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i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - Printable Version

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i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-26-2021

In other societies, the terminology of the basic lizard brain or fish brain were typically used as a joke. To describe the most basic of instincts, or to give an embarrassing desire some sort of explanation. One wanting to swallow gallons of water in the middle of the night, a prime example of a 'fish brain' moment. A lingering desire from years of evolution that remained, albeit residual, in one's consciousness. Simple desires, things that creatures of those more basic mindsets would likely do without a second thought given.

Anthemtalon was a good example of a lizard brain, because that was exactly what he was. He was a lizard, he was simple, and whenever an urge came to mind it was lazily followed through. Eating, sleeping, sunbathing, all were things that summarized most of what Anthemtalon could do without much issue (spare when he tried to share his rotten food with his peers, which had become less and less after a couple scoldings happened to get into his simple head). He was able to hunt for himself, sleep, and gain enough heat for his metabolism and homeostasis to continue. The need of the simple lizard mind was to get from one day to the next, in short.

Despite these simple concepts, Anthem was still able to get things messed up. Such as where the lizard was currently gnawing on some rocks. Licking salt off a rock was one thing, but actually trying to eat a rock? That was a new level of basic brain level that Anthemtalon exhibited. He'd gotten the rock by digging up a hole, which his tail was currently hanging into. A flick of his tail moved another chunk of dirt; unaware the lizard was of the earth elemental abilities aiding the flinging of dirt and slushy snow. Garbling and spitting around the rock, befuddled as to why he wasn't able to chew on the rock and eat it as easily as he could carrion. He adjusted the rock between his talons, and again shoved the rock in his mouth, pulling his head back to try to gulp the rock down.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - Casphian - 04-26-2021

Saturn hadn’t been too far off when they caught the scent of Anthem, drawing the feline too the lizard to check out what they were doing. And that was how they found themself staring at Anthem in disbelief, blank orbs gathering a confused look with a rather confused noise sounded from them. They couldn’t exactly see Anthem chewing on the rock but they could hear it and honestly it wasn’t a pleasant sound.

“A-Anthem what-“ they tried to start speaking, still too dumbfounded by what they were listening too. Saturn knew the lizard didn’t have many brain cells but they didn’t expect the lizard to start straight up eating rocks.

Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 04-26-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

Okay, she did count herself as a far superior being than insects and other... stuff, lizards included, but she really didn't expect them to be dumb enough to do that. She halted next to Saturn with a frown creasing her maw, looking at Anthemtalon. Saturn seemed just as confused as she was and she too had no idea what the hell Anthem was doing but the noise was simply dreadful. "Anthem.... are you.. okay?"

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - Byriath - 04-27-2021

Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - ARVID R. - 04-28-2021

In many ways, Arvid simply found Anthemtalon to be absolutely fascinating. After all, while the komodo monitor was able to communicate with them all and seemed to have some semblance of sentience, he was still far more driven by instincts than most of them. This disconnect had led to the dire wolf occasionally watching him from afar, wondering exactly which biological switch needed to be hit in order to mark the difference between someone like Anthem and... well, the rest of them. Still, for the most part, the canine didn't actually think of Ant as lesser. After all, the other did have some level of intelligence, and seemed to be able to listen when warned away from something. In Arvid's opinion, he deserved the same amount of respect as pretty much any other wanderer. Of course, that also meant that Arvid considered him to be just as worthy of criticism as any other wanderer. And this certainly seemed to be a situation worth criticizing, no matter what perspective you were looking at it from.

The male had a bit of a grimace on his face as he approached, watching as Anthem desperately tried to chug down a rather large rock. Arvid had heard of other animals eating smaller rocks to help with digestion, but this? This was something different. Not only that, but the other seemed to be making quite the mess, if the mud and slush being tossed up near him were anything to go by. Shaking his head from side to side, the dire wolf spoke up in a tone filled with rather forced calmness, "Anthem, you can't eat that. It's a rock – it's inedible. Not only will you not be able to digest it properly, but it also won't taste all that good. Plus... you're making a bit of a mess." He flicked his one yellow paw in the direction of the mess in the other's wake, a frown pulling at his muzzle. He hoped that someone else with earth elementals would be able to fix that afterwards, or at least make sure there wasn't a gaping hole for anyone to fall into.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-28-2021

It took Anthemtalon's name being spoken a few times over for the lizard to actually recognize that he was being spoken to. His head remained tipped upwards, the rock still in his mouth. A quiet hiss, trying to swing his head back in one last attempt to get the rock down and failing. A small garble, head lowering, the rock finally being released from the maw of a hungry lizard. Tongue flicked, eyes blinked, looking at the gathering that his attempt of eating a rock (and the slush and earth his tail and new elemental abilities) had created. "Hi," he greeted, a talon resting over the rock that was covered in komodo monitor slobber.

"Eating," was the simplistic answer that he gave with the many questions of what, exactly, he was doing with the rock. He hadn't exactly realized the mess that he'd made with the movements of his tail, not as much as a glance given to the hole that had been made despite the fact his tail was hanging in such. "Tastes good," Anthemtalon then insisted, tongue flicking after he spoke. What kind of flavor could a rock have to be of such interest to a simple lizard? Salt, something of the like, something that typically wouldn't be tasted in carrion.

"Smelled food. Is food." Garbled words, him tipping his head and trying to shove the rock back into his mouth to continue. Easy an excuse it was for the lizard (if it could even be considered one) to say that the rock smelled like what he typically ate, and therefore was fine to eat. Equally it was simple minded, which was quite a large chunk of Anthemtalon's mental processes. The comment of it sounding horrid, and not being able to eat it seemed to click in some extent, with the lizard not swinging his head around as much and instead settled for just chewing on the rock instead of trying to swallow it down.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 04-28-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

She didn't really mind the sound Anthemtalon created when he was gnawing on the rock and it did seem pretty interesting to watch what he was doing, so she padded slowly to the komodo. "Mind if I-?" Gentle was the question as she found a non-slobbered-on rock, dipped her head, licked it, then picked it up in her mouth. Fit quite nicely.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: i need to feel like i exist ._. rock eating - Casphian - 04-28-2021

Saturn turned their head towards Inferno when they heard the other pick up a rock to try and eat herself. “I would advise to not eat the rock, it very much is not food and will never be food,” they mused. The snow leopard shook their head and turned away from the group. “Honestly all of you are making me question my sanity.”