with fire elementals? Arvid's suggestion rang in her head, about getting a fire to keep the eggs warm while she was out.

Caesar was... the only person Aphra knew with that ability honestly, and quite frankly, Aphra didn't want to ask her father to provide warmth for his grandchildren, even if it would likely be a one-time only thing. He'd probably tell me to figure out how to do it myself. Aphra thought to herself with a snort. Hell, that wasn't even getting to the fact that he was exiled from the Coalition. Ah, well. Moss and other items would suffice for now.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - teef - 04-27-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Another draconic being had only noticed when she'd left her home with the scent of pain in her wake. Concerned was the serval's gaze. He didn't truly know her, although he knew Aphra could certainly be a bitch, or at least rough towards others. His gaze remained on her house as she left, curiousity sweeping him. She was in a dragon body, and he was tempted to take his own. Looking at her back and the house, he would take a moment to decide.

Finally making his decision, the serval would let his body change back into the form he'd inherited from his mother. In the serval's place was a long blue dragon, light the mane of fur that ran from his head and down his length, two tails slightly twitching behind him. He would begin to follow after Aphra with a curious intent. "Aphra.", he would call out as he caughtup on the ground, "Are you alright? You carry a new scent on you.", he would speak in the low rumble of his, "Is there anything that I can help you with?", teal eyes would try to find hers. She was his groupmate and he should offer his help where it might be desired. -

Re: TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - ARVID R. - 04-27-2021

Although Arvid did not possess fire elementals himself, he still knew of ways to help Aphra out with the eggs. After all, elementals weren't the only way one could start a fire, and simply making a traditional fireplace flame was arguably much safer. So, when Aphra emerged from her home that day and the dire wolf peered inside, seeing the briefest flash of a nest before the door closed, he found a rush of excitement well up within him. More dragons... not only that, but ones he would be able to watch grow up from their very birth. It would make for fascinating research, and perhaps they would develop abilities differently from their mother. Aphra didn't have the ability to breathe fire, as he had found out before, but maybe one of her children would? Or maybe they'd have other elementals, that allowed them to do different things, like breathing a cone of ice.

The different possibilities that lingered within Arvid's mind excited him, and he was quick to approach Aphra after Laeglin had. His bushy tail wagged behind him as he spoke, chuckling, "So the eggs finally came, huh? Must be a relief to not have that extra weight on you. Or, at least, knowing you'll lose all of it soon." He then muttered, glancing back at her home before he questioned, "Have you got a fireplace in there? If so it should be easy to make a fire for the eggs, even without elementals." Although, surely someone within the Coalition had to have fire elementals, right? In fact, they seemed like the perfect thing for Sojourn to possess. Flaming elementals to match with the kingpin's firey personality.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - trojan g. - 04-27-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Before Aphra had taken the body she now possessed, Ruven had never seen a dragon before. He had thought they were fake, something that was only in bedtime stories and various fairy tales, but it had seemed as though he was wrong about that. It seemed as though he would be wrong about many things, for it seemed as though dragons were like birds and laid eggs in nests, rather than just simply having children the same as lions and other various mammals. Ruven was young enough not to know how childbirth in general worked, but he only assumed they weren't in eggs, especially since eggs were something he'd eaten before. How was he supposed to handle having eaten children?

He noticed a small gathering of various of the groupmates, and soon enough Ruven had come over as well, ears pricked as he looked over at the house that Aphra had, watching as Leaglin was suddenly in a different body and was also a dragon now. Eyes were wide as he listened to those around him talk, and he would think for just a moment. "Do you have names for them Aphra?" He would ask, curious. He wasn't sure how naming worked with the children, but she would surely be the ones to name them, right?

Re: TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - angelembrace - 04-27-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Well, everyone was so happy for the new mother, seemingly. Perhaps it was just socially acceptable to be proud of new life, and while Angel had no ill-will towards the eggs, he would so much as pretend to be happy for Aphra and her new responsibilities. If anything, he was hoping that they were collected by whatever unlucky soul made the dragoness pregnant, or they left on their own as soon as they were old enough to travel far from the camp. Or, they would end up like him, or as a child actually willing to hang on to Aphra for one reason or another. Angel frowned, looking away from the dragon and her nest of eggs, at the very least knowing when to hold his tongue and not make eye contact. In fact, he wouldn't have even been around to observe, knowing how much his mother despised his presence, if it hadn't been for the ever so curious Ruven. With the incident of the woman's atrocious behavior towards the boy and his lost fight to a sandwich still festering in the back of his mind, Angelembrace was only concerned with...actually, he wasn't sure. It wasn't as if he was going to be the one to smack her upside the head or something. He just felt like he needed to stick with the lion cub. That was it, really, he had no other words for Aphra.

Re: TICKING TIME BOMB // egg-laying - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-28-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Laeglin was someone that Aphra hardly knew which was both a blessing and a curse; it meant that she didn't know what he was capable of, but it also meant she didn't have anything against him. Yet. "I'm fine." The dragoness answered with a grunt, not really ready to deal with others just yet. But unfortunately, the universe seemed to have other plans.

"No fireplace. I have no way of controlling fire. I thought I already answered that." Aphra answered Arvid's question with a huff. Of course the little science-y brat was here. "But I've relieved that there's no extra weight anymore, yes." But unfortunately that meant that she had to deal with the hatchlings whenever they arrived. Joy. Ruven was the next to come over, asking a simple question, followed quickly by Angelembrace (whom said nothing, which was fine with her). "I have multiple name ideas but I can't really choose which one goes to which egg. Not really much to judge based off looks or sex, or anything like that." Gender was obviously something she couldn't really control, and if her children decided to identify as something else other than what they were born as, that was fine with her.

That was one thing Aphra would be supportive of, ironically enough.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]