Beasts of Beyond
uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - Printable Version

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uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - teef - 04-24-2021

The feeling of life leaving the corpse was one she had never been able to experience, a joy she had long wished for. When you were immortal ... you wished for death. In the beginning it might have been fun and cool, that is, until you see the first family member age and die before your eyes. Then your reality sets in. You have to watch them all die and you can't do anything about it. You have to let go of the person you love, you have to watch as they fall in love with their soulmate. You have to watch through your endless years, how they fall and get back up again. You have to watch your family die around you. And so, death is a blessing the immortal crave - for they are forever alone, punished by the cosmic forces to forever suffer for allowing their hearts the ability to care about another being, countless beings.

The darkness was a swift lover, taking her away, faster than anything she'd ever discovered, the cold canine body she had once lived within disappearing and detaching from her soul. She wasn't within her own body anymore, no, she wasn't. The darkness that pressed upon her eyelids ... it was gone. There was a deep red-orange hue against the backs of her eyelids. Sensations of dread prickled through her - no, she couldn't have escaped death! No, no, no! But even she couldn't fight the will of the gods, gods she wanted to tear down and murder for this. She'd been so close to resting eternally!

The feeling of softness hadn't escaped her. Hell, she didn't remember even laying down for her death to have come. She was never weak, she never could be, never could show weakness to herself or to others. She laid there, rage and pain building up inside of her chest, her eyes squeezed shut as helplessly furious tears rolled down her face. The gods were so cruel, she hadn't wanted to be stuck in this cycle anymore. She was pureblooded, she didn't have a choice at all. Choking back sobs, she tried to calm her heart and try to get a read on her surroundings. Everything hurt, but not in a physical pain, not yet at least.

Finally opening sore eyes, she would tremble and draw a deep breath before coughing, startled by the fluttering of wings against her back. Lifting her head to see the wings that made their presence known, she would gasp. She'd lost her wings so long ago, it felt so strange to have that weight there. Blinking at the sight of striped fur, she would flick her tail and come across a puff of fur on the end. Was she a ... cat? A big cat at that, it seemed. Looking at her paws blearily, she would look at the large paws, turning them over in silent consideration. Grunting softly, she would stretch as she rolled from her side onto her belly, clawing at the ground as a stream of curses left her mouth, "God fucking damnit! I'm still alive! What the fucking shit!? This is absolute bullshit you fuckers hear me!? BULLSHIT YOU FUCKING COWARDS!!!" the young almost-teenage lioness would roar to the heavens above in righteous fury.

Stumbling as she got used to her paws once again, the lioness would look around at the surroundings about her, nose scrunched as she caught a sweet scent. It was at that time that her stomach snarled at her and she tumbled forward, desperate to fill the gnawing hole in her stomach. As she greedily plucked and pulled berries and branches whole from the early sprouting blessing, fat angry tears would roll down her face. Her back hurt like nothing else, a reminder of the wings she had lost long ago, the bright and vibrant luna moth's wings pressed to her body, uncomfortable in having a pair after countless years without. Sobbing as she stuffed her face with early raspberries and not-yet ripe strawberries, she didn't care about the sour taste on her tongue. She needed something sweet - and she needed it now. Body shaking as she sobbed, she held herself back from yelling at the sky once more, sobs only growing louder as she continued to angrily stuff her face, stomach howling louder at her.

Re: uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - GORDON CIPHER. - 04-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHEN MY TIME COMES !。+゚.[/glow]
TRIGGER WARNING: this post goes briefly into abuse and death in the first paragraph

Death wasn't something Gordon wanted to experience. Not her own and certainly not anyone else's. The munchkin mix had gotten close to death once, back when she was with Caesar. Not by choice, mind you; her mother had been killed (or at least, that's what her and her brother were told; they never saw their mother's body). This meant that she and her brother were forced to be with Caesar, even if they were a secret to his group - which at the time, was The Typhoon. Gordon and Billiam lived on the outskirts of the territory and were by themselves and when they tried to escape, Caesar caught them. Caesar had lashed out at the twins and nearly killed Gordon when he ripped open her stomach - which would leave her with the scar that she had to this day.

