Beasts of Beyond
under and over - open; basket weaving - Printable Version

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under and over - open; basket weaving - rhosmari - 04-27-2021

Re: under and over - open; basket weaving - Casphian - 04-29-2021

The Spirit Watcher had just returned from patrolling the territory when their gaze swept over towards Vanya, an eyebrow lifting as he tried to figure out what the other was doing. Kainan padded towards the feline, dipping their head in greeting as they drew closer. "Watcha doing Vanya?" he questioned once he was closer. The hybrid settled back onto his haunches before fully flopping their body onto the ground. The wisteria around the feline flew towards the hybrid when he had flopped down, causing a sneeze to force its way out.

"I honestly question how you can be around all these flowers constantly without sneezing so much," he hummed. Finally Kainan rested his head on his paws, ears pressing forwards as his curiosity drew back in on watching the other work on weaving the baskets.