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Everything Stays - House Garden - Printable Version

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Everything Stays - House Garden - Byriath - 04-27-2021

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - Casphian - 04-27-2021

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, or atleast that’s how Saturn thought the saying went. The snow leopard was passing by Byriath’s humble abode when they heard the other grumbling about what seemed to be plants. This of course would draw them to pad over to Byr, a soft giggle sounding from them. “Are you having trouble Moonlight?” They asked, teasing him slightly.

Saturn settled down onto their haunches close to where the plants were growing, their head tilting to one side and then the other. “Is there anything I can help you with?” They asked, an ear flicking slightly while their tail wrapped around their body body at the paws.

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-27-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Things were slowly getting back to normal and it was easing Aphra's mood just a bit. Although that definitely didn't mean she wasn't going to be snippy or judge others for what they were doing. Oh no, she was just as prissy and judgmental as ever. "What, did Saturn's gardening soften this oh-so terrifying god?" She teased the Guru as she approached, a smirk on her lips. This was clearly an attempt to make fun of him, however 'subtle' she was being.

Of course, Saturn had come over as well, but the dragoness choose to ignore them. For now, at least.

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - Byriath - 04-27-2021

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - Casphian - 04-27-2021

A low rumble of an annoyed growl sounded from the snow leopard at the words that Aphra spoke. Saturn was soon quieted and pleased when Byriath snapped at the woman, their own chest fluffing up slightly.

“I would love to help pick out some flowers to help brighten up the place,” they hummed happily. The pushed themself up from where they sat, padding over to the door being careful to watch where they step. Saturn tilted their head to the side, debating on what flowers would look nice while trying to not let Aphra crawl under their skin.

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - rhosmari - 04-27-2021

"I feel like I know just what she means." The woman had a bright tone to her voice, humor existing in ever fluctuating pitch of it. There was sometimes an easy way to see when someone had crept their way into another's thoughts, taking everything up. Giving them a weakness. It had happened to her but with a child she would always swear to protect given any situation. And anyone that dared to even raise their voices at Ruven would meet a painful fate. Perhaps not death but something to surely remember their wrong doing. The leopardess casually walked forward and she shook herself a little. Ears pulling forward as she peered at the garden that was slowly coming into reality for the Guru. "You think the plants will survive?" Not much was willing to survive during the cold of their mountainous home but one could believe and hope she supposed.

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - ARVID R. - 04-27-2021

Arvid found that he liked gardens, but... not really for their pretty colors, or aesthetic reasons. Rather, he liked it when gardens could be useful. In fact, he had considered growing a garden of poisonous plants outside of his own home, where they would be easily accessible. However, he had ultimately decided against it, not wanting to risk someone deciding to go to town on it and end up killing themselves. Namely, Anthemtalon. He didn't really think the komodo monitor was all that interested in plants, but he didn't want to put anything past the lizard and end up accidentally murdering a fellow wanderer. Instead, he had silently made a note to go looking around for some indoor flower pots at some point, so that he could grow his supplies inside, away from wandering eyes and mouths.

To stumble upon Byriath gardening was... quite the surprise. He hadn't expected the other to indulge in such a peaceful activity, even if the other was technically their medic. Still, he couldn't blame the other for wanting a refreshing supply of herbs that he could keep track of. As he approached, the canine cleared his throat before saying simply, "The hardy ones should survive, at the very least. Some herbs have the ability to keep growing even in the worst of conditions." He then directed his next words towards Byriath, sitting back on his haunches, "That is a valid concern, though. Maybe you should get some kind of covering for the garden? So that the plants will have a chance when the weather is worse." Or, when the weather was normal, really. The Coalition's territory didn't exactly have a very friendly environment towards... anything, really. Plants and animals alike.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - Byriath - 04-28-2021

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-28-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
It wasn't hard to tell that she had struck a cord within Byriath and that fact was amusing. "Well, I suppose planting herbs would have their benefits." The dragoness commented, her teasing seemingly going away. For now, at least. Byriath said that he wanted plant herbs and of course, being a Guru, he had every right to. Even if she didn't particularly care for it. "For a moment there, you had me worried. Thought you were just going to plant things just for the hell of it. Which wouldn't be very helpful or productive, you know."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Everything Stays - House Garden - Casphian - 04-28-2021

A low rumble of a growl vibrated through the snow leopard’s chest. They had about had it with the stuck up, bad attitude Aphra always carried. The feline wasn’t typically one to get irritated over petty people but something about Aphra just always struck a nerve with them. “Plants are unnecessary, you want to have oxygen to breathe don’t you?” They snapped, turning their head enough to peer behind them at the dragoness, their blank gaze filled with ever so slowly darkening anger. You think they would’ve watched what they said to the other in front of Arvid or Sojourn but honestly at this point Saturn didn’t care.