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I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - Printable Version

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I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - MAUDE P. - 04-22-2021

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - ARVID R. - 04-22-2021

Home. Although it had been a mere few weeks since Arvid had joined the Coalition of the Condemned, he truly did consider it to be his first real home. He was grateful to Sojourn and everyone else for letting him in, and he was attempting to return the favor, mainly through the use of his own knowledge. His latest attempt to help out had been delving into the field of poisons, figuring they would be useful in the case of a raid. Sure, a set of claws to the face or a weapon into your side would hurt, but if said claws or weapon were poisoned? That was just the kind of double whammy that the canine was hoping for. Of course, it didn't really seem as though Sojourn was gearing up for any raids anytime soon, but that could change. The Typhoon and the Palm Glades seemed to be primary targets, after all.

The dire wolf had been pondering the possibilities as he headed back towards the main camp, a satchel bouncing rhythmically against his side. It was filled with pretty much all the poisonous plants that he could find, provided he was actually able to pick them up without... you know, dying. His journey back home was brought to a screeching halt, however, when he stumbled across someone new. Or well, new to him, anyways. She didn't seem new to the Coalition, if the scent on her pelt was anything to go by. Maude immediately managed to fascinate him, with her larger than average stature, and the fangs she had that glinted slightly in the light. He moved over slowly, sitting down a few paces away before he spoke, "Hey there! Don't think we've met yet... I'm Arvid Rosenberg. Who are you?" Of course, unbeknownst to him, he and Maude were siblings, in a way. Both had been adopted by Saturn, although Arvid had been taken in by the other after joining the Coalition, rather than being brought into the group by Saturn.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - Grimm - 04-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Many the faces passed, catalogued in a memory proven fallible, trust in self, in the fabrication of long past moments, broken. Lacking names, instead given titles, accustomed grown, heavy still their own wrapped in the dark plumage weighing down weary shoulders. Better such distance maintained, familiarity bred pain, a festering rot that ate through the delicate strings of the heart, affection tied to downfall. A stranger among the people of ice and stone, a frigid Crow without a voice, imposter if only for the space may be bridged by their own decree.

Populated their few days with study, curiosity, meagre a well to draw from, satiated. Different it all, a scape unlike that left behind, mind unsure, a hesitation they wished to end in each step. As it were different conclusion found, sluggish grown pace, head low, back drawn hood in a dark mass against shoulders. Free jaws that hung open, throat hidden still, loose end trailing down, each breath harsh. Limitations exceeded, an unknown sought and found, exhaustion heavy as path is reversed.

Unceremonious halt, unexpected the presence that deemed suitable unyielding stone as her throne, another looking on, unknown this child to him as she was to the hunter. Ears hung limply as cranium shifted, curiosity present in dark depths. Query put forth and so silent would they be, chosen their own placement separate from both, over the tusked child gaze moving.

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - Casphian - 04-22-2021

Familiar scents drifted towards a certain snow leopard that happened to be passing close by, drawing them towards the source of the scents. Saturn bounded over to the group, settling beside Noèmie as they drew closer. "Hello my firecracker," they called out the greeting directed towards Maude. The feline padded closer to Arvid, brushing against the dire wolf in greeting. They had yet to introduce Maude to the rest of their children they adopted, more for the sake of wanting Maude to be able to settle in first and get used to everything before informing her of the other two that Saturn had staked their claim on.

Honestly they were bound to meet eventually so Saturn probably shouldn't of waited so long or long enough that they eventually bumped into each other but it is what it is and a little too late for that now. Well at least with Arvid, Angel still had yet to make an appearance so many they could properly introduce Maude to Angel.

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - angelembrace - 04-22-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Who had disturbed his rest? He was concerned about how tired he was as of late, not too tired as to not be social, or not yet anyway, but he did stumble out upon Maude and company while rubbing his eyes with a paw. A clean paw, dirt in his eye would have been incredibly unpleasant. Actually, dirt anywhere would be incredibly unpleasant when you were a prissy little child.

”Who’s this?” Angel asked, sitting down next to Saturn and laying his pale yellow eyes upon the new face. She was....interesting. The teeth that protruded from Maude’s lower jaw were rather intimidating, and that was certainly a lot to say given the intimidating figures that he encountered frequently. At the very least, Sojourn and Anthemtalon’s teeth remained in their mouth.

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - ASTRAEA CIPHER-LINGRÉ - 04-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]STARDUST IN YOU AND ME !。+゚.[/glow]
It was rather boring being a kid in the Coalition, with the group still somewhat recovering from the mudslide that happened. Fortunately though, it seemed like they were going to return to camp soon. Then maybe some interesting things would happen. But Astraea did sympathize with Maude though, even if she couldn't hear the other cub's thoughts.

"Hi everyone!" The liliger chirped as she came over, a smile on her face. "Hi stranger, my name is Astraea Cipher-Lingré."[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - Byriath - 04-23-2021

If Byriath had the reason to search Angel's thoughts and found that he didn't include the Guru in the list of people with scary teeth, he would have bared his teeth for the fun of it. But he simply strode on, hearing the commotion. The Xenosmilus looked at Maude, then at Saturn, before sighing and shaking his head. "Who is this kid, Saturn? Don't tell me you've adopted another kid?" There was a playful tone in his voice as he dipped his head in greeting. "I'm Byriath, the Guru here." and resident war god. Obviously no one knew. Or he hoped no one knew. Or believed.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - Grimm - 04-24-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]A beacon, ever beckoning though distinct the lack of external illumination, strange and new. Expectations built and exceeded, moments coalescing into meagre minutes, another sheep filling forth. Exposed, naked the manner lips curdled, peeled back without unconscious aid. Momentary the hold, a time in which mind caught up, again lips meeting, taunt still the draw. Chin falling, back the draw of once relaxed ears, posture straightened with the tense draw of shoulders.

Too many, close crowded, proximity overlapping and converging, comfort taken. Tongue broke the barrier of lips, traced along, thoughts slow to rise. Departure only assured method of alleviating the concoction of discomfort and anger clinging to their throat, hushed the broken sound produced, caught in the middle ground of growl and whine. Unceremonious the end, head rising, words pulling their vision towards faintly familiar visage.


Particular the use, the infliction behind simple syllables, questions rising, focus turning with their formulation. Beneath that dark field the leopard caught, nose twitching for a brief moment. Forth the reach, without direction, outward spread of a gentle thought rife with the confusion that did not find home on lax features. Another? Children they had seen, one familiar among while new to them the others, different each, resemblance missing between Saturn and they four as well.

Re: I DO NOT YIELD ; intro - rhosmari - 04-24-2021

Dark and haunting she watched from the background. The group suddenly surrounding a child and one she had yet to personally meet herself. She was not as inclined to talk to the kid as it seemed everyone else was. After all she was not considered kid friendly if her threat to Angel had been anything to go by. She was not a stable individual but personally she thought she was okay. She thought she was going okay. She thought. Blinking slowly the leopardess slowly came forward and she peered at the feline, her teeth poking out of her mouth, a flopped over ear. A brutish appearance. Interesting. Still she was someone else's brood and from what she had gained she was the adopted child of Saturn. "Well, well...." She mused quietly as she stared at the child. She saw some potential here and after a moment she gave a small smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Sojourn." Just a simple introduction would do here just like with everyone else. Frankly she didn't think there was anything else to do here but to get acquainted with one another. As for the question of another she merely shrugged her shoulders. Who knew? She hadn't been keeping up with who was adopting who around here.