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breakfast time ◈ porridge - Printable Version

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breakfast time ◈ porridge - Grimm - 04-27-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]The meagre peace of sleep fell away with the ghost of sweetness gently playing against their lips. Few, and far between, the nights that receded and left even a modicum of what had transpired against closed lids, one such replaced by golden illumination. Old the memory, ragged edges soft beneath age, a pleasant reminder of days long past. Debris and ruined abodes that which occupied the field of their vision, fleeting disappointment bitter against their tongue.

Gone it too in time that feels too short, a moment bisected, carved down to bare bones, and yet infinite, an eternity condensed into fragmented second, the darkness of closed lids prolonged into the unknown. Pieces coming together, mind turning fine threads over, wound about one another. Known the method, beaten and burnt kettle kept from open flames, the desired result, smooth and creamy, sweetened with overripe fruit plucked from high branches and a mere taste of honey. To plan such an endeavour a great deal more simple than enacting it.

Whittled away the hours in pursuit that bore unfavourable results, meagre the supplies that had escaped the torrential mudslide, replacement proven a difficulty when few deemed the ice laced fragment of land worthy of business. Such not to discredit those who traversed the outskirts and hawked their wares, staunch in the face of evident hazard. One of them the key in their desire, rather small the bag they bore, enough at the least.

Locating the correct receptacle given to an easier time, old the firepit pot hung from. Had been they privy to prior contents may well alone left it, the knowledge not theirs, nor seeking it a thought that passed the threshold of their mind, simply viewed as suitable equipment. Ash and coal a fine enough base, low the heat of new fire, pleasant the soft crackle and occasional pop as the sticks collapsed, tongues of flame encasing each new addition. Eyes turned, observed the contents beginning a slow boil. Submerged the ratio of oats they had acquired, stray few floating to the surface as the surface of the water began to break, bubbles rising in a quickly increasing volume.

Pleasure drew the gentle curl of a smile against dark lips, left only now to wait. Issue was there within stirring the mixture, wooden spoon propped along rim, that to be handled when the time for it arose.

Re: breakfast time ◈ porridge - Casphian - 04-27-2021

A long yawn sounded from the sleepy snow leopard that maneuvered their way through the camp. It had been another long, sleepless night for Saturn, their nightmares keeping them away all night and after a while they had eventually given up on sleep and decided to just roam the Coalition’s territory.

A sweet scent drifted across the snow leopard’s path, drawing the sleepy feline towards Noèmie’s home. “Good morning Noèmie,” the snow leopard would greet when they drew closer, their words slow to form. “Whatcha cooking?” Came the tired question, the feline standing at the door of the other’s home, having not yet been fully invited in and thus they would wait until then.

Re: breakfast time ◈ porridge - ARVID R. - 04-27-2021

Porridge was not something that Arvid had ever enjoyed before, nor had he ever actively gone looking to try it. He had seen his human family eating it once or twice in the past, but it was never one of those things that actively attracted him over. He never felt the need to beg or plead for some porridge, like he did with something like steak, or burgers. That was mainly because... well, porridge merely seemed very unappetizing to him. Whenever he tried to look at the food, he would always see nothing but a pale sludge, with a scent that actively discouraged him from getting closer. He didn't see the appeal of it, nor did he know about the various things that could be added to it, to make it sweeter or more full of flavor. Needless to say, when he smelled the vaguely familiar scent of porridge on the air, he hadn't exactly been enthused. Still, he found himself a bit curious about who exactly was making porridge. He couldn't think of a lot of wanderers that had especially refined tastes, most merely preferring raw meat, like he did. Maybe Ruven? The other had seemed especially curious about food that was actually cooked, after all.

Upon following the scent, however, the dire wolf didn't find Ruven, or anyone else that he was expecting. Instead, the smell led him over to Noemie's home, where he lingered in the doorway alongside Saturn. He could hear his parent asking about what Noemie was cooking, but their voice seemed vaguely far off, Arvid still a bit in his own head. Noemie was the one cooking porridge? That was a surprise, at least to the pup. When the other had first joined, unable to speak and seemingly wary of the Coalition of a whole, the dire wolf really hadn't been expecting much. It looked like he had judged the other prematurely, however. Not only that, but the kind of porridge that Noemie was making... it almost smelled kind of good. With his tail twitching behind him, Arvid seemed to finally return to the present, adding on to Saturn's question, "It's porridge, isn't it? I've smelled it before, but... yours smells different. What did you put in it?" Could the other even answer? Arvid certainly hoped so. He also hoped that perhaps Noemie would have some extra that they were willing to share. Then, maybe he'd finally be able to try some porridge that he actually enjoyed.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass