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SEND ME A KISS BY WIRE ☆ ruven - Printable Version

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SEND ME A KISS BY WIRE ☆ ruven - ARVID R. - 04-26-2021

Ruven. The other was certainly a character, at least in Arvid's opinion. After all, the kid had started crying all because a bit of sandwich got stuck to the roof of his mouth. The dire wolf found himself questioning if Ruven really was just that much of a crybaby, or if he had really found the sandwich that upsetting. He found himself leaning towards the former, considering the other boy's position within the Coalition. After all, he was the son of Sojourn, which meant that he was no doubt spoiled to high hell. Not that Arvid particularly cared about that. He wasn't one to judge too harshly, and if Sojourn wanted to spoil Ruven? Then she could do as she pleased. It wasn't as if the canine was about to stop her – he would be far too terrified of getting his head ripped off. Regardless, he didn't think Ruven was a bad kid. In fact, he considered that maybe he and the other could get along, and maybe become friends. He wasn't really sure how, though. With Angel, things had been easier, considering their shared interest in science. With Ruven... things were more complicated.

Eventually, though, Arvid had managed to come up with an idea. Food. Specifically, some kind of snack he could make for the other to enjoy. After all, that whole sandwich incident had been caused by the other wanting to try something new. The male figured he could encourage that, and he knew just what to make – matzah. It was an incredibly easy snack to make, considering it was unleavened, and he had seen the family of humans he had once lived with make it many a time before. However, he decided to put a bit of a spin on it. He had covered the pieces of matzah with a layer of butter on top, and had then added cinnamon sugar, and sprinkles. It had the perfect sweet edge, and it wouldn't stick to the other's mouth – hopefully. Once his preparations were done, Arvid had headed off towards the Hall of Kings, knowing that was where the kingpin and her son resided. With his tasty treat in tow, the dire wolf glanced around briefly before calling out, "Ruven? You here? I made a snack, thought maybe you would like to try some..." It would be a shame if the other wasn't even home, after he had come so far out.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: SEND ME A KISS BY WIRE ☆ ruven - trojan g. - 04-27-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]The simplest way to explain the reason Ruven had cried when he had tried that sandwich would be that it had been shocking. Before he had come to the Coalition, he had eaten nothing but rotting - most of the time already rotten - meats and if he really needed to just to keep something in his stomach, the lion cub would munch on flowers and various other plants that he knew wouldn't hurt him, which hadn't been much. When he had finally experienced only fresh foods for the first time he had kept to them for about a month before deciding to venture out and try other things, and for the first time when he had eaten the peanut butter, something had stuck to the roof of his mouth. It had made him feel uneasy and helpless, and he hadn't liked that thought, so a soft whimper had come from his mouth and on instinct a tear or two had fallen as well. He hadn't wanted to cry, hadn't thought it had upset him, but it seemed as though many thought that it had. He didn't really mind though, considering no one really said anything to his face, so he didn't even know.

He was, in fact, home and inside when Arvid had come forth, the smell of the sweetened food reaching his nose. Ruven didn't understand science or anything similar to it, too inexperienced in the learning process of things considering the lack of home before, but it did interest him to some point. He'd liked watching the experiment that Arvid had done before with the weird jelly worm things, but he couldn't retain the information that had been told to those that had gathered at the time. All he could really remember was that it was some sort of food made out of fruit juice, and it had been good. It had made him want to try new things and it seemed as though Arvid had retained that information. "Hello!" The cub would speak as he made his way over towards the canine, smile on his maw as he opened the door.

Taking a small step back from the doorway, he would move out of the way to let the other in, tail sweeping behind him for a moment before he would soon shut the door once more, trying to make sure he had the proper manners for a guest in the house. "I'm happy you came here Arvid! It's weird being in a house now, but it's also nice? Have you ever had one before?" Thoughts of the food slipped his mind for a moment then, but they'd likely come back to them soon enough.