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MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - Printable Version

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MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-27-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
With the recent flood, Horizon was understandably trying to stay away from the river as much as he possibly could. Instead, the devil often went off towards The Five Sisters to be on his own and try to calm the anxiety he felt living so close to a river that recently flooded. It was just your average day, with him just patrolling as usual, but the thought of bringing something back suddenly popped into the devil's mind. It wouldn't hurt to bring some prey back. It would help with them recovering, too.

So Horizon went off of the path slightly, his ears pricked for the sounds of any sort of prey nearby. Being a Tasmanian devil, he wasn't... extremely efficient at hunting; his species typically ate carrion, though that didn't mean his species couldn't hunt. Horizon never grew up eating carrion so he ironically grew to despise it as a 'normal' person, but hunting was never really that easy for him. At least, not in comparison to say, a tiger, or a dragon.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - teef - 04-29-2021

The devil would be alone in the beginning before the Sage would move to join him from his own patrol. Or was it that he'd just been moving without thought? He didn't even know himself. After catching Horizon's scent, he would change direction to follow behind the devil. "Hey Horizon, are you doing well?", he would ask gently, concerned about the other after the flashflood had rocked the territory.

His paw steps were soft, not eager to upset him. He didn't want to startle his groupmstes after all, "What are you doing, if you don't mind me asking?"

Re: MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 04-29-2021

someway somehow, we've fallen out ,
caught in between my enemies !
Auberon's voice hit Horizon's ears, with them twitching for a moment before he looked up over at the Sage. "I'm... doing okay, I guess." He answered with a shrug. "I'm not, y'know, dead." He let out a forced laugh, trying to make a joke out of something dark; that was how he coped with things, unfortunately. Horizon went silent after that though, until Auberon asked what he was doing. "Hunting. Or, well. Trying to at least. I'm not as good as, like, you or Sebastian but I want to help provide for the group." It was the least he could do, after all.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - teef - 05-05-2021

He would nod faintly, indicating he'd heard and understood. The fact that the other had been caught in the flood still sat wrong with him, but he was grateful to Jupiter for having stepped in and rescuing Horizon before he could have. "It is a good thing you aren't dead", he would add on, "You are a part of the group here, and we all would have mourned you.", he would rumble.

Hunting, hm? He couldn't help the partial smile, "You don't want the experience i have with hunting. But you don't need to be good or perfect  at hunting to learn and excel in it. It all comes with the drive to even try.", he would murmur softly. His own expertise was more suited towards carnivores, so there really wasn't much for him to say.

Re: MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 05-05-2021

count down to thunder ,
i think we're too close for comfort !
Being mourned? What's there to mourn? Horizon wanted to ask, but the question stayed in his mind. He wasn't used to feeling wanted, feeling as if he was worth more than a body, and he was grateful that at least someone seemed to care about him - Jupiter and Auberon being apart of those people. Horizon tilted his head at the comment Auberon made about hunting, stated that he wouldn't want to learn what Auberon knew. "Why not? I have venomous fangs -" The devil bared his teeth as if that would prove a point. "- that's gotta be of some use. I can fight." Okay, maybe not fight per say but he could defend himself if the need arose.
transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts

Re: MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - teef - 05-23-2021

A soft barrel of laughter would leave the man, "It's good that you can fight, my type of prey, they always fight. I don't have a ... common diet, you could say. At least, it's not something everybody would have the stomach for.", he would explain without truly explaining the reasoning behind his words. "Poisonous fangs are unique, you can use them in all manners. Well, why don't we look for some prey that you can practice on?", he would suggest, looking down at him from where he stood. Bowing into a stretch with a groan, muscles rippling with a grunt as he straightened his posture, shaking himself out with a satisfied sigh.

Re: MAD AS A HATTER // open, hunting - HORIZON CIPHER. - 05-25-2021

count down to thunder ,
i think we're too close for comfort !
Horizon tilted his head, amusement in his tone at first, ”You bein’ vague on purpose?” He asked but shook his head to show he didn’t care about what Auberon was trying to hide. If Auberon didn’t want to say anything, then he had no reason to pry.

”Alright sure. I’m down.” The devil gave him a nod now, waiting for the Sage’s next move.

transmale | greenhorn of the frostblown | "speaking" | thoughts