Beasts of Beyond
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? ☆ o, intro - Printable Version

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WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? ☆ o, intro - MARI C. - 04-25-2021

Mari Caddo. She wasn't a particularly well known face around the Houses of Halcyone just yet, and she knew that. She didn't mind it, really. She had only officially joined the group a couple of weeks ago, stumbling upon the place during her usual wandering travels. The serval hadn't given much information upon joining, simply offering up a calm smile and warm brown eyes. Some had looked at her oddly or negatively since then, narrowed gaze judging her as a newcomer, and a strange one, at that. She ignored them for the most part, though. Didn't see reason to give those with sharp tongues and assumptions already formed in their heads the time of day, really. Instead, she preferred to keep to herself, gradually taking in information about the kingdom as a whole and the various houses that lingered within it. Taking in the information through gossip osmosis was rather interesting, to say the least, but it wasn't the most direct way of doing things. No, she knew of a better method, and it only took a little bit of asking around to be pointed in the right direction.

The two scents that constantly clung to Mari's pelt were a pair of rather clashing ones – the smell of ink, and the smell of cinnamon. The cinnamon smell was mainly due to her hobby of baking, something she enjoyed doing in her free time to put a smile on the faces of others. The ink smell, meanwhile, was because of her nature as a bookworm. She had been fascinated by the written word since she was a kitten, and her love of books hadn't faded at all as she had gotten older. In fact, it had only gotten stronger, as she had learned how useful books could really be. One particular thing books were good at was chronicling events, and history. So, a library seemed to be the perfect place to learn about the general history of a group. And, it just so happened that the kingdom had a massive library within the castle. She had been delighted upon hearing about it, heading directly into the castle and slipping inside without a care in the world. She didn't know if she was allowed to just come and go as she pleased, but her absent-minded nature made it easy for her to just... forget to ask. Best to ask for forgiveness, she supposed.

Soft steps eventually led the fluffy Caddo into the archives and library, her brown gaze going wide with glee as she took it all in. Part of her wanted to go rushing in like a child, pulling down every book and scroll that was in sight. She managed to restrain herself, however, eventually making her way to where a section of rather ornate scrolls resided. A cursory glance at the titles that resided on them told her that they were indeed scrolls chronicling the history of the group up to this point – exactly what she had been looking for. Pulling one of the earliest scrolls out carefully, Mari slowly unfurled it in front of her, immediately finding herself absorbed in the precise writing that sat before her. She seemed utterly enraptured as she read slowly, muttering softly to herself as she did so, "How fascinating..." She was so distracted by her reading that she would hardly recognize the approach of others, unless they shouted at her to grab her attention. And even then, the chances of it working seemed to be merely a 50/50.

Re: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? ☆ o, intro - teef - 04-26-2021


The library was a place of peace and calmness away from the calamity that each day may bring. It was a place he didn't often seek out, but it was a wonderful place to find knowledge and many things. Those such things were useful to an assassin - and he was always eager to find out more. He would notice the presence of others over time, more perusing the shelves himself. He had read most of the scrolls and books within the area he was within, but the soft voice of Mari caught his attention.

Ah, the history records. A warm smile found his face. It was best to leave a reader alone and not disturb them until they freed themselves from their reading. He would select a scroll himself, taking rest close to her but with enough sociable distance. He didn't want to seem like he was trying to interrupt her. Gaze turning to his own scroll, one he'd read many times, he let his mind wander for a while before a sneeze claimed him, "Achoo! Eiugh that wasn't pleasant...", he mumbled softly, holding his breath to avoid another sneeze.
template by orion

Re: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? ☆ o, intro - nadette - 05-03-2021

Admittedly, while perhaps not a place once might have made the assumption to spot her, on occasion Nadette could be found strolling about the library, making sure everything was in order or even to simply check the records here and there, ensuring they were updated in line with the history that was currently in the making. At least, in her mind she assumed that Lucius had priorities that must be met that could have prevented any run throughs, the minor things could have slipped under the radar if not careful.

A brief check in with one of the others that maintained the books was her current task, distracted only by the sneeze that escaped Jasper. "I suppose the place could use a quick cleaning, get rid of any unwanted dust." Nadette mused, approaching the two with a gentle head nod. She glanced about, as if looking for said dust. It would catch the sunlight streaming through the windows, after all.

"A BLADE OVER MY HEAD" —-- nadette / houses of halcyone / misc. / [member=1313]tori[/member]