Gordon was still worried that, to this day, her father would find her. It explained her constantly anxious and nervous personality, it explained her jumpy movements and the fact she was easily startled. Speaking of which, a loud roar echoing through the territory made her jump, her fur fluffing out in fear. Gordon knew better than to investigate but she knew that now, that she was apart of the Tribe, she had a duty to. Just to make sure her and her tribemates weren't in danger. Gordon slunk off, following where she thought she heard the roar coming from, keeping as low to the ground as possible (which, with her short legs, wasn't exactly hard). Eventually the golden she-cat came across a lioness, sobbing where she sat. Gordon blinked, confused. Was she the one that made that roar earlier? But she sounded so... ]angry.

"Um, h-hey," Gordon squeaked out as she revealed herself, pushing past the bushes she tried to conseal herself in. "Are y-you okay? Any injuries? I-I can go fetch the-the Tribe's medic, if-if you want." She kept her distance from Candiedapple though, eyes wide as she watched the lioness carefully.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - rhosmari - 04-24-2021

Re: uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - teef - 04-25-2021

Her moment of stuffing her face was interrupted by a delicate looking she-cat making her way from the bushes. Sniffing as she looked at her, brown and green eyed gaze sliding over her in careful consideration. She didn't know this molly, at least, she didn't think she did. It only further confirmed that she'd woken up in a new body in a new place different from where her first body had died. The flower upon her ear caught her gaze, the sobs slowly dying down into nothing as she sniffled. She was probably scary to animals smaller than her, although she wasn't too big in this body just yet.

"I'm fine. I don't hurt on the outside.", she shook her head side to side faintly, looking down at her paws. She hadn't expected any sentient animals to be around. Well, she was an animal herself but that didn't matter. She'd grown so used to being alone after she'd lost her wings and had been hidden from her ex-husband by her eldest son, that being around another speaking being was quite the change.

She'd expired in an undisclosed location, one her sons would likely come across in searching for her. A soft puff of breath would leave her lungs, her eyes closing for a moment as she tried to control the pain in her heart. Her head snapped up as a new voice joined them, ears flicking back. She must be near a settlement of some sort. "I apologize for the loudness. I go by the name of ...", she had to think. Would it be safe for her if they learned her name? "Apple." That would have to do for now.

Speech of tribemates ... she blinked at that. A tribe?what kind of tribe? Was it like the first groups of fae long in the past? "... You live in a tribe? Where exactly is this place?", she knew she was in the Beyond. There was no way around that one. She was stuck here until the gods stopped being assholes.

Re: uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - GORDON CIPHER. - 04-25-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHEN MY TIME COMES !。+゚.[/glow]
I don't hurt on the outside. Gordon could relate to that one, that's for sure. Gordon relaxed upon the arrival of Vanya - a familiar face at the very least. If there were trouble, at least the Russian would be here to hopefully help (though Gordon didn't know whether or not he knew how to fight).

"This-this is the Tribe of The Molten S-Spirits." Gordon answered Apple's question. "My-my name is Gordon Cipher. You-you should be welcome t-to stay here if-if you want."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - rhosmari - 04-25-2021

Re: uninterrupted tomorrows passed ? joiner, open - teef - 04-27-2021

The Tribe of The Molten Spirits. What a mouthful. Couldn't they come up with an easier name to say? Not that she could complain, they would never be able to speak her true name. She would dip her head to Gordon as she spoke, a sign of greeting, "Greetings, Miss Gordon. I would like to stay here for a while. I'll be okay to live in a pre-existing house if that's alright with everyone.", she would answer Vanya back with a firm look.

She didn't want to make the others give anything up to look after her. She'd be a pillar for herself. "Are there any high places with houses? If there are, I'd like to live there. I can build myself a house too.", she never called it home. Home wasn't here. She doubted it ever would be. She hadn't had a place to call home in millenia. The only person she could call a part of her 'home' would never be one she could interact with. Making eye contact with Vanya and Gordon, she gave an easy smile. She couldn't make them worry about her, even if she was in a fairly young body at the moment. She didnt need compassion or concern from them.