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AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - Printable Version

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AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - ARVID R. - 04-25-2021

Science was fascinating to Arvid. That much would be obvious to whoever met him, as soon as they allowed him to ramble on for a little bit. However, what a lot of people didn't know was what the dire wolf intended to do with his scientific prowess. While he had started off not that long ago with silly and casual science experiments meant to entertain, he was moving on rather fast. He had something else in mind that he wanted to do, and he wanted to get a jump on the process sooner rather than later, so that he could fine-tune things as needed. That particular process? Making poisons. It was a delicate and intricate silence, but when used effectively? It could make a mere cut an absolutely devastating and even deadly attack. That certainly seemed appealing to him, and it also gave him an opportunity to help out his fellow wanderers without directly fighting. It really sounded like a win-win, at least to him.

Gathering the supplies for his first batch of poison had been interesting, but also not particularly difficult. All kinds of different flora grew all over the Coalition's territory, and it wasn't long before Arvid managed to find what he was looking for. Yew berries, nightshade, and water hemlock. All were extremely dangerous, and he was careful while handling them, even if they weren't truly a major threat unless swallowed, or somehow got into the bloodstream in some other way – such as through a wound. As soon as his supplies were gathered, the canine sat comfortably outside of his house, and got to work. The yew berry poison was the easiest, merely needing to mash the berries up and mix it with a bit of water inside one of his vials. The water hemlock and nightshade, meanwhile, would be a bit more complicated. It wasn't as if he could just deposit the whole plant into a vial. So instead, he carefully took the leaves of both, tearing them up and mashing them down into their individual vials. He then added a bit of water, taking the vials and placing them over a fire that had been set up nearby. It wasn't long before the water was boiling, the mixture breaking down perfectly.

Once he had all three vials full of homemade poison, he needed to do one more thing. Test them. Of course, he wasn't about to test them on himself. So, he had gone and caught several mice for the purposes of experimentation. They were still alive at the moment, just so that he could fully see the effects of the poisons on them. Still sitting out in front of his house, Arvid carefully lifted one of the mice in his claws, forcing its mouth open and dribbling a bit of the hemlock poison into its mouth. He barely had a chance to put the mouse back down before it began to take effect. The mouse immediately stiffened up, frantic and pained squeaking leaving it before it went completely rigid – paralysis from the water hemlock. It was only a couple of minutes before Arvid reached out once more, prodding at the mouse's side once more. The body merely toppled over, completely paralyzed from the outside in, organs having shut down before long. Slowly a grin spread over the dire wolf's muzzle, and he found himself muttering, "Perfect... this will definitely work well." He then glanced back at the other two vials, wondering which one to try next. Nightshade, or yew berry?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-25-2021

The method of hunting used by the komodo monitor was both lazy and patient, depending on how one chose to view it. A bite administered, and the prey was allowed to flee and run away. Toxins would kill, and the monitor could take their precious time slowly tracking it down. If they caught up, and the prey had yet to fall victim? More biting, for weakened prey was easier to slay than ones full of energy. To kill out of sight, and then meander over once their meal had already died; and true it would be, to say that the longer waiting meant a more rancid meal that would not need to be contended for by other predators.

Simple brain, powered by association. Anthemtalon associated speech with those that were not prey. If they spoke, he'd find something else to munch on. Rotten meals forgotten or simply not eaten could not speak, and so the lizard repeatedly helped himself to things that were long past what was considered edible by those he lived amongst. A walking garbage disposal for rotten food, or disgusting food; Anthemtalon certainly did not discriminate when it came to a free meal. The less work he had to do, the more nap time he had! Lazy indeed, for while the cold served as an excuse it did not explain sleeping even when his body had long since reached a temperature pleasant to him.

The smell of food brought Anthemtalon over, heaving himself along. Tongue flickering from his mouth rapidly (doing nothing to help the issue of saliva dribbling when his mouth opened while he tracked), trying to narrow down what it was. One dead, more alive? Confusing it was, but it was not pondered over. Was this another snack crafting 'experiment'? Tongue flicked again, jaw settling. Probably. The lizard heaved closer, grumbling out a noise of greeting. "Snack?" The komodo monitor asked once he drew close, eyeing the dead mouse without so much as a glance given to the other two unwilling test subjects. "Snack?" The term repeated, head tipping and more unwilling spit dribbling forth. Food was food, regardless of how it happened to die, right? At least Anthemtalon had the courtesy to ask before snapping up random food; unlike Ruven's poor sandwich from not too long ago.
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-25-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Arvid was really interesting to Astraea; the direwolf pup had an affinity with science and although she didn't understand any of it, she wanted to. She wanted to know how Arvid got to know what he knew or how he came to a conclusion to his ideas. The liliger watched Arvid wander about, curious as to what he was doing but didn't want to bother him; he seemed really focused and she didn't want to interrupt that. Soon enough, Arvid seemed to gather what he needed and Astraea followed after Anthemtalon.

The mouse Arvid used for the experimentation had a horrible demise. The girl's ears flattened as she watched the paralysis set in, followed by Arvid's prodding to make sure it had died. "... What was the reason for this?" She asked, tearing her gaze away from the dead test subject and frowning at Arvid. [glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - Cosmic - 04-26-2021

Devraj wasn’t entirely sure what he was made of that made him so poisonous to touch, the only thing he knew for certain was that the slime that coated his tails and patches of dragon scales all over his body was the source of it all. He didn’t count the toxic bite he had, or the saliva, since he had pretty much deduced that himself as being similar to Anthemtalon’s. He did have similar traits to those kinds of lizards, which granted him such abilities. It was the most obvious conclusion to the god of destruction.

Testing poisons?” The mutated hybrid would ask, sitting down next to Astraea to observe this for himself. He recognized a few of the herbs there from his time and training in medicine. Identifying poisonous substances was crucial to creating a cure or treatment and differentiating the helpful herb from the either ineffective or dangerous look-alike.

He’s conducting experiments...” He turned to look at his daughter, reaching out to try and rest a paw gently on her shoulder. “When you’re trying to find the answers to something, you need to test it. And in order to test out most things, you’ll need test subjects, or things to conduct these experiments on. For what he’s doing now, these tests require... live subjects. As tough as it may be for you to witness, this isn’t a completely meaningless endeavor. There’s a purpose for it- knowledge. And knowing many things will serve you and others well. It serves to help you grow, and in the long run help the world to grow.

He tried to maintain a soothing and calm voice, but he honestly was a bit excited to see young ones engaging their brains at such an early age. Not only was he the god of destruction, but of knowledge as well. And the pursuit of such a thing was respectable and honorable to him.

Arvid, should you need assistance, I can offer my aid.” He then went back to looking at his daughter to try and see what her reaction would be to his explanation of this. From there, he would decide how to respond.

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - rhosmari - 04-27-2021

Watching something die because it was too weak to defend itself was something the woman was used to. She had to scrap and claw her way through life because of what had happened to the Coalition before they had taken the lands and made a mess out of them. Here she tread like a deadly serpent herself, eyes of blue and light red watching as she tilted her head to the side. The poor rodent. Squeaking and twitching before there was nothing left to twitch. Before it suddenly stopped moving and then stopped breathing. All for the purpose of an experiment on poisons. She didn't feel for the creature as to her it was just fate. It was destined to die because of the fact that it was weaker. "Weaker beings often don't have long lives. They get used for gain from those that are stronger." Her eyes were cold, uncaring as she looked up from the dead rodent now and she then suddenly gave a smile. One that seemed to brighten her eyes a little bit.

"But it isn't all bad. Like he said, the knowledge of what has happened lives on. Even though they don't." Sad fact of life but that was just how it was. It was just as simple as killing prey but she was curious and she turned to look at Arvid then. Watching him with a wider gaze. "What do those two do? Can you show me?"

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Her question was not answered by Arvid, but instead by her father. Astraea looked up at Devraj as he spoke, a frown still on her face. Devraj's answer - assuming it was right - made sense, but Astraea still wasn't too sure if she agreed with it. The winged cub shuffled her paws a bit, clearly upset by the idea of testing things on other creatures. But then again, they had to kill prey to survive? How is this any different?

The different, at least to the young girl, was that there was no poison used. The prey that they caught could be eaten instead of ruined, and there was usually a swift death and not one where it just laid there and writhed on the ground before it died. "Poison," Astraea echoed the word, her throat tight. "Isn't... Isn't poison bad? Why kill it if it can't be used to help us?" She asked. "I-I mean the rat, not the poison." Poison could obviously be used in... dangerous ways, ways that the girl didn't want to think about.

This was making her sick. Astraea sat down, pulling her wings closer to her as she tried to stop herself from swaying.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - ARVID R. - 04-27-2021

Joy. It spread through Arvid in a wave as he stared down at the small rodent, glad that his experiment had worked. The poison had worked just as he thought, and he was glad for that. But then, others had to come along and ruin it. Well, mainly Astraea. Although... he had to worry about Anthemtalon first. Looking towards the komodo monitor, the dire wolf quickly shook his head from side to side, voice firm, "No, not a snack. I'm not exactly sure what effect it would have on you, but... I don't especially want to see." He didn't seriously think that the poisoned rat would have too much of an effect on Anthem, considering the other's steel digestive system, but he still didn't want to take that chance. The lizard might have been lazy as hell, but he was still another wanderer of the Coalition.

As for Astraea... well, Arvid couldn't help the way his gaze narrowed over at her, displeased that she was questioning his hard work. Still, he didn't snap at her, for now. Mainly due to the presence of Devraj, along with that of Sojourn. Instead of shouting at her, like he found himself wanting to do, he just spoke sternly, "Poison isn't bad, especially if it's in our hands. With poison, we can kill our enemies quickly and silently, and make weapon strikes all the more deadly. The rat was merely a vehicle for me to make sure that my poison worked. Would you rather I have chosen something else to test my poison on? One of our fellow wanderers? Maybe you?" His voice grew a bit sharp at the end, his large canine form looming somewhat over the girl. However, he then pulled himself back, his next mutter focused at Devraj, instead of Astraea, "...I will keep your offer of help in mind." His attention was then directed towards Sojourn, the one he was really interested in – she seemed intrigued, and that was certainly a way to encourage him.

Lifting up the nightshade and yew berry poisons, the canine answered enthusiastically, "Well, these are poisons made of yew berry and nightshade, respectively. Nightshade is similar to the hemlock poison, but it works a bit more slowly, with more steps. Usually, the poison starts off with making the victim feel giddy and disoriented, often causing them to stagger around and struggle to speak. Then, the victim begins to suffocate, and slowly paralysis sets in. And then? Death. Yew berries are much more subtle. They take a few hours to set in, usually, depending on the size of the animal. The victim feels generally weak, staggering around and feeling nauseous, disoriented, and extremely cold. Then, they lose the ability to breathe, collapse, and then... death. Here, I can show you. It'll work much faster on my little test subjects, considering their size." He grabbed one of the other mice in his claws, tilting a lot of the yew berry poison into its mouth. He then placed the rodent back down, watching as it began to tremble, glancing around and twitching in terror. It took a couple of minutes before the tiny creature began to wheeze, falling against the ground and dying before long.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - angelembrace - 04-27-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── The interest in Angelembrace's gaze practically radiated when he heard the word "poison" and stumbled upon the second experiment that Arvid had presented publicly. Quite a jump from making little snacks, this was certainly the opposite of edible and fun, no? However, following behind the others, minus poor Astraea, Angel was also fascinated by the concept of the rodents' executions. He knew that some plants were fatal if ingested, but even he had no thoughts about using them to create poison that could potentially be used later against, what? Enemies. Oh, that was simply just diabolical.

The jaguar cub paced slowly around the gathered group, as if he was almost leisurely observing, before eventually coming to a smooth stop by the first dead mouse. Hemlock, if his ears had not failed him, despite arriving to watch later. Pale yellow eyes trailed over the stiffened, paralyzed bodies, jumping through every known hoop of death right into rigor mortis. "Arvid?" Angel began, tail twitching in earnest interest, lifting the first victim in a small paw. "If you won't have any further use for these, would you be so kind as to maybe...donate one to me? Or, all of them? It's for science."

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Arvid's explanation of using poison against enemies made Astraea feel worse - and the nausea she felt only became even more worse whenever the direwolf pup threatened her. Would you rather I use it on you? "N-no." Astraea answered, flattening her ears. Arvid then began speaking to Sojourn, going into detail about what he wanted to do next. Deciding she didn't want to see anything else, Astraea got to her paws and rushed off in the other direction - trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.

//Out unless stopped![glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - ARVID R. - 04-29-2021

Arvid didn't feel much regret over his words as Astraea fled the scene – at least, not initially. He didn't think that he had any reason to be remorseful – he was just being truthful. The poison would be useful for all of them, and testing it on mice was far preferable to risking the life of another wanderer. Of course, he probably could've given her a bit less of a death glare, but even he had his moments of being driven solely by emotion. He'd make a mental note to apologize later... maybe. Someday.

With his mind off of Astraea, Arvid's gaze was soon drawn over to Angelembrace, the other seemingly fascinated by what he was doing. A slow grin came over the dire wolf's muzzle at this realization, glad that someone else also seemed to see the benefits of his work. As the other lifted one of the mice in his paw, the canine blinked before nodding, his head tilted to one side, "Sure, I don't see why not. As long as you're not eating them, I don't care what you do with them – although I will admit, I'm curious to see what science you'll do with them." He then glanced down at the last remaining mouse, attention trailing between the rodent and his last little vial of poison. He lifted the last mouse up in his paws, tipping the nightshade poison into its mouth before he placed it back onto the ground.

He then watched as it began to bolt around, running in circles and chattering with a new sense of urgency. It was only a minute or so before it staggered to a halt, slowing and dropping to the ground as paralysis set in fully. Once he was sure the tiny creature had passed, he pushed it towards Angel, a pleased hum leaving him, "...All yours. It looks like I've chosen the right ingredients for these." The poisons would, of course, act more slowly on a larger subject, but that was fine. That was actually advantageous, since it meant that the poisons could take a while before they were detected, and by then? It could easily be too late.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass