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Clash of storm - Night Singing - Printable Version

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Clash of storm - Night Singing - Byriath - 04-26-2021

The great god yawned under the moon, walking toward the shore of the center island. Despite his attempt to hold himself up, he ended up slouching gently. Memories flashed between taverns and war council, laughter and riot yells. Within his mind something rose, a gentle chant, growing steadily louder. It, combined with the slow sound of waves, urged him to sing. He tapped his foot to a beat, thinking and feeling the sand under his paw.

"There once was a ship that put to sea,
The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea.
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down,
Oh, blow, my bully boys, blow.

Soon may the wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum.
One day, when the tonguing is done,
We'll take our leave and go."

His voice rose below a yell, deep bass resonating within him. His head bobbed gently to the waves, a paw up and swaying side to side.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Clash of storm - Night Singing - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-26-2021

Music and rhymes, a beat and tunes, the use of noise was typically used as means of courtship in some species. The call of a wild bird, song of a bug, music in the simplest of terms was used to attract the presence of others. Anthemtalon, while not quite grasping the real meaning of music in any of it's forms (for a juvenile he was, despite his size), was attracted by the noise. Being dark, there was no reason for him to sleep and sunbathe; which would be impossible considering that the sun was not scorching down from above. Probably the least lazy one would see him due to natural reasons, but instead now the slow groggy nature brought on by the komodo monitor's own desires.

The lizard settled nearby, silent, deciding to watch and listen. Even if he didn't understand the meaning behind singing, nor able to hear the tune in a way that mattered (the simple mind not quite understanding on a multitude of different levels), he figured it wouldn't hurt to quietly lay down and listen. The sand was still slightly warm, which was nice.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: Clash of storm - Night Singing - rhosmari - 04-27-2021

Quiet as the night itself she as stalking something. A small doe who had wandered to far from her herd. That was till the singing started and she had raced away and was gone. The woman just watched, the annoyance seething in her body but her expression blank. Ruven would need to get soon but she supposed she would have to catch something later. Turning toward the sound she made her way toward it, paws coasting along the sandy shore before she came upon the sight of the Guru and Anthem watching the dark waves of water. It was he that was singing and she tilted her head a bit in thought. "A sea shanty..." Personally she hadn't heard this one in a while and so she like the lizard became silent. Sitting down just to listen to it.

Her expression looked more serene then it ever had. Peace within the woman that had been born and bred of chaos. Her tail curled around her paws and she smile lightly, gently humming along to the tune of the song.

Re: Clash of storm - Night Singing - ARVID R. - 04-27-2021

It was a bit late for singing, wasn't it? Regardless, Arvid supposed he couldn't complain too much, considering he was out so late. He had been kept up from rest by a faint rumbling from his stomach, the pup's rapidly growing form needing more and more food to keep him going. So, he had departed his home and headed out on a late night hunt, managing to take down a large bird in the process. He thought it was a vulture? He couldn't really tell, nor did he particularly care, considering it was late and he was hungry. He had been on his way back home with the catch when he came across Byriath and his singing, along with both Anthem and Sojourn. He considered passing on by, but ultimately decided he might as well at least get a show with his meal.

He settled nearby to Sojourn's side, making sure to keep a bit of space between himself and the leader. He then tore a bite out of his catch, swallowing it down before he pushed the large bird vaguely in Sojo's direction. He figured he might as well share with the other's there – although, mainly Sojourn. He'd share with Anthemtalon as well, but he didn't exactly trust the other not to just gulp down the entire vulture on his own. Turning his multicolored gaze back towards Byriath, he found himself questioning, "Where'd you learn that song?" It sounded like the kind of sea shanty a pirate would sing, not a warrior like Byr.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